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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/fits_bitpix.html
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AHELP for CIAO 3.4 fits_bitpix Context: varmm


Converts S-Lang variables and data types to FITS BITPIX values.


Integer_Type fits_bitpix( [data] )


This routine converts from a S-Lang variable or datatype to the FITS BITPIX value - as defined at http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/ - that should be used to store the value in a FITS image. If there is no corresponding BITPIX value then -1 is returned.

One example of when this function is useful is when using the S-Lang XPA module to send image data to a ds9 session, as shown below in one of the examples.

Example 1

chips> fits_bitpix(23)
chips> fits_bitpix(23.3)
chips> x = typecast( [0:9], UChar_Type )
chips> fits_bitpix(x)

The examples above show the BITPIX values one would use to represent Integer_Type (23), Double_Type (23.3), and an array of UChar_Type variables (x).

Example 2

chips> fits_bitpix(Integer_Type)
chips> fits_bitpix(Double_Type)
chips> fits_bitpix(UChar_Type)

Instead of the actual values, as used in the previous example, here we explicitly specify the S-Lang data type we wish to convert.

Example 3

# Create the image
chips> img = sin([1:256*256]*0.1)
chips> reshape( img, [256,256] )
chips> img
chips> fits_bitpix(img)
# Start ds9 and ensure the XPA access point is available
chips> require("xpa")
chips> system("ds9 &");
chips> while( xpaaccess("ds9") == 0 ) sleep(1);
# Create a new frame and tell ds9 to display the image
chips> xpaset( "ds9", "frame new")
chips> xpaset( "ds9", "cmap heat")
chips> xpaset( "ds9", "array [xdim=256,ydim=256,bitpix=-64]", img )

In this example we use the S-Lang XPA module to tell ds9 to display the two-dimensional image we have just created. The fits_bitpix() routine is used to find out what value to include in the command string we send to ds9 via the xpaset() call.

The S-Lang intrinsic function array_info() can be combined with fits_bitpix() to allow a function to be written that takes in an arbritrary two-dimensional image and sends it to ds9.

For more information on XPA try "ahelp xpa", the SAORD XPA documentation, and - for details of the XPA interface within ds9 - the SAORD ds9 documentation.

Example 4

chips> fits_bitpix("a string")
chips> fits_bitpix(Array_Type)
chips> fits_bitpix(NULL)
chips> fits_bitpix()

Here the return value is -1 because the input values do not have a corresponding BITPIX value.


See the bugs page for the Varmm library on the CIAO website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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