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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/paramio_punlearn.html
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AHELP for CIAO 3.4 punlearn Context: paramio


Restore the system defaults for a parameter file from S-Lang.


punlearn( paramfilespec )


This function is essentially the same as the command-line version (see "ahelp tools punlearn"). To use it the paramio module must have been loaded. The input value can be one of:

  • a string containing a single name
  • a string containing multiple names, each separated by a space or a comma
  • an array of strings, each string being the name of a single parameter file

Note that punlearn() does not accept a Param_File_Type variable - i.e. the output of paramopen().

As with all the paramio routines, the PF_Errno variable is set to 0 on success, or on error it is set to one of the error codes listed in the paramio documentation.


chips> require("paramio")
chips> punlearn("dmextract")
chips> punlearn("dmextract dmlist")
chips> punlearn("dmextract dmlist, dmcopy")
chips> punlearn(["dmextract","dmlist","dmcopy"])

This example shows the different ways that punlearn() can be used.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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