Posters (Download PDF map of poster locations.)
Coffee breaks and posters sessions will be held in the Arlington/Berkeley/Clarendon Mezzanine.
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Stellar Lifecycles I
Co-Authors: Peter Wagstaff, Curtis Struck, Roberto Soria, Brianne Dunn, Douglas Swartz, Mark Giroux (East Tennessee State University, Iowa State University, University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Clemson University, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, East Tennessee State University)
Co-Authors: Moritz Günther, Claude Canizares, Lucas Cieza, David Huenemoerder, Joel Kastner (MIT, MIT, Universidad Diego Portales, MIT, Rochester Institute of Technology)
Co-Authors: Javier A. García, Timothy R. Kallman (California Institute of Technology, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Co-Authors: Y. Naze, J. Lauer, D. Huenemoerder, N. Miller, R. Ignace, and the zeta Pup Consortium (FNRS/U. Liege,Harvard & Smithsonian CfA,MIT,UWisc-Eau Claire,ETSU)
Co-Authors: Eric Feigelson, Michael Kuhn, Patrick Broos, Gordon Garmire (Pennsylvania State University, California Institute of Technology, Pennsylvania State University, Huntingdon Institute for X-ray Astronomy)
Co-Authors: Eric Feigelson, Michael Kuhn, Patrick Broos, Thomas Preibisch, Gordon Garmire (Pennsylvania State University, California Institute of Technology, Pennsylvania State University, Ludwig-Maximilians Universitaet, Huntingdon Institute for X-ray Astronomy)
Co-Authors: David Espinoza, Kenji Hamaguchi, Chris Russell, Ted Gull, Noel Richardson, Tony Moffat, Gerd Weigelt, Augusto Damineli (CUA, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, UMBC/NASA-GSFC, NASA-GSFC/STScI, ERAU, U. Montreal, MPIfR, IAUGSP)
Co-Authors: Paul J. Green(1) , Rodolfo Montez(1) , Fernando Mazzoni(2), JosephFilippazzo(3), Scott F. Anderson(4), Orsola De Marco(5),Jeremy J. Drake(1) , Jay Farihi(6) , Adam Frank(7), Joel H. Kastner(8),Brent Miszalski(9), and Benjamin R. Roulston(10) (1 Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics2 University of Massachusetts, Lowell3 Space Telescope Science Institute4 University of Washington, Seattle5 Macquarie University6 University College London7 University of Rochester8 Rochester Institute of Technology9 South African Astronomical Observatory10 Boston University)
Co-Authors: ChanPlaNS Team (0.0)
Co-Authors: S. P. Moschou [1], N. Vlahakis [2], J. J. Drake [1], N. Evans [1], J H. Neilson [3], J. A. Guzik [4] ([1] Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, USA,[2] University of Athens, Greece,[3] University of Toronto, Canada,[4] Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
Roughly two decades ago the monitoring of methanol masers towards a sample of IRAS point sources with the 26 m Hartebeesthoek radio telescope, resulted in the discovery of periodic/regular variability of the maser flux density. Several hypotheses have been made to explain this peculiar behaviour. Here the hypothesis and results of the scenario of the colliding wind binary model is presented. The colliding wind binary attributes the periodicity to the period of a binary system. There are a well known sample of colliding wind binaries available. One of the questions is, what about their progenitors? There should be a sample of binary systems in the early stages of high mass star formation, how will we be able to identify them? From the production of X-rays in the hot shocked gas of the collision of these binary stellar winds, the detection of X-rays from these sources would give merit to establish the presence of binary systems in high mass star formation. I will present theoretical predictions of the possible detection of the presence of binary systems in these sources with Chandra.
