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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/get_record.html
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AHELP for CIAO 3.4 get_record Context: sherpa


Module function to return a record of model parameter values at the end of each iteration of the fitting process.


Struct_Type get_record()

Error Return Value: NULL


The RECORD command saves the best-fit model values at the end of each iteration during fits. For instance, if a particular fit with the POWELL optimization method took 14 iterations, then 14 values are recorded for each free parameter. Also saved is the statistic value at the end of each iteration. The output of get_record is a S-Lang variable of Struct_Type, containing this information.

There are three fields in the output structure:

  • name: a String_Type array of length M, where M is the number of free model parameters. This array contains the parameter names.
  • val: a Double_Type array of length M x N, where N is the number of iterations through parameter space during the fitting process. This array records the value of each free model parameter at the end of each step through parameter space.
  • stat: a Double_Type array of statistic values of length N. This array records the value of the fit statistic at the end of each step through parameter space.

See the related Sherpa command RECORD for more information.


sherpa> record
sherpa> fit
sherpa> foo = get_record()
sherpa> print(foo)
name             =  String_Type[4]
val              =  Double_Type[4,14]
stat             =  Double_Type[14]
sherpa> variable a = foo.val[0,*]
sherpa> () = curve(a,foo.stat)


See the Sherpa bug pages online for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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