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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/dmcols.html
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AHELP for CIAO 3.4 dmcols Context: dm


Selecting columns in a table


[cols name1,name2,...]
[cols #1,#4,...]
[cols -name1,-name2]
[cols newname1=name1,newname2=name2,...]


Selecting columns

The DM virtual file syntax lets you pick out selected columns from a table.

  dmcopy "evt.fits[cols time,pha]" tmp1.fits

makes a file containing only the columns time and pha, whereas

  dmstat "evt.fits[cols energy]"

passes to dmstat a virtual file containing only the column called "energy".

Renaming columns

  dmcopy "pi.fits[cols rate=count_rate]" npi.fits

renames the column count_rate in pi.fits to be simply rate in the file npi.fits. In this example only the count_rate column is copied; to copy across the other columns you can either specify them individually or use the symbol "*":

  dmcopy "pi.fits[cols rate=count_rate,*]" npi2.fits

Changing the order of columns

The cols directive can be used to reorder the columns in a file, since they will come out in the order you specify. In the previous example - which used

cols rate=count_rate,*

- the rate column is the first column in the output file, whatever its position in the input file. Note that if you have a vector column sky(x,y), then

  dmcopy "evt.fits[cols x,y]" table.fits

will retain the information that (x,y) is a vector column called sky, but any of

[cols x]

[cols y,x]

[cols x,pha,y]

will not, and the vector-dependent coordinate systems like RA and Dec will be lost.

Using the column number rather than the name

The command

  dmstat "evt.fits[cols #3]"

passes to dmstat a file which contains only the third column in evt.fits (where `column' is used in the DM sense, in which sky(x,y) is a single "vector" column; use

dmlist evt.fits cols

to find the column numbers).

Excluding columns

You can also exclude columns; both the following commands remove the status column from the file, leaving the other columns intact.

  dmcopy "evt.fits[cols -status]" tmp1.fits
  dmcopy "evt.fits[cols !status]" tmp1.fits

When used from the Unix shell the "!" symbol needs to be written as "\!", which makes the first form more convenient.

Accessing virtual columns

A table can contain virtual columns; these are columns whose values are calculated by applying a mathematical transform to an existing column. They are mainly used to represent coordinate systems such as those described in "ahelp coords". For a Chandra event file, the sky(x,y) column contains a coordinate transform to create the eqpos(ra,dec) column - which gives the RA and Dec of each event. These values can be listed by using either of the following two commands:

  dmlist "evt.fits[cols ra,dec]"  data
  dmlist "evt.fits[cols eqpos]"  data

You can find the names of the coordinate systems defined for a file by using the 'cols' option to dmlist:

  dmlist evt.fits cols

and then using these coordinate system names in a DM

[cols ...]

qualifier lets you turn them into actual columns.

It is also possible to filter and bin on virtual columns. For example:

  dmlist "evt.fits[ra=233.5:233.7,dec=23.4:23.6]" data
  dmcopy "evt.fits[bin eqpos=0.01]" img.fits

However, filtering and binning do not work correctly with virtual columns derived from non-monotonic coordinate transforms (e.g. MSC(THETA,PHI), or EQPOS near the poles; see 'ahelp coords' for more information on these coordinate systems). Hence, the results of filtering and binning in these cases are not reliable.

Also, world-coordinate region filters on eqpos, such as


are not handled as one might expect. When the region filter is applied, eqpos is treated as a vector on R^2 (the plane). For a circular region, a point (ra,dec) passes the filter if it satisfies the equation

sqrt( (ra - ra0)^2 + (dec - dec0)^2 ) ) < radius

However, what one most likely wants in this case is for eqpos to be treated as a vector on S^2 (the sphere), with a point passing the filter if the spherical arc distance between it and (ra0,dec0) is less than the radius. Currently, the best approximation to this can be obtained by applying the region filter to sky rather than eqpos, e.g.


Hence, this alternative should be preferred over region filtering on eqpos in most cases.


See the bugs page for the Data Model library on the CIAO website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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