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SynopsisConvert between Chandra coordinate systems Syntaxdmcoords infile [asolfile] [options] DescriptionThe dmcoords tool allows you to convert between the various coordinate systems used by Chandra (eg SKY to CHIP) and to predict the source location for a variety of instrumental configurations. It has limited support for data from other telescopes. The tool has two modes of operation:
The parameter mode is particularly useful in scripts since it can be run with no user interaction, whereas the interactive mode allows greater flexibility and the ability to perform multiple conversions in one session. Setting the instrument configurationThe coordinate converion depends upon the instrument configuration of Chandra (for instance, which instrument is in the focal plane). If you already have data for an observation then this information is available in the header of the event file (and files created from this one, such as images) and you can use the infile parameter to point to such a file. However, if you do not have such a file (for instance you are planning an observation and want to know whether a particular source will fall on a chip) then you can set the various values using either the configuration parameters (detector, grating, fpsys, sim, displace, ra_nom, dec_nom, roll_nom, ra_asp, dec_asp, and roll_asp), or the SET command if in interactive mode. Note that settting the values in this manner overrides the values read in from the configuration file (i.e. the infile parameter). One time that this comes in handy is when you want to use a different aspect solution, as described below. Coordinate conversions and the aspect solutionMost of the coordinate conversions (e.g. SKY to CHIP) depend upon the aspect solution. This means that the conversion is time dependent due to the dither performed by Chandra during an observation. The dmcoords tool will perform the conversion using a single (ie instantaneous) aspect solution. Unless otherwise specified (i.e. using either the ra_asp, dec_asp, and roll_asp parameters or the SET ASPECT command) the nominal aspect solution from the configuration file is used, as given by the RA_NOM, DEC_NOM, and ROLL_NOM keywords. Note that the default amplitudes of the Chandra dither motion are 16 and 40 arcseconds for ACIS and HRC observations respectively. The actual aspect solution information for a given observation is stored in the set of pcad*asol1.fits files. Parameter modeTo convert from a given position, set the option parameter to the name of the input coordinate system (e.g. option=sky) and the corresponding set of coordinate parameters (e.g. x and y for option=sky) to the input position. After running dmcoords the remaining coordinate parameters (e.g. chip_id, chipx, chipy, tdetx, ...) will have been set. The pget tool can then be used to access this information: unix% pget dmcoords chipx 662.0891847226883 When using the parameter mode it is recommended that the verbose parameter be set to 1 if you wish to see the output values (they will always be stored in the parameter value, whatever the value of verbose). The default setting for the verbose parameter (0) is intended for pipeline/batch use when screen output is undesireable. Parameters for the various coordinate systems:
Interactive ModeThe interactive mode of dmcoords can be entered by not specifying a value for the option parameter. The prompt will change to 'dmcoords>:' and commands can then be entered to set or query the instrument configuration and to perform coordinate conversions. Unlike the parameter mode, more than one conversion may be calculated by dmcoords within a single session. Note that the commands are case-insensitive. Interactive mode commands
Note that in interactive mode the "SET NOMINAL" command requires that the input be in sexagesimal format, whereas "SET ASPECT" uses the setting of the celfmt parameter to decode the supplied RA and DEC values. Use the "DEG" and "HMS" interactive commands to switch between formats. Example 1dmcoords acis.fits option=cel ra=06:23:41 dec=-00:02:31 verbose=1 dmcoords acis.fits option=cel celfmt=deg ra=95.92083 dec=-0.04194 verbose=1 These two equivalent uses read the header of acis.fits and print out (and write to the parameter file) values of sky, detector and chip coordinates corresponding to the given position. The celfmt paramer controls the format used (sexagesimal or degrees-hms/deg). The pget command can be used to access the values of the transformation: for example to get the x value of the sky coordinate system one