Controls the rotation angle of a surface plot.
chips> [D #] [C #] VIEWPOINT <theta> <phi> <l>
Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area
See the D command for more information about
this argument.
Argument: C #
Description: curve number designation
Options: integer number
Default: current curve
See the C command for more information about
this argument.
Argument: <l>
Description: angle l in degrees
Options: real numbers
Default: -1.0
Argument: <phi>
Description: angle phi in degrees
Options: real numbers
Default: -10.0
Argument: <theta>
Description: angle theta in degrees
Options: real numbers
Default: 30.0
The angles <theta>, <phi>, and <l> are defined in
ChIPS the same way as they are defined in the SM engine:
Surfaces are drawn from a direction
(<theta>,<phi>), and projected onto a surface passing
through the origin. The projection is from a point <l> away from
the nearest corner of the cube containing the image. If <l> is:
positive - a perspective projection is used
zero (0) - the viewpoint is taken to be infinitely far from the surface
negative - an axonometric projection is used (i.e. the surface is
projected from infinity onto the X-Z plane)
The coordinate system is right-handed and is oriented such that the
Z-axis is <theta> = 90 and (<theta>,<phi>)=(0,0).
Angles are taken to be in degrees, with theta lying in (-90,90) and
<phi> lying in (-180,180). The nearest corner of the cube
containing the surface is projected onto the point (0,0).
chips> D 1 SURFACE data/example3D.sorted.dat 0.0 10.0
chips> VIEWPOINT 10.0 10.0 10.0
The data file data/example3D.sorted.dat is plotted as a surface plot.
The VIEWPOINT command then changes the rotation angle and distance at
which the surface plot is viewed.