S-Lang function to create a FITS output file.
Integer_Type writefits( filename, data )
Integer_Type writefits( filename, data, extname )
Integer_Type writefits( filename, data, extname, key_array )
Integer_Type writefits( filename, data, extname, key_array, clobber )
Error Return Value: 0 on success and -1 on failure.
The writefits() function
generates FITS output files from S-Lang structured variables.
FITS images or binary tables may be created, using input data
in either CIAO or ISIS format (see below). Optional arguments
include a string array of FITS-legal header keywords, as well
as a file clobber boolean (which defaults to 0, ie false).
The data parameter is a structured S-Lang variable in either
S-Lang/ISIS or CIAO/Varmm formats. The former is just a collection
of raw column fields (or a pixel array) within a structure, while
the latter augments the raw data with metadata (denoted by fields
beginning with underscores) describing the originating path and
filename, applied filter, etc (see "ahelp readfile" for
further information).
Within the routine, 'data' will be interpreted as follows: if it
is a single, unnamed N-dim array OR contains a named '_pixels'
array field, then it will be written to the file as an image
contains a named '_nrows' field then all of the fields following
'nrows' will be written as cols within a binary table
does not contain _nrows but rather some other series of named fields,
then those fields will be written as columns to a binary table
if a non-NULL header key string is passed in, write this as the
header, otherwise use the '_header' field in the structure
if it exists.
chips> ascii = readfile("ascii.dat")
chips> writefits("copy.fits",ascii,"duplicate")
The output file will contain a Table block called
"duplicate" which contains the data from the input
file. If ascii.dat contained two columns with 3 elements
each then the output file would look like:
unix% dmlist copy.fits blocks
Dataset: copy.fits
Block Name Type Dimensions
Block 1: PRIMARY Null
Block 2: duplicate Table 2 cols x 3 rows
unix% dmlist copy.fits cols
Columns for Table Block duplicate
ColNo Name Unit Type Range
1 col1 Real4 -Inf:+Inf label for field 1
2 col2 Real4 -Inf:+Inf label for field 2
The ascii2fits tool can also be used for this purpose.
The next exmaple shows a simple way one can copy or
rearrange a table within a FITS file.
The first writefits call specifies a NULL key array and will
clobber swap.fits if present. The second and third calls simply
append the blocks to the existing file (the default). Many other
paste/merge/sort operations are possible, with similar relative
chips> bl1 = readfile("table.fits[2]")
chips> bl2 = readfile("table.fits[3]")
chips> bl3 = readfile("table.fits[4]")
chips> writefits("swap.fits",bl3,"one",NULL,1)
chips> writefits("swap.fits",bl2,"two")
chips> writefits("swap.fits",bl1,"three")
This is a copy of the previous example except
that the code is written to a file that
can be run with slsh.
variable bl1 = readfile("table.fits[2]");
variable bl2 = readfile("table.fits[3]");
variable bl3 = readfile("table.fits[4]");
() = writefits("swap.fits",bl3,"one",NULL,1);
() = writefits("swap.fits",bl2,"two");
() = writefits("swap.fits",bl1,"three");
Since this is a S-Lang script, the
Varmm module must be loaded,
variables defined, and statements
have to end in a semi-colon.
We also have to account for the return value of
the writefits() function; here we ignore the value
but in general it should be checked for success.
As discussed in "ahelp readimage", the axis order
used by S-Lang and FITS is different:
S-Lang uses the C system where the right-most index
loops fastest whilst FITS uses the FORTRAN scheme
where the left-most index loops fastest.
This means that a 5 by 2 S-Lang array will be
stored as a 2 by 5 FITS image, as shown here.
chips> a = _reshape( [1:10], [5,2] )
chips> a
chips> print( a )
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
chips> writefits( "temp.img", a )
This creates the file temp.img which dmlist reports
unix% dmlist temp.img blocks
Dataset: temp.img
Block Name Type Dimensions
Block 1: PRIMARY Image Int4(2x5)
unix% dmlist temp.img data,array
Data for Image Block PRIMARY
1 [ 1 1 ] 1
1 [ 2 1 ] 2
1 [ 1 2 ] 3
1 [ 2 2 ] 4
1 [ 1 3 ] 5
1 [ 2 3 ] 6
1 [ 1 4 ] 7
1 [ 2 4 ] 8
1 [ 1 5 ] 9
1 [ 2 5 ] 10
The data has been written out correctly, it is just that
the order of the axes has been swapped. If you use
readimage() to read in "temp.img" the pixels field
of the returned structure will match the original S-Lang
array (here the variable a).
chips> b = readimage( "temp.img" )
Warning: Could not retrieve WCS coord descriptor
chips> b.pixels
chips> print( b.pixels )
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
Prior to CIAO 3.1, non-square images were written
out by writefits() incorrectly.