could use unix% pget dmcoords x Example 2dmcoords acis.fits opt=chip chip_id=7 chipx=963.0 chipy=512.0 This takes a chip position (including the number of the chip) and calculates the location in the other coordinate systems. Example 3dmcoords acis.fits Since no option parameter was specified, this command puts you into the interactive version of the program. The prompt will change to 'dmcoords:>'; use the HELP command (case insensitive) to list the available commands. To repeat the calculation from example 2, one would enter: dmcoords:> set chip acis-7 dmcoords:> chip 963 512 Example 4dmcoords none opt=det detx=4963.0 dety=4012.0 sim="0.6 0.0 -192.3" detector=acis celfmt=deg ra_nom=96.1043 dec_nom=-0.0243 roll_nom=212.3 verbose=1 Instead of using an input file to set up the header, here we specify the configuration parameters explicitly. The output of the command looks like: ---------------------------------------- Spacecraft Configuration: ---------------------------------------- Dataset: Observatory: Telescope: CHANDRA Grating: NONE Instrument: ACIS Detector: ACIS Chip: ACIS-S4 SIM position: 0.600 0.000 -192.300 SIM offset: 0.000 0.000 0.000 SIM rotation: 0.000 0.000 0.000 Grating order: 0 Focal length: 10070.000000 Chip pixel scale: 0.023987 x 0.023987 mm/pixel Chip size: 1024 x 1024 pixels ---------------------------------------- Sky Coordinate Configuration: ---------------------------------------- Sky coordinate pixel system: FP-1.1 Center pixel of sky plane: (4096.500000,4096.500000) Size of sky plane: 8192 x 8192 Sky pixel scale: 0.492000 arcsec/pixel Nominal: RA 96.104300 Dec -0.024300 Roll 0.000000 Aspect: RA 96.104300 Dec -0.024300 Roll 212.300000 -------- (RA,Dec): 06:24:47.574 +00:02:55.46 (RA,Dec): 96.19823 0.04874 deg THETA,PHI 7.139' 354.43 deg (Logical): 3409.23 4630.94 SKY(X,Y): 3409.23 4630.94 DETX,DETY 4963.00 4012.00 CHIP ACIS-S4 46.58 706.29 TDET 5005.58 2408.29 Parameters
Detailed Parameter DescriptionsParameter=infile (file required filetype=input)Input file, or dm defined virtual file dmcoords uses the file header to initialize the configuration. You can enter 'none' and set up the configuration from the parameters. Parameter=asolfile (file not required filetype=input stacks=yes)Aspect solution file(s) dmcoords uses the aspect solution file(s) to get the aspect and sim offsets by calculating the mean of the dy column, the dz column, and the dtheta column. Parameter=option (string)Which coordinate system to start from (cel/sky/det/chip/logical/msc). The option parameter can have one of the following values:
Parameter=chip_id (integer)The chip ID number; for ACIS, this lies between 0 and 9, for HRC between 0 and 3. Can be input or output. Parameter=chipx (real units=pixels)The chip X pixel coordinate. See the CXC Coordinates papers for definitions. Can be input or output. Parameter=chipy (real units=pixels)The chip Y pixel coordinate. See the CXC Coordinates papers for definitions. Can be input or output. Parameter=tdetx (real units=pixels)The tiled detector X pixel coordinate. See the CXC Coordinates papers for definitions. Gives position on a fictitous plane on which each chip of the instrument is flattened out. Output only. Parameter=tdety (real units=pixels)The tiled detector Y pixel coordinate. See the CXC Coordinates papers for definitions. Gives position on a fictitous plane on which each chip of the instrument is flattened out. Output only. Parameter=detx (real units=pixels)The focal plane X pixel coordinate. See the CXC Coordinates papers for definitions. Gives position on the tangent plane to the mirror optical axis. Pixel size is fixed in angular size. Center of the image plane is the mirror axis. Can be input or output. Parameter=dety (real units=pixels)The focal plane Y pixel coordinate. See the CXC Coordinates papers for definitions. Gives position on the tangent plane to the mirror optical axis. Pixel size is fixed in angular size. Center of the image plane is the mirror axis. Can be input or output. Parameter=x (real units=pixels)The sky plane X pixel coordinate. See the CXC Coordinates papers for definitions. Gives position on the tangent plane to the nominal celestial pointing direction. Pixel size is fixed in angular size. Center of the image plane is RA_NOM, DEC_NOM. Can be input or output. Parameter=y (real units=pixels)The sky plane Y pixel coordinate. See the CXC Coordinates papers for definitions. Gives position on the tangent plane to the nominal celestial pointing direction. Pixel size is fixed in angular size. Center of the image plane is RA_NOM, DEC_NOM. Can be input or