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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/font.html
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AHELP for CIAO 3.4 font Context: chips


Changes the default global font.


chips> FONT <font>


Argument: <font>
Description: font type designation
Options: {GREEK | GR} (Greek), {ITALIC | IT} (Italic), 
         {OLDENGLISH | OE} (Old English), {ROMAN | RM} (Roman),
         {TINY | TI} (Tiny)
Default: ROMAN

This command affects all drawing areas.

The <text> argument of the commands LABEL, XLABEL, YLABEL, ZLABEL, and TITLE may contain TeX syntax for formatting text and creating mathematical expressions. This TeX syntax may include mixed font settings, as shown in one of the EXAMPLES.

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.

Example 1

chips> CURVE data/example.dat
chips> XLABEL "X-axis"
chips> YLABEL "Y-axis"
chips> TITLE "Title"
chips> LABEL 2.0 2.5 "Plot label"
chips> XLABEL SIZE 2.0
chips> YLABEL SIZE 2.0
chips> TITLE SIZE 2.0
chips> LABEL SIZE 2.0
chips> FONT GR
chips> FONT RM

After creating a plot and adding labels and a title, the global font is changed first to Greek. The final command changes the global font back to the default Roman. The following commands are equivalent when changing fonts:


Example 2

chips> D 1 LABEL 2.0 50.0 "\oe This \rm is \gr Greek"

This LABEL command utilizes TeX syntax in order to achieve mixed font settings in the same plot. The command produces a label where "This" is in Old English font, "is" is in Roman font, and "Greek" is in the Greek font.


See the bugs page for ChIPS on the CIAO website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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