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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/tickvals.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
AHELP for CIAO 3.4 tickvals Context: chips


Controls the appearance of numerical tick mark labels.


chips> [D #] TICKVALS [<coor>] {AUTO | <format>}
chips> [D #] TICKVALS [<coor>] {ON | OFF}
chips> [D #] TICKVALS [SIZE] <size_value>


Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <coor>
Description: axis
Options: X, Y  
Default: both X and Y
Argument: <format>
Description: format of the numeric tick mark labels; must be contained
             within quotes (" ").
Options: any standard FORTRAN or C format string
Argument: <size_value>
Description: tick size
Options: real numbers
Default: 1.0

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.

Example 1

chips> SPLIT 2
chips> D 1 CURVE data/fit.dat
chips> D 2 CURVE data/residuals.dat

After two curves are plotted, each within a separate drawing area, the tick mark labels are removed from the X-axis of drawing area number 1.

Example 2

chips> D 1 TICKVALS SIZE 0.95
chips> D 2 TICKVALS SIZE 0.75

The size of the tick marks on drawing areas 1 and 2 are changed to 0.95 and 0.75, respectively.

Example 3

chips> D 1 TICKVALS Y "%1.1f"
chips> D 2 TICKVALS "%1.1f"

The format of the tick mark labels on the Y axis of drawing area 1, where "%1.1f" is a C formatting string. The second command applies the same format to both axes of drawing area 2. Finally, the tick mark labels on the X-axis of area 2 are restored to the default setting.


See the bugs page for ChIPS on the CIAO website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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