Argument: <coor>
Description: axis coordinates
Options: X, Y
Default: X
Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area
See the D command for more information about
this argument.
Argument: <min>
Description: lower limit for axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO
Argument: <max>
Description: upper limit for axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO
Argument: <xmin>
Description: lower limit for X-axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO
Argument: <xmax>
Description: upper limit for X-axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO
Argument: <ymin>
Description: lower limit for Y-axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO
Argument: <ymax>
Description: upper limit for Y-axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO
Argument: <zmin>
Description: lower limit for Z-axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO
Argument: <zmax>
Description: upper limit for Z-axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO
The limit specifications come in pairs, with the first being the lower
limit. A limit specification may be a number, an asterisk (*),
or the argument AUTO. A '*' indicates no change in the current limit,
while AUTO allows the underlying plotting package to select the limit
ChIPS converts double-precision numbers to floating-point
values before plotting them, which can cause problems for values that
are either too large or too small. The allowed range is approximately
1e-38 to 3e38 (for both positive and negative values).
The limits of the x and y axes in a contour plot cannot be modified in
the current version of ChIPS.
CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS
state object and resource file. See
"ahelp chips" for further