output. Parameter=logicalx (real units=pixels)The sky plane logical X pixel coordinate, for a binned image. If you took the event list and binned by a factor of 32, say, then original sky pixels 1 to 8192 correspond to logical pixels 1 to 256. Can be input or output. Parameter=logicaly (real units=pixels)The sky plane logical Y pixel coordinate, for a binned image. If you took the event list and binned by a factor of 32, say, then original sky pixels 1 to 8192 correspond to logical pixels 1 to 256. Can be input or output. Parameter=ra (string)RA and Dec are the right ascension and declination corresponding to sky pixels X,Y. This is ra in sexagesimal format (if celfmt=hms) or in degrees (if celfmt=deg). Can be input or output. Parameter=dec (string)RA and Dec are the right ascension and declination corresponding to sky pixels X,Y. If the celfmt parameter is `hms' use sexagesimal format, for example "06:23:11.21"; if the celfmt parameter is `deg' use decimal degrees, for example "95.79671". Can be input or output. Parameter=theta (real min=0 max=10800 units=arcmin)The off axis angle coordinate in arcmin. See the CXC Coordinates papers for definitions. Can be input or output. Parameter=phi (real min=0 max=360 units=degrees)The mirror spherical coordinate azimuth in degrees. See the CXC Coordinates papers for definitions. Theta and phi are polar coordinates whose tangent plane is given by detx and dety. Can be input or output. Parameter=order (integer default=0)The grating order, zero or positive or negative integer. Parameter=energy (real default=1.0 units=keV)The energy in keV. Only relevant for grating observations. Parameter=wavelength (real default=0 units=Angstrom)The wavelength in Angstroms. Only relevant for grating observations. Parameter=ra_zo (string)The RA of the zero order image, for grating observations. Parameter=dec_zo (string)The Dec of the zero order image, for grating observations. Parameter=celfmt (string default=hms)Celestial position format (hms/deg) i.e. sexagesimal or decimal-degree formats will be used for the RA,dec parameter pairs. Parameter=detector (string)Detector name (ACIS/HRC-I/HRC-S). If present, overrides the INSTRUME keyword in the input file. Parameter=grating (string)Grating name (NONE/LETG/HETG). If present, overrides the GRATING keyword in the input file. Parameter=fpsys (string)Focal plane coordinate system. ASC-FP-1.1 for ACIS; ASC-FP-2.1 for HRC. But see coordinates papers for more detail. Parameter=sim (string)Optical bench (SIM) position (in X,Y,Z), three real values separated by spaces. e.g. "0.0 0.0 -190.1". Overrides the SIM_X SIM_Y SIM_Z header values in the input file. Parameter=displace (string)Optical bench misalignment, six space-separated real values corresponding to a translation and rotation of the STF origin with respect to the FC origin. For expert users only. Parameter=ra_nom (string)Nominal pointing direction, in format specified by celfmt. This overrides the input file RA_NOM keyword. Parameter=dec_nom (string)Nominal pointing direction, in format specified by celfmt. This overrides the input file DEC_NOM keyword. Parameter=roll_nom (string units=degrees)Nominal roll angle, in degrees. This overrides the input file ROLL_NOM keyword. Parameter=ra_asp (string)Instantaneous pointing direction, in format specifies by celfmt. If omitted, ra_nom is used. Parameter=dec_asp (string)Instantaneous pointing direction, in format specifies by celfmt. If omitted, dec_nom is used. Parameter=roll_asp (string units=degrees)Instantaneous roll angle, in degrees. Overrides the roll_nom parameter. Parameter=geompar (file default=geom)The name of the Pixlib Geometry parameter file. Parameter=verbose (integer default=0 min=0 max=5)Verbose can be from 0 to 5, generating different amounts of debugging output. Remember to set verbose=1 if you want to see the standard information. CHANGES IN CIAO 3.0Fixed exit status on error. If infile='', will get all parameters from dmcoord's own .par file. Tool will now operate when infile does not contain WCS and opt=sky|cel (eg. infile=pcad*asol1.fits). BugsReprojected event filesdmcoords does not correctly calculate CHIP coordinates on reprojected event files. A workaround is listed on the dmcoords bugs page. See the bugs page for this tool on the CIAO website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs. |
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The Chandra X-Ray
Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA. Email: cxcweb@head.cfa.harvard.edu Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2004. All rights reserved. |