The S-Lang interface to the CXC grouping library
The group module is the interface between the S-Lang
interpreter (see "ahelp slang") and the CXC group
library (see "ahelp dmgroup"), which bins histogram
data based on various user-selected rules. This document
provides an overview of the features of the group module, and
shows how to use it in a S-Lang program. Detailed descriptions
of each function are provided by individual ahelp pages.
The group module is not available by default; to use it in
a S-Lang program, it must be loaded using the
S-Lang require() function:
The following functions are provided by the module; use
"ahelp <function>" to get a detailed description
of a function:
(grouping, quality) = grpNumCounts(countsArray, numCounts [,maxLength,tabStops]); |
(grouping, quality) = grpNumBins(numChans, numBins [, tabStops]); |
(grouping, quality) = grpBinWidth(numChans, binWidth [, tabStops]); |
(grouping, quality) = grpSnr(countsArray, snr [,maxLength, tabStops,errorCol]); |
(grouping, quality) = grpAdaptive(countsArray, minCounts [,maxLength, tabStops]); |
(grouping, quality) = grpAdaptiveSnr(countsArray, snr [,maxLength, tabStops, errorCol]); |
(grouping, quality) = grpMinSlope(dataArray, binArray, slope [,maxLength, tabStops]); |
(grouping, quality) = grpMaxSlope(dataArray, binArray, slope [,maxLength, tabStops]); |
(grouping, quality) = grpBin(dataArray, binLowArray, binHighArray [,tabStops]); |
(grouping, quality) = grpBinFile(dataArray, fDataArray, fGroupingCol, fQualCol [,tabStops]); |
grpdata = grpGetGroupSum(dataArray, groupCol); |
chanspergrp = grpGetChansPerGroup(groupCol); |
grpnum = grpGetGrpNum(groupCol); |
The group module is intended to take an array of counts and
group it, summing certain adjacent bins to increase the overall
signal to noise. The available routines can group bins until
each bin has a minimum number of counts (grpNumCounts), or
until there are a fixed number of bins (grpNumBins), or
simply group a fixed number of bins together (grpBinWidth).
More complex grouping algorithms exist to bin data adaptively
until a minimum signal to noise ratio is met, as well as
other methods. See "ahelp <function>" for
more details on the individual functions.
Some parameters are optional; these are shown in the function
calls listed above inside []s. Any optional parameter can be
omitted; if you want to use the default for one optional parameter
but set an optional parameter that follows it, simply include
an extra comma for each skipped parameter. See the EXAMPLE
section below for more details.
Most of the grouping functions output two arrays, a grouping
array and a quality array. The grouping array is a vector
the same length as the data to be grouped. The grouping
vector is 1 at the start of a new "grouped" bin and
-1 at a continuation. A grouping array of
indicates that a 6 element array will be grouped into
3 groups, each containing 2 elements.
The quality array is the same length, with
values of 0 to indicate good data, 5 to indicate data omitted
by the user in the grouping call (i.e., within a tabStop), or 2
to indicate data without enough channels to make a complete
bin (i.e., the 13th channel in a 13-element array binned by
For the complete definition of these two arrays,
see the OGIP Memo OGIP/92-007
sherpa> require("group")
sherpa> ChanArr = [1:1024:1]
sherpa> CountArr = 5 + 3*sin(ChanArr/100.)
% Group to get at least 5 counts per bin, with a maximum of 10 channels
binned together.
sherpa> (grpArr1, QualArr1) = grpNumCounts(CountArr, 5, 10)
% Group input vector into 150 bins
sherpa> (grpArr2, QualArr2) = grpNumBins(1024, 150)
% Group every 8 bins together, but skip channels 100, 200, and 245.
sherpa> (grpArr3, QualArr3) = grpBinWidth(1024, 8, [100,200,245])
% Sum the grouped data, using grouping array grpArr1
sherpa> GrpCount1 = grpGetGroupSum(CountArr, grpArr1)
% Extract only 1 channel for each binned group
sherpa> GrpChan1 = ChanArr[where(grpArr1==1)]
The following routine can be used to group a PHA spectrum
interactively, allowing it to be plotted easily.
% Usage:
% (channel, counts) = bin_pha_adaptive( "data.pha" , 15);
define bin_pha_adaptive ( phafile, minCts ) {
variable grouping, quality;
variable pha = readfile(phafile);
if (orelse {typeof(pha) != Struct_Type} {pha._filetype != PHA_I}) {
vmessage("Error: %s not found or not a legal PHA file.",pha);
return NULL;
(grouping, quality) = grpNumCounts(pha.counts, minCts);
variable grpData = grpGetGroupSum(pha.counts, grouping);
variable grpChan = grpGetGrpNum(grouping);
grpData = grpData[where(grouping==1 and quality==0)];
grpChan = grpChan[where(grouping==1 and quality==0)];
return grpChan, grpData;
} % bin_pha_adaptive ( phafile, minCts )
With the above function, one can see what effect a particular
value for minCts will have on the plotted spectrum.
sherpa> evalfile("");
sherpa> (c,d) = bin_pha_adaptive("ngc892.pha",15)
sherpa> curve(c,d)
sherpa> redraw
The module can now be loaded by using the statement, although the previous method (loading with the import command) still works.
- group