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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/mkoif.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
AHELP for CIAO 3.4 mkoif Context: tools


Create an OIF (observation index file) for a dataset


mkoif [input_dir]



An OIF (observation index file) is a FITS file that contains the names - plus ancillary information - of the data files stored within a directory tree (ie it also includes files stored in sub-directories). You will find such a file - called oif.fits - included in the top level of any Chandra dataset you receive from the CXC or the Chandra archive. As well as providing an overview of your data, the OIF provides the information necessary for the firstlook GUI to work.

An abbreviated example of the contents of an OIF is shown below:

primary/acisf01843N001_cntr_img2.fits.gz PRIMARY IMAGE
primary/acisf01843N001_evt2.fits.gz BINTABLE EVENTS
primary/acisf01843N001_full_img2.fits.gz PRIMARY IMAGE

How to use mkoif

The mkoif tool allows you to recreate the oif.fits file for an observation. This is useful when you add in new data from the archive: the oif.fits will be over-written and only contain information relevant to the new files. It also allows you to add the full path name to the files, so that you can have access to the data (using firstlook) from any directory (you could store the OIFs for all your Chandra observations in a single directory - after renaming them to oif<id>.fits - and then browse through them all using firstlook).

Unlike the majority of the CIAO tools, mkoif does not use the parameter interface. It scans the current directory (or the directory specified on the command line), storing details of all FITS files (including compressed ones) in the file oif.fits. The scan is done recursively, so it will search all sub-directories of the original directory. The output file is always created in the current directory (ie the one in which mkoif was started).


  • The behavior of mkoif has changed from the CIAO 2.1 release: it now no longer requires the ouput of a `ls' command to be piped to it, but will scan the directory structure itself.

Example 1

unix% ls
oif.fits primary/ secondary/
unix% mkoif
starting to read directory
found 6 files
Inserted row 1, file primary/acisf01843N001_cntr_img2.fits
Inserted row 2, file primary/acisf01843N001_evt2.fits

Here we re-create the OIF to ensure that it is up to date.

Example 2

unix% mkoif /data/obsid1843
starting to read directory
found 6 files
Inserted row 1, file
Inserted row 2, file /data/obsid1843/primary/acisf01843N001_evt2.fits

Here we create an OIF for the files stored within the directory /data/obsid1843. The oif.fits file will be created in the directory in which mkoif is run. Note that, unlike the previous example, the data files are stored in the OIF with the full path name.


See the bugs page for this tool on the CIAO website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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