Co-Authors: Johan van der Walt, Melvin Hoare, Julian Pittard (North West University, University of Leeds)
Stellar Lifecycles II
Co-Authors: Sayantan Bhattacharya, Rigel Cappallo, Silas G.T. Laycock, Dimitris M. Christodoulou (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
Co-Authors: Sangwook Park, Marco Miceli, Salvatore Orlando, Svetozar A. Zhekov, Kari A. Frank, David N. Burrows (University of Texas at Arlington, Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica Università degli Studi di Palermo, INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory Sofia, Northwestern University Technological Institute, Pennsylvania State University)
Co-Authors: Dan Milisavljevic, Raffaella Margutti (Purdue University, Northwestern University)
Co-Authors: Yumiko Yamane^1, Hideaki Matsumura^2, Kazuki Tokuda^{3,4}, Miroslav D. Filipovic^5, Gavin Rowell^6, Manami Sasaki^7, Paul P. Plucinsky^8, Kengo Tachihara^1, Yasuo Fukui^1 (Nagoya University^1, The University of Tokyo^2, Osaka Prefecture University^3, NAOJ^4, Western Sydney University^5, The University of Adelaide^6, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg^7, CfA^8)
Co-Authors: Satoru Katsuda, Yuki Amano, Hiroshi Tsunemi, Koji Mori, Liyi Gu, Renata S. Cumbee, Robert Petre, and Takaaki Tanaka (Saitama University, Kyoto University, Osaka University, Miyazaki University, RIKEN, SRON, University of Georgia, NASA/GSFC)
We present multi-epoch Chandra observations of RCW 89 and G292.0+1.8, spanning time baselines more than a decade long, that directly reveal fast expansion of clumpy SN ejecta in both remnants. In G292.0+1.8, outlying ejecta knots move radially away from the SN explosion site. In the south, we find that these ejecta are moving particularly fast, with an average expansion of 0.032% per yr and with speeds up to at least 2500 km/s, nearly as fast as the optically-emitting ejecta. These ejecta are in nearly free expansion. In RCW 89, we find compact Ne- and Mg-rich ejecta knots moving with speeds up to nearly 5000 km/s. They also move radially away from the remnant's center, but they have suffered significant deceleration, unlike the outlying ejecta in G292.0+1.8. Unexpectedly for a 1700-yr old remnant, we found RCW 89 to be an extraordinarily dynamic object that shows evidence for brightness variations by up to a factor of a few and profound morphological changes. Entirely new compact emission knots appeared in 2018, while several other knots faded considerably in the last decade. Quite a few fast-moving, compact ejecta knots appear to have shown significant morphological changes.
We also report on our expansion measurements of the blast wave in G292.0+1.8, and on our discovery of the long-sought primary blast wave of MSH 15-52 + RCW 89 that is expanding into denser than average ambient gas north/northwest of the centrally-located pulsar. Blast wave speeds vary by at least a factor of 2 in both remnants. Very fast (up to several thousand km/s) shocks are present in RCW 89. The fastest shocks exhibit pure nonthermal X-ray synchrotron spectra, without any lines present.
We discuss G292.0+1.8 and RCW 89 in the context of other stripped-envelope SNRs. This includes G330.2+1.0 that was recently found to be less than 1000 yr old, hence intermediate in age between Cas A and these two remnants. Synchrotron X-rays might be more efficiently produced in remnants of SNe Ibc. We also discuss fast shocks that we found in RCW 89 in context of several other X-ray synchrotron dominated shell SNRs. This includes G310.6-1.6, an enigmatic small-diameter CC remnant, and the youngest Galactic SNR G1.9+0.3 that Chandra has now observed over a decade-long time baseline. In all these cases, the sub arcsecond capability of Chandra has provided results inaccessible by any other means.
Co-Authors: William A. Miltich, Stephen P. Reynolds (North Carolina State University)
We performed ACIS-I observations of this SNR with a total exposure of ∼210 ks. The X-ray images show a centrally-peaked distribution of the Fe ejecta, surrounded by an arc-like structure of intermediate-mass elements (IMEs: Si, S, Ar Ca). Moreover, the centroid energy of the Fe K emission is significantly lower in the central Fe-rich region than in the outer IME-rich regions, suggesting that the Fe ejecta were heated by the reverse shock more recently. These results are consistent with a prediction of standard SN Ia models, where the heavier elements are synthesized in the interior of an exploding white dwarf. We find, however, that the peak location of the Fe K emission is slightly offset to the west with respect to the geometric center of the SNR. This apparent asymmetry is likely due to the inhomogeneous density distribution of the ambient medium, confirmed by our radio observations.
Co-Authors: Hiroya Yamaguchi, Patrick Slane, Sangwook Park, Plucinsky Paul, Satoru Katsuda, Hidetoshi Sano, Shogo B. Kobayashi, Kyoko Matsushita (ISAS/JAXA, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, University of Texas at Arlington, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Saitama University, Nagoya University, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo University of Science)
Co-Authors: The Chandra N132D Legacy Team (SAO, JHU, NASA/GSFC, JAXA/ISAS, U. of Erlangen-Nuremberg, U. of Washington, U. of Nagoya)
Co-Authors: Craig O. Heinke, Gregory R. Sivakoff, Aarran W. Shaw (University of Alberta)
