Convert from Sky tangent coordinates to FPC by reversing the aspect solution.
Array_Type pix_deapply_aspect( Double_Type x, Double_Type y,
Double_Type u, Double_Type v, Double_Type roll )
This routine converts a position in the Sky tangent coordinate
system to the Focal Plane coordinate (FPC) system.
To perform this conversion the routine needs to know the
aspect solution, knowledge of where the telescope
was pointing at the time the photon was detected.
The (x,y) values give the photon location in the Sky tangent system,
in pixels, while the (u,v,roll) values give the
aspect offset information, with (u,v) in pixels
and roll is the roll angle in degrees.
The return value is a two-element array which gives the
FPC coordinates in pixels.
It is recommended that
the pix_dmTanPixToWorld() and pix_TanWorldToPix()
routines are used instead of pix_apply_aspect() and
pix_deapply_aspect(), since the
results will be more accurate.