Causes multiple data curves to be displayed in the same drawing area,
via ChIPS.
sherpa> OPLOT <arg_1> [# [ID]] [<arg_2> [# [ID]] ...]
# specifies the number of the dataset (default is 1). The ID modifier
is used to display background datasets, if and only if the Sherpa state
object variable multiback is set to 1 (i.e. if more than one background
dataset is to be associated with a single source dataset). The ID
modifier may be any string that is not a parsable command (e.g. "A",
"bob", "foo").
The allowed arguments <arg_n> are listed in the
documentation for LPLOT. The exceptions to
that information are the FIT plots: if used in the
OPLOT command, only the data is displayed, not the
data and the model.
The appearance of plots generated with this command can be changed
by modifying the fields of certain state objects. See the ahelp for
Sherpa or for
sherpa.plot for more information.
When using ChIPS commands to modify plot characteristics
from within Sherpa, the REDRAW command
must be issued in order to view the changes.
Overplot two sets of 1-D data:
sherpa> DATA data/example1.dat
sherpa> DATA 2 data/example2.dat
sherpa> OPLOT DATA 1 DATA 2
In this example, a fit is read in from a saved Sherpa
session. Then the data, individual model components of the
multi-component model, and the sum of the individual model components
are plotted:
sherpa> use fit.shp
sherpa> oplot ufit source galabs powhard
sherpa> c 2 red
sherpa> c 3 green
sherpa> c 4 blue
sherpa> log
sherpa> redraw
The model components "galabs" and "powhard" are defined in fit.shp.
After plotting, the curves are given different colors to differentiate
them, and the plot is changed to log scale.