Co-Authors: Takaaki Tanaka, Tomoyuki Okuno, Hiroyuki Uchida, Shiu-Hang Lee, Keiichi Maeda, Hiroya Yamaguchi (Kyoto University, Kyoto University, Kyoto University, Kyoto University, Kyoto University, ISAS/JAXA)
Co-Authors: Toshiki Sato, Koji Mori, Hiroya Yamaguchi, Aya Bamba (RIKEN , NASA/GSFC, University of Maryland, University of Miyazaki, ISAS/JAXA, The University of Tokyo, RESCEU)
Co-Authors: Laura Lopez, Katie Auchettl (The Ohio State University, DARK Niels Bohr Institute)
Co-Authors: Chris Bochenek, Jeff Silverman, Ori Fox, Roger Chevalier, Nathan Smith, Alexei Filippenko (Caltech, Texas Austin/Samba TV, STScI, Univ of Virginia, Steward Observatory, Berkeley)
Co-Authors: Terrance J. Gaetz, Paul P. Plucinsky (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
Planets & Exoplanets
Co-Authors: J.J. Drake, V. Kashyap, S. Wolk, S. Romaine, C. Moore, K. Poppenhager, B. Wargelin, E. Winston, M. Elvis, I. Pilliteri (0.0)
Co-Authors: Moritz Gunther, Scott Wolk, J. Serena Kim (MIT Kavli Institute, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Steward Observatory)
X-ray Binaries
Co-Authors: Katharina Egg, Manami Sasaki, Joern Wilms, Michael Nowak, Natalie Hell, Victoria Grinberg, Richard Rothschild (Remeis Obs./ECAP/FAU, Remeis Obs./ECAP/FAU, Remeis Obs./ECAP/FAU, Washington Univ. St. Louis, LLNL, IAA-Tuebingen, UCSD-CASS)
Co-Authors: Marcella Longhetti, Chiara Salvaggio, Antonella Fruscione (INAF-Osservatorio di Brera, INAF-Osservatorio di Brera & Università degli Studi di Milano, SAO)
Co-Authors: Mihoko Yukita, Panayiotis Tzanavaris, Bret Lehmer, Ann Hornschemeier, Tassos Fragos, Andreas Zezas (JHU/NASA GSFC, UMBC/NASA GSFC, U. Arkansas, NASA GSFC, Geneva Observatory, CfA/U. Crete)
Co-Authors: Tassos Fragos, Thomas Tauris, Emmanouil Zapartas, D. R. Aguilera-Dena, Pablo Marchant (University of Geneva, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Geneva, University of Bonn, Northwestern University)
Co-Authors: Jane Kaczmarek, Roberto Soria, Frank Haberl (NAOC, CSIRO, MPE, Caltech)
Co-Authors: Erin Kara, James Steiner, Javier Garc{\'\i}a, Jeroen Homan, Joseph Neilsen, Gr\’egoire Marcel, Renee Ludlam, Francesco Tombesi, Edward Cackett, Ron Remillard (MIT, CfA, Caltech, Eureka Scientific, Villanova University, Villanova University, University of Michigan, University of Maryland, Wayne State University, MIT)
We have characterized XRB accretion states for ≈32 sources. The XRBs are classified by their compact object types using NuSTAR color-intensity and color-color diagrams. We further characterize the black holes by their accretion states (soft, intermediate, and hard) and the neutron stars by their weak or strong (accreting pulsar) magnetic field. In contrast to a similar NuSTAR survey of M31 (with a low-mass XRB-dominant population), the source population is dominated by high-mass XRBs, allowing the study of a very different population with similar sensitivity. These results provide a significant improvement in our knowledge of high-mass XRB accretion states that proves valuable for theoretical XRB population synthesis studies.
Co-Authors: Daniel R. Wik1 Ann Hornschemeier2, Bret Lehmer3, Paul Plucinsky4,Lacey West3, Thomas Maccarone5, Benjamin Williams6, Frank Haberl7, Andrew Ptak2, Mihoko Yukita2,8,Andreas Zezas4,9, Neven Vulic2,10, Vallia Antoniou4, Dominic Walton11, and Kristen Garofali3 (1Department of Physics and Astronomy, the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA2 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, United States. 3 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, United States. 4 Harvard-Smithsonian Center forAstrophysics, Cambridge, MA, United States. 5 Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, United States. 6 University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States. 7 Max-Planck-Institut fur extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany. 8 The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States. 9 University of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. 10University of Maryland,College Park, MD, United States. 11 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.)
Co-Authors: Frank Haberl, Andreas Zezas, Konstantinos Kovlakas (MPE, CfA, University of Crete/FORTH)
Co-Authors: Andreas Zezas, Paul Sell, Konstantinos Kovlakas, Paolo Bonfini, Mathew Ashby, Steven Willner (IA-FORTH/U. of Crete/CfA, IA-FORTH/U. of Crete, IA-FORTH/U. of Crete, IA-FORTH/U. of Crete, CfA, CfA)
By cross-matching the Chandra Source Catalog 2.0 with HECATE, a newly compiled galaxy catalog of the local Universe (<200 Mpc), we construct the largest census of ULXs in the local Universe. We study the connection of ULX populations with the properties of their host galaxies such as morphology, star formation rate, stellar mass and metallicity.
We estimate the number of ULXs as function of SFR (in late-type galaxies) and stellar mass (in early-type galaxies) confirming previous results, as well as for different morphological types. Furthermore, we extend the scaling relation to account for both SFR and stellar mass of the host galaxies. We find 0.55 ULXs per SFR and 3.5 ULXs per 1012 stellar mass, in agreement with the expectation from Low- and High-mass X-ray binary luminosity functions. In addition we find evidence for an excess of ULXs in low metallicity and low mass galaxies with respect to the average in late-type galaxies, lending support to the association of ULXs with young stellar populations and low-metallicity environments. In addition, we find a lack of ULXs in lenticular galaxies with respect to elliptical galaxies.
