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Last modified: October 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/prop-time.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
AHELP for CIAO 3.4 prop-time Context: proposaltools


Defines available calendars and timescales for Chandra Proposal Tools


The default timescale types in DATES are:

Timescale     Timescale Type
 TT         Terrestrial Time
 UTC        Civil Time
 TDB        Dynamical Time
 TAI        Atomic Time
 UT1        UT1 Time
 GMST       Sidereal Time

with additional timescales defined as offsets to UTC:

Timescale       Timescale Name                   Type                    Zone Par   Zone
  MST         Moscow Summer Time               Civil Time                 14400   +0400
  DMV         Moscow Decree Time               Civil Time                 10800   +0300
  BST         British Summer Time              Civil Time                  3600   +0100
  GMT         Greenwich Mean Time              Civil Time                     0   +0000
  EDT         Eastern Daylight Time            Civil Time                -14400   -0400
  EST         Eastern Standard Time            Civil Time                -18000   -0500
  CDT         Central Daylight Time            Civil Time                -18000   -0500
  CST         Central Standard Time            Civil Time                -21600   -0600
  MDT         Mountain Daylight Time           Civil Time                -21600   -0600
  MST         Mountain Standard Time           Civil Time                -25200   -0700
  PDT         Pacific Daylight Time            Civil Time                -25200   -0700
  PST         Pacific Standard Time            Civil Time                -28800   -0800
The supported calendar types are:
  Calendar   Calendar Name                          Type
  GREG        Gregorian date                   Gregorian Calendar
  JD          Julian Day                       Julian Day Number
  MJD         Modified Julian Day              Julian Day Number
  DAYS        JD - 2450814.5                   Julian Day Number
  DATE        Date                             Gregorian Calendar  
  PACK        Packed date                      Gregorian Calendar
  DOY         Day of year                      Gregorian Calendar
  OS          Julian Calendar                  Julian Calendar
  ROMAN       Roman calendar                   Roman Calendar
  RF          French Rev. Calendar             French Revolutionary Cal
  GSD         Greenwich Sidereal Date          Greenwich Sidereal Date
  GST         Greenwich Sidereal Time          Greenwich Sidereal Date
  TIME        TIME(JD 2450814.5)               Elapsed Seconds
  • JD/MJD/DAYS: For the JD, MJD and days calendars, enter a numeric value. Only Julian days between -2 x 10^9 and 2 x 10^9 are supported.
  • GREG: There are a variety of formats for the GREG calendar. The standard is the words AD or BC followed by the year, month name, day, time of day. For example: AD 1993 Jun 30 23:59:50.234. The BC is mandatory, AD may be left off. Day 0 is the last day of the preceding month. Month numbers may be used instead of names. Colons may be omitted, replaced by spaces, or the letters h, m, s. Trailing information may be omitted, in such case, the earliest date is assumed. Further forms of imprecise and uncertain dates are supported: example: 1993 Jun 30 23:59? or 1990s?. Day of Year format is supported also: 1997 Day 104 14:20:32.
  • DOY: Last three digits of the integral part is the day of the year, earlier digits are assumed to be the year.
  • PACK: Last four digits are MM and DD, earlier digits assumed to be the year, if less then 100, 1900 automatically added.
  • TIME: Elapsed time calendar, gives seconds since the zero point defined by the zero command. The default is Chandra time: the time tag on events in the Chandra data files, measured in seconds since 1998 Jan 1 00:00:0.0.
  • GSD/GST: GSD is essentially JD(GMST). Calendar GSD outputs the result as JD and fraction of day. GST outputs the result as an integer day number and hh:mm:ss.sss of sidereal time.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: October 2006

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