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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/coord.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
AHELP for CIAO 3.4 coord Context: sherpa


Specifies the coordinate system for use in fits to 2-D images.


sherpa> COORD [<dataset range> | ALLSETS] [<arg>]

where <dataset range> = #, or more generally #:#,#:#,..., such that #
specifies a dataset number, and #:# represents an inclusive range of
datasets; one may specify multiple inclusive ranges by separating them
with commas. The default dataset is dataset number 1.


<arg> is either:

COORD Command Arguments

Argument Coordinate System
{IMAGE | LOGICAL} Logical coordinates: the bin numbers (1, 2, 3...)
PHYSICAL Physical coordinates: a linear transformation of logical coordinates.
{WCS | WORLD} World coordinates (RA,dec).

Issuing the COORD command with no argument causes Sherpa to display the current setting for the specified dataset number(s).

Note that if, e.g., a source model is defined before a switch of coordinate systems, it will be necessary either to issue the GUESS command to reset the initial parameter values and their ranges to more appropriate values, or to reset the values by hand.


Fit data in physical coordinates:

sherpa> DATA example_img2.fits
sherpa> NOTICE FILTER "circle(425,343,30)"
sherpa> SOURCE = GAUSS2D[g]
sherpa> COORD
Coordinate setting for dataset 1: logical
sherpa> COORD
Coordinate setting for dataset 1: physical
sherpa> g.fwhm = 1
sherpa> FIT
 LVMQT: V2.0
 LVMQT: initial statistic value = 1289.82
 LVMQT: final statistic value = 1176.13 at iteration 12
             g.fwhm  2.39494     
             g.xpos  4010.48     
             g.ypos  3927.48     
             g.ampl  40.3545     


See the Sherpa bug pages online for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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