Co-Authors: Lacey West, Bret Lehmer, Andrea Prestwich, Rafael Eufrasio, Kristen Garofali, Wasutep Luangtip, Tim Roberts, Andreas Zezas (University of Arkansas, University of Arkansas, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, University of Arkansas, University of Arkansas, Srinakharinwirot University, Durham University, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
Co-Authors: Patrick J. Kavanagh, Frank Haberl, Martin Henze, Sara Saeedi, Benjamin F. Williams, Paul P. Plucinsky, Despina Hatzidimitriou, Kirill V. Sokolovsky, Dieter Breitschwerdt, Miguel A. de Avillez, Miroslav D. Filipovic, Timothy Galvin, Margaret Lazzarini, Knox S. Long (0.0)
We have a sample of about 40 HMXB candidates for which we have obtained age estimates, companion star UV/optical/IR magnitudes from HST, and X-ray luminosities with Chandra. We were able to identify candidate companion stars and determine their spectral types and ages. We determine likely ages using spatially resolved recent star formation histories from the PHAT survey and determine spectral types with SED fitting using the Bayesian Extinction and Stellar Tool (BEAST). We pair Chandra and NuSTAR measurements to compare hard X-ray colors and luminosities of a subset of our HMXB candidates with Galactic HMXBs of known accretor type, which allows us to distinguish between black hole and neutron star accretors.Taking our HMXB candidates as a sample, we compare their characteristics with models from the new state of the art binary population synthesis (BPS) code, PSyLib. We use spatially resolved star formation histories as inputs into PSyLib and then compare the model HMXB population (X-ray luminosities, magnitudes in the HST bands, and ages) with our observed population to place constraints on parameters describing the late stages of massive stellar binary evolution.
Co-Authors: Benjamin F. Williams, Ann Hornschemeier (University of Washington, Goddard Space Flight Center code 662)
Co-Authors: N. Vulic, A. E. Hornschemeier, M. Yukita, B. D. Lehmer, T. J. Maccarone, A. Zezas (University of Maryland College Park/NASA GSFC, NASA GSFC/John Hopkins University, John Hopkins University/NASA GSFC, University of Arkansas, Texas Tech University, University of Crete)
Co-Authors: Kristen Dage, Arunav Kundu, Erica Thygesen, Jay Strader (Michigan State University, Eureka Scientific, Michigan State University, Michigan State University)
Co-Authors: Noel Klingler, Oleg Kargaltsev, George Pavlov, Jeremy Hare (The Pennsylvania State University, The George Washington University, The Pennsylvania State University, University of California Berkeley)
Co-Authors: Norbert Schulz, Deepto Chakrabarty, Herman Marshall (MIT, MIT, MIT)
Co-Authors: Elena Gallo, Rupali Chandar, Paula Johns Mulia, Angus Mok, Andrea Prestwich (University of Michigan, University of Toledo, University of Toledo, University of Toledo, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
Co-Authors: S. D. Vrtilek, D.-W. Kim, B.Boroson, M. McCollough , N. Islam, and the Chandra Galaxy Atlas Team (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian)
Co-Authors: Xinyi Liu, Herman Marshall, Dipankar Maitra, Mike Nowak, Norbert Shulz, Diego Altamirano, Jack Steiner (Wheaton College, MA, MIT Kavli Institute, MA, Wheaton College, MA, Washington University at St. Louis, MO, MIT Kavli Institute, MA, University of Southampton, England, MIT Kavli Institute, MA)
Neutron Star & Pulsars
Co-Authors: Frederick Baganoff, Nanda Rea, Francesco Coti Zelati, Daryl Haggard, Gabriele Ponti, on behalf of a larger collaboration (MIT, IEEC-CSIC, IEEC-CSIC, McGill University, INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera)
Co-Authors: Frank Haberl, Maria Petropoulou, Chandreeye Maitra (MPE, Princeton, MPE)
Co-Authors: Martijn de Vries, Roger Romani, Oleg Kargaltsev, George Pavlov, Bettina Posselt, Patrick Slane (KIPAC, George Washington University, Pennsylvania State University, Center for Astrophysics)
Co-Authors: Noel Klingler, Oleg Kargaltsev, George Pavlov, Bettina Posselt (The Pennsylvania State University, The George Washington University, The Pennsylvania State University, Oxford University)
Co-Authors: George Pavlov, Noel Klingler, Bettina Posselt, Roger Romani, Patrick Slane (Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania State University, Stanford University, Harvard University)
Co-Authors: Silas G. T. Laycock, Dimitris M. Christodoulou, Ankur Roy, Sayantan Bhttacharya (University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML), UML, UML, UML)
We present existing grids of synthetic spectral energy distributions and their application to novae and supersoft X-ray sources.
