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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/__is_initialized.tm.html
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AHELP for CIAO 3.4 __is_initialized Context: slangrtl


Determine whether or not a variable has a value


Integer_Type __is_initialized (Ref_Type r)


This function returns non-zero of the object referenced by r is initialized, i.e., whether it has a value. It returns 0 if the referenced object has not been initialized.


For example, the function:

    define zero ()
       variable f;
       return __is_initialized (&f);

will always return zero, but

    define one ()
       variable f = 0;
       return __is_initialized (&f);

will return one.

It is easy to see why a reference to the variable must be passed to __is_initialized and not the variable itself; otherwise, the value of the variable would be passed and the variable may have no value if it was not initialized.

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Last modified: December 2006

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