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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/mdl2latex.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
AHELP for CIAO 3.4 mdl2latex Context: guide


Output latex table of fitted emission lines and fluxes.




mdl2latex outputs a latex table containing data extracted from Sherpa models. The table contains all emission lines fit using a gaussian, lorentzian, or delta function model. The wavelength, flux, and flux error is output, along with a list of the data the line was fit to. Finally, if a line identification has been given by the user (using the Sherpa command name_of_model lineid "line identification"), this is output as well. See also the GUIDE thread showing how to use GUIDE with grating data to identify and describe emission lines.

mdl2latex is a GUIDE routine, which must be initialized using the require("guide") command in Sherpa. GUIDE uses the optional ATOMDB database, and this command may fail if the ATOMDB is not available on your system.

Example 1

% after fitting some emission lines
sherpa> require("guide")
sherpa> g1 lineid "Fe XVII"
sherpa> g2 lineid "O VII R"
sherpa> g3 lineid "O VII I"
sherpa> g4 lineid "O VII F"
sherpa> mdl2latex
ModelName & Line Model & Position & Flux & Flux Error & Fit Data &
Label \\
& & Angstrom & ph/cm$^2$/s & ph/cm$^2$/s & \\
g1 & normgauss1d & 15.01 & 301.31 & 10.83 & 3,4,9,10 & Fe XVII \\
g2 & normgauss1d & 21.6 & 54.31 & 3.13 & 3,4,9,10 & O VII R \\
g3 & normgauss1d & 21.8 & 10.38 & 1.01 & 3,4,9,10 & O VII I \\
g4 & normgauss1d & 22.1 & 48.91 & 5.13 & 3,4,9,10 & O VII F \\

Here we output all emission features fit using sherpa with gaussians, lorenzians, or delta functions; in this case, only normalized gaussians (normgauss1d) were used.

Example 2

sherpa> require("guide")
sherpa> mdl2latex("table.tex")
% a file table.tex is written with the mdl data.

This outputs all emission features fit using sherpa with gaussians, lorenzians, or delta functions to the file table.tex.


name type ftype reqd
filename string input no

Detailed Parameter Descriptions

Parameter=filename (string not required filetype=input)

The filename to use when writing the latex table.


See the Sherpa bug pages online for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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