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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/sherpa.fitplot.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
AHELP for CIAO 3.4 sherpa.fitplot Context: sherpa


Configure appearance of Sherpa plots.




The Sherpa configuration variable (also called "state object") sherpa.fitplot controls appearance of plots created by LPLOT BACKFIT, LPLOT BFIT, and LPLOT FIT . The settings of sherpa.fitplot do not affect plots created with any other command.

The following table lists each field of sherpa.fitplot, with a description and the default value:

Field Name Description Default
x_errorbars Add x-axis error bars to data points (0 = false, 1 = true) 0
y_errorbars Add y-axis error bars to data points (0 = false, 1 = true) 1
errs_style Style of error bars bar
errs_type Direction of Error bars: up, down (or both). both
x_log Log scale for x-axis (0 = false, 1 = true) 0
y_log Log scale for y-axis (0 = false, 1 = true) 0
curvestyle Style of curve (e.g., histogram) noline
curvecolor Curve color default
symbolstyle Style of symbols (e.g., triangle, square) square
symbolcolor Symbol color default
symbolsize Symbol size 2
fit_curvestyle Style of 2nd, predicted data curve step
fit_curvecolor Color of 2nd, predicted data curve red
fit_symbolstyle Style of symbols of 2nd, predicted data curve square
fit_symbolcolor Symbol color Color of symbols of 2nd, predicted data curve
fit_symbolsize Size of symbols of 2nd, predicted data curve 2
xlabel_size Size of x label 1.5
ylabel_size Size of y label 1.5
zlabel_size Size of z label 1.5
title_size Size of title 1.5
tickvals_size Size of tick values 1.5
prefunc User S-Lang function executed before the data is plotted NULL
postfunc User S-Lang function executed after the data is plotted NULL

Possible error bar styles: standard, bar.

Possible error bar types: both, none, up, down, dn.

Possible colors: black, blue, cyan, default, green, magenta, red, white, yellow.

Possible curve styles: histo, noline, simpleline, step.

Possible symbol styles: bigpoint, block, circle, cross, diamond, downtri, none, point, soliddiamond, soliddowntri, soliduptri, square, uptri.

The fields sherpa.fitplot.prefunc and sherpa.fitplot.postfunc refer to optional user functions that can be applied to plots before and after the plot is created. Please see the ahelp file sherpa-plot-hooks for more information.

Example 1

The sherpa.fitplot settings can be changed at the command line. When assigning a string to a field, the string should be quoted as shown in the second command:

sherpa> sherpa.fitplot.x_log = 1
sherpa> sherpa.fitplot.curvecolor = "green"

Example 2

Create an alias sfp to sherpa.fitplot and use it.

sherpa> variable sfp = sherpa.fitplot
sherpa> sfp.x_log = 1
sherpa> sfp.curvecolor = "green"

Example 3

Use print to obtain the information about the current settings of sherpa.fitplot:

sherpa> print(sherpa.fitplot)
x_errorbars      =  0
y_errorbars      =  1
errs_style       =  bar
errs_type        =  both
x_log            =  0
y_log            =  0
curvestyle       =  noline
curvecolor       =  default
symbolstyle      =  square
symbolcolor      =  default
symbolsize       =  2
fit_curvestyle   =  step
fit_curvecolor   =  red
fit_symbolstyle  =  none
fit_symbolcolor  =  default
fit_symbolsize   =  2
xlabel_size      =  1.5
ylabel_size      =  1.5
zlabel_size      =  1.5
title_size       =  1.5
tickvals_size    =  1.5
prefunc          =  NULL
postfunc         =  NULL


See the Sherpa bug pages online for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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