Co-Authors: Kiyoshi Hayashida, Hiroshi Nakajima, Hironori Matsumoto (Osaka University, Kanto-Gakuin University, Osaka University)
Co-Authors: Frank Haberl, Konrad Dennerl (0.0)
Black Hole Accretion
Co-Authors: M. Díaz-Trigo, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, S. Migliari (European Southern Observatory (ESO), International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre)
Co-Authors: Sera Markoff, Alexander Tchekhovskoy, Matthew Liska, Ziri Younsi (University of Amsterdam, Northwestern University, Harvard University, University College London)
Co-Authors: Sera Markoff, Ziri Younsi, Matthew Liska, Alexander Tchekhovskoy (University of Amsterdam, University College London, Harvard University, Northwestern University)
Co-Authors: Michael Nowak, Claude Canizares, Alex Eaton, Ciro Pinto (WUSTL, MIT-Kavli, WUSTL, ESA/ESTEC)
Co-Authors: Nicolas Trueba, Jon Miller, Jelle Kaastra, Abderahmen Zoghbi, Andrew Fabian, Tim Kallman, Daniel Proga, John Raymond (University of Michigan, University of Michigan, Netherlands Institute for Space Research, University of Michigan, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
Galaxies & AGN Feedback
Co-Authors: Tim Waters (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Co-Authors: Valentina Braito, Ehud Behar, Travis Fischer, Steve Kraemer, Andrew Lobban, Emanuele Nardini, Jane Turner, Delphine Porquet (UMBC, Technion, NASA/GSFC, Catholic University, ESAC, INAF/Arcetri, UMBC, Strasbourg Observatory)
Co-Authors: Elena Gallo (University of Michigan)
Co-Authors: Omar Lopez-Cruz, Diana M. Worrall (INAOE, University of Bristol)
Co-Authors: Matteo Guainazzi (ESTEC (The Netherlands))
Co-Authors: Ryan C. Hickox (Dartmouth College)
AGN Evolution
Co-Authors: Kazushi Iwasawa, Cristian Vignali, Roberto Gilli, Giorgio Lanzuisi, Marcella Brusa (IEEC-UB, DIFA-Unibo, INAF-OAS,INAF-OAS,DIFA-Unibo)
Co-Authors: Guang Yang, Niel Brandt, Bret Lehmer, Amy Reines, Fabio Vito (Penn State University, Penn State University, University of Arkansas, Montana State University, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile)
Co-Authors: Elena Gallo, Anil Seth, Jenny Greene, Vivienne Baldassare (University of Michigan, University of Utah, Princeton University, Yale University)
Co-Authors: Michael Nowak, Christopher Reynolds (Washington University St. Louis, Cambridge University)
Co-Authors: Francesca Civano, Laura Brenneman, Giorgio Lanzuisi, Stefano Marchesi (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, INAF-OABO, INAF-OABO)
Co-Authors: Meicun Hou, Zhiyuan Li, Xin Liu (Nanjing University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Co-Authors: Xin Liu, Zhiyuan Li, Kristina Nyland, Hengxiao Guo, Minzhi Kong, Yue Shen, Joan M. Wrobel, Sijia Peng (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Nanjing University, National Research Council, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,Hebei Normal University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Nanjing University)
Co-Authors: Rogier Windhorst, Norman Grogin, Martin Elvis, Francesca Civano, Nico Cappelluti, Rolf Jansen, Anton Koekemoer, Guenther Hasinger, Seth Cohen, Walter Brisken, Rick Perley, James Condon, Matt Ashby, Giovanni Fazio, Chelsea Macleod (Arizona State University, STScI, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard and Smithsonian, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard and Smithsonian, University of Miami, Arizona State University, STScI, ESA, Arizona State University, NRAO, NRAO, NRAO, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard and Smithsonian, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard and Smithsonian, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard and Smithsonian)
QSO & Radio Galaxies
Co-Authors: Mark Birkinshaw, Dan Schwartz, Herman Marshall, John Wardle, Aneta Siemiginowska (University of Bristol, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space research M.I.T., Brandeis University, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
We extend our studies of a complete, 178 MHz radio flux-limited, Chandra observed sample of high-redshift (1<z<2) 3CRR sources (Wilkes et al. 2013) to medium redshifts (0.5<z<1). This complete, orientation unbiased sample of bright, FRII radio sources includes 36 objects: quasars, narrow-line radio galaxies (NLRGs) and 1 low-excitation radio galaxy (LERG), all with matched radio luminosities (log L(178MHz)∼35.5-36.5$). We find that the properties of the medium-z 3CRR sample, similarly to the high-z sample, are broadly consistent with the orientation-dependent obscuration of the Unification model: quasars viewed face-on to the central engine are X-ray bright, unobscured, and have soft X-ray emission. NLRGs, on the other hand, viewed edge-on are X-ray faint, obscured, and generally show harder X-ray emission. However, the sample includes a new population, not seen at high redshift: NLRGs with low column densities (log NH<22) and viewing angles skimming the edge of the dusty torus. These sources are bright in X-rays, have soft hardness ratios, and weak near-to-mid-IR emission suggesting low L/Ledd ratios resulting in clumpier and cooler torus. 22% of sample show Compton-thick L([OIII])/L(2-8keV) ratios (similar to the high-z 3CRR sample).
Co-Authors: Joanna Kuraszkiewicz, Belinda J. Wilkes, Adam Atanas, Johannes Buchner, Martin Haas, Peter Barthel, S. P. Willner, D. M. Worrall, Mark Birkinshaw, Robert Antonucci, M.L.N. Ashby, Mojegan Azadi, Rolf Chini, G.G.Fazio, Charles Lawrence, Patrick Ogle (0.0)
Co-Authors: Karthik Balasubramaniam, Lukasz Stawarz, Volodymyr Marchenko, Malgorzata Sobolweska, C. C Cheung, Aneta Siemiginowska, Marek Jamrozy, Dorota-Koziel Wierzbowska, Arti Goyal, Rameshan Thimappa (Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, ul. Orla 171, 30−244 Kraków, Poland, Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, ul. Orla 171, 30−244 Kraków, Poland, Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, ul. Orla 171,30−244 Kraków, Poland, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA, Space Science Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375−5352, USA, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St, Cambridge,MA 02138, USA, Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, ul. Orla 171, 30−244 Kraków, Poland, Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, ul. Orla 171, 30−244 Kraków, Poland, Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, ul. Orla 171, 30−244 Kraków, Poland, Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, ul. Orla 171, 30−244 Kraków, Poland)
Co-Authors: Karthik Balasubramaniam, Lukasz Stawarz, Volodymyr Marchenko (Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, ul. Orla 171, 30−244 Kraków, Poland, Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, ul. Orla 171, 30−244 Kraków, Poland,Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, ul. Orla 171, 30−244 Kraków, Poland)
Co-Authors: Karthik Reddy Solipuram, Markos Georganopoulos, Eileen Meyer (University of Maryland Baltimore County, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Co-Authors: Belinda Wilkes (1), Joanna Kuraszkiewicz(1), Ralf Siebenmorgen(2), Peter Barthel(3), Martin Haas(4), Diana Worrall(5), Mark Birkinshaw(5), Steven Willner (1) Matthew Ashby (1), Jonathan McDowell (1) (1) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics2) European Southern Observatory3) University of Groningen4) Ruhr University Bochum5) University of Bristol)
Co-Authors: Bradford Snios, Amalya Johnson, Ralph Kraft, John ZuHone, Michael Wise, Brian McNamara (CfA, Columbia, CfA, CfA, SRON, Waterloo)
Co-Authors: Brian Alden, Eric Hallman, David Rapetti, Jack Burns, Abhirup Datta (CU Boulder, CU Boulder, CU Boulder, CU Boulder, Indian Institute of Technology - Indore)
Co-Authors: Julie Hlavacek-larrdondo, Tracy Webb, Adam Muzzin, Michael McDonald, Gillian Wilson (0.0)
Co-Authors: R. Paterno-Mahler, E. Golden-Marx, M. Brodwin, M. Ashby, J. Wing, E. Douglass, S. Randall, C. Sarazin, T. Clarke, B. McNamara (Keck Science Center, BU, U. Missouri KC, CfA, CfA, Farmingdale State SUNY, CfA, UVA, NRL, U. Waterloo)
Co-Authors: Eric D. Miller, Michael McDonald, Matthew Bayliss, Marshall Bautz, Catherine Grant, Saul Rappaport, Sylvain Veilleux (MIT, MIT, MIT, MIT, MIT, MIT, U. Maryland)
Co-Authors: Gerrit Schellenberger, D J Burke, Ming Sun, Jan M Vrtilek, Laurence P David, Craig Sarazin (CfA, CfA, University of Alabama, CfA, CfA, University of Virginia)
Co-Authors: Konstantinos Kolokythas, Jan M Vrtilek, Laurence P David, Gerrit Schellenberger, Simona Giacintucci, Arif Babul, Soamk Raychaudhury, Myriam Gitti (North-West University (South Africa), CfA, CfA, CfA, Naval Research Laboratory, University of Victoria, IUCAA, University of Bologna)
Co-Authors: M. McDonald, M. Bautz, L. Bleem, B. Benson (MIT, MIT, University of Chicago, University of Chicago)
Co-Authors: Scott Randall, Yuanyuan Su, Herve Bourdin, Christine Jones, Kelly Holley-Bockelmann (CfA, Kentucky University, INAF, CfA, Vanderbilt University)
We investigate those biases using the largest, complete X-ray sample of the brightest clusters and groups available. We quantify the luminosity-temperature scaling relation with more than 300 objects over a large range of masses, out to redshift 0.4, and find that the intrinsic scatter has a non-uniform distribution.
We select a subset of the most relaxed and most disturbed objects and show, that the scatter in these subsamples is reduced, but the non-uniform distribution remains. Taking into account selection effects, we show constraints on cosmological parameters when only the temperatures of clusters and groups are known. This is of particular interest also for eROSITA, since the first survey catalog will be dominated by the brightest objects already analyzed here.
Co-Authors: Konstantinos Migkas, Thomas Reiprich, Lorenzo Lovisari, Florian Pacaud, Miriam Ramos, Jan Vrtilek, Laurence David, Ewan O'Sullivan (Bonn University, Bonn University, SAO, Bonn University, MPE, SAO, SAO, SAO)
Co-Authors: Aneta Siemiginowska , Kathleen Blundell, Luigi Gallo (CfA, Oxford, St Mary's U.)
Co-Authors: Michael McDonald, Keren sharon, Mike Gladders, Michael Florian, John Chisholm, Håkon Dahle, Guillaume Mahler, Rachel Paterno-Mahler, Jane Rigby, Emil Rivera-Thorsen, Kate Whitaker (MIT, Michigan, University of Chicago, NASA Goddard, UC Santa Cruz, University of Oslo, Michigan, Claremont McKenna College, NASA Goddard, University of Oslo, UMass-Amherst)
Co-Authors: Michael Calzadilla, Helen Russell, Michael McDonald, Andy Fabian, Stefi Baum, Francoise Combes, Megan Donahue, Alastair Edge, Brian McNamara, Paul Nulsen, Chris O'Dea, Raymond Oonk, Grant Tremblay, Adrian Vantyghem (0.0)
Co-Authors: John ZuHone, Daniel Eisenstein, Daisuke Nagai, Alexey Vikhlinin, Lars Hernquist, Federico Marinacci, Dylan Nelson, Ruediger Pakmor, Annalisa Pillepich, Paul Torrey, Mark Vogelsberger (0.0)
Co-Authors: Daniel Wik, Qian Wang (University of Utah)
Co-Authors: F. Fiore, A. Bongiorno, K. Boutsia, R. Fassbender, M. Verdugo (0.0)
In this poster, I will introduce the Cluster Hiding in Plain Sight (CHiPS) survey with the aim to discover new galaxy clusters surrounding X-ray-bright point sources. The CHiPS survey is designed around the idea that the centrally concentrated galaxy clusters can be misidentified as field AGN in previous all-sky surveys. I will present our first newly discovered galaxy cluster, surrounding the quasar PKS1353-341, at z = 0.223, along with new Chandra observations of the galaxy cluster and its central AGN. We have also completed the optical follow-up of the CHiPS targets and were awarded Chandra observations of the 5 most promising candidates. We present one of these new observations, which appears to be a second newly-discovered quasar-hosting cluster. By performing a detailed study of these objects, we can investigate the impact a central quasar has on the intracluster medium and demonstrate the potential of the CHiPS survey to find massive nearby clusters with extreme central properties that may have been misidentified by previous surveys.
Co-Authors: Michael McDonald (MIT)
Co-Authors: Meicun Hou, Zhenlin Zhu, Zhiyuan Li (Nanjing University)
Intergalactic & Diffuse Emission
Co-Authors: Orsolya Kovacs, Randall Smith, Ralph Kraft, William Forman (SAO)
I will present Chandra/XMM-Newton/Suzaku observations probing the CGM of the Milky Way and other external spiral galaxies. I will discuss the comprehensive phenomenological picture of the CGM of spiral galaxies and compare that with theoretical models of galaxy formation.
Co-Authors: Smita Mathur, Sanskriti Das, Yair Krongold, Fabrizio Nicastro (0.0)
Co-Authors: Anjali Gupta, Smita Mathur, Yair Krongold, Fabrizio Nicastro (0.0)
Co-Authors: Smita Mathur, Anjali Gupta, Fabrizio Nicastro, Yair Krongold (0.0)
Co-Authors: Anjali Gupta, Yair Krongold, Fabrizio Nicastro, Sanskriti Das (CSCC, Columbus, OH; UNAM, Mexico; INAF, Italy; OSU.)
Co-Authors: Frits Paerels (Columbia University)
Catalogs & Data Analysis
This work has been supported by NASA under contract NAS 8-03060 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory for operation of the Chandra X-ray Center.
Co-Authors: Ian N. Evans 1, Joseph B. Miller 1, Janet D. Evans 1, Christopher E. Allen 2, Craig S. Anderson 1, Glenn Becker 1, Jamie A. Budynkiewicz 1, Douglas Burke 1, Judy C. Chen 1, Francesca Civano 1, Raffaele D’Abrusco 1, Stephen M. Doe 2, Giuseppina Fabbiano 1, J. Rafael Martinez Galarza 1, Danny G. Gibbs II 1, Kenny J. Glotfelty 1, Dale E. Graessle 1, John D. Grier Jr. 1, Roger M. Hain 1, Diane M. Hall 3, Peter N. Harbo 1, John C. Houck 1, Jennifer L. Lauer 1, Omar Laurino 1, Nicholas P. Lee 1, Michael L. McCollough 1, Jonathan C. McDowell 1, Warren McLaughlin 1, Douglas L. Morgan 1, Amy E. Mossman 1, Dan T. Nguyen 1, Joy S. Nichols 1, Michael A. Nowak 4, Charles Paxson 1, Menelaos Perdikeas 1, David A. Plummer 1, Arnold H. Rots 2, Aneta L. Siemiginowska 1, Beth A. Sundheim 1, Sinh Thong 1, Michael S. Tibbetts 1, David W. Van Stone 1, Sherry L. Winkelman 1, and Panagoula Zografou 1 (1 Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, 2 Formerly Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, 3 Northrup Grumman Corporation, 4 Formerly MIT Kavli Institute)
The overriding consideration is that in cross-matching across disparate parts of the spectrum, from radio to infrared to visible light to X-rays, a reliable match probability needs to be obtained, since objects may appear (or fail to appear) dramatically differently in different parts of the spectrum, because of their overall spectral properties and potential differences in obscuration. It is not sufficient to base the determination of the match probability solely on position uncertainties. One also needs to take into account the instrumental Point Spread Functions (PSF), the local density of sources, and, explicitly, the occurrence of ambiguous matches. This is especially important since Chandra's PSF varies very significantly over its field of view.
We have built a cross-match tool that is based on the Bayesian algorithms presented by Budavari, Heinis, and Szalay (ApJ 679, 301 and ApJ 705, 739), extended by allowing for elliptical errors, PSFs, local source densities, and the the explicit identification of ambiguous matches. This necessitated determining composite PSFs for CSC2.0 Master Sources, cross-matching individual CSC2.0 ensembles, proper thresholding of the match probabilities, and logic to identify ambiguities. We will present preliminary results of cross-matching CSC2.0 with SDSS and AllWISE catalogs.This work has been supported by NASA under contract NAS 8-03060 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory for operation of the Chandra X-ray Center.
Co-Authors: The Chandra Source Catalog R2.0 Collaboration (CfA/CXC)
For sources that have been observed multiple times we performed a Bayesian Blocks analysis to identify their variability. For each of the blocks a joint fit is performed for the mentioned spectral models and the fit parameters are stored in a user data product. The spectral parameters for the most significant block (based on highest flux) will be stored in the CSC databases at the master level.In addition, we provide access to data products for each source: a file with source spectrum and the background spectrum (pha3), a file with the "effective area" as a function of energy (arf3), and the spectral response of the detector (rmf3).As a case study of how these spectral properties can be used we will examine a group of ULX sources found from Chandra datasets (Swartz, al.,2011, ApJ,741,49S) and compare results from the catalog with published results.This work has been supported by NASA under contract NAS 8-03060 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory for operation of the Chandra X-ray Center.
Co-Authors: Aneta L. Siemiginowska 1, Douglas Burke 1, Ian N. Evans 1, Francis A. Primini 1, Joseph B. Miller 1, Janet D. Evans 1, Christopher E. Allen 2, Craig S. Anderson 1, Glenn Becker 1, Jamie A. Budynkiewicz 1, Judy C. Chen 1, Francesca Civano 1, Raffaele D'Abrusco 1, Stephen M. Doe 2, Giuseppina Fabbiano 1, J. Rafael Martinez Galarza 1, Danny G. Gibbs II 1, Kenny J. Glotfelty 1, Dale E. Graessle 1, John D. Grier Jr. 1, Roger M. Hain 1, Diane M. Hall 3, Peter N. Harbo 1, John C. Houck 1, Jennifer L. Lauer 1, Omar Laurino 1, Nicholas P. Lee 1, Jonathan C. McDowell 1, Warren McLaughlin 1, Douglas L. Morgan 1, Amy E. Mossman 1, Dan T. Nguyen 1, Joy S. Nichols 1, Michael A. Nowak 4, Charles Paxson 1, Menelaos Perdikeas 1, David A. Plummer 1, Arnold H. Rots 1, Beth A. Sundheim 1, Sinh Thong 1, Michael S. Tibbetts 1, David W. Van Stone 1, Sherry L. Winkelman 1, Panagoula Zografou 1, Saeqa Vrtilek 1, Dong-Woo Kim 1, and Nazma Islam 1 (1 Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian2 Formerly Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian3 Northrup Grumman Corporation4 Formerly MIT Kavli Institute)
Co-Authors: Sherry Winkelman, Raffaele D'Abrusco (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian)