PRECESS can be run over the WWW using a browser, such as Netscape, or run
locally using the command-line interface (CLI). The CLI version will
accept a text file with a list of coordinates as input.
PRECESS is part of the Proposal toolkit. The toolkit is distributed with
For details about available coordinate and time systems, please see
the prop-time and prop-coords ahelp documents.
The available coordinate systems are: Equatorial or Ecliptic with
Besselian Epoch (default is B1950, or specify as 'BXXXX'), Equatorial
or Ecliptic with Julian Epoch (default is J2000, or specify as 'JXXXX'),
or Galactic. The CLI also version supports conversions using supergalactic
coordinates. PRECESS can be used to identify the Constellation for a given input
PRECESS can be accessed via the URL
General help information is available by clicking the 'HELP' button.
The syntax for processing a file of coordinates is:
prop_precess commands:infile:outfile
See the EXAMPLES section for more information.
To run PRECESS in the interactive CLI mode, type 'prop_precess' at the Unix
prompt. This enters an interactive command mode for setting program
parameters. The command level prompt is Precess[Setup]>:. Within the
command level, type '?' or 'help' to see a list of the available
commands, and type 'list' or 'l' to display the current program settings.
The most usual command sequence is 'from', 'to', and 'convert',
which can be abbreviated as 'f', 't', and 'c', respectively. 'from'
and 'to' define the Input and Output coordinate systems. The default
conversion is from B1950 to J2000. Type '?' or 'help' for a list of
the available coordinate systems.
The 'convert' command enters the processing level. Within the processing level,
enter the Input coordinates in the appropriate format, either both
coordinates on the same line separated by spaces or a comma, or the
x-coordinate on one line and the y-coordinate on the next. The default
format for RA and DEC is hh mm and dd mm The default
format for the other coordinate systems is decimal degrees.
You can change the format of the Input coordinate system with the
commands 'f \DEG' for decimal degrees and 'f \HMS' for hh mm You can change the format of the Output coordinate system with
the commands 't \DEG' and `t \HMS'.
The 'p' command sets the output display mode: use 'p0' for terse, 'p1'
for normal, or 'p2' for verbose display. The default output display
mode is p1.
To leave the processing level and return to the command level, type 'q'
or 'quit'. Type 'q' or 'quit' at the command level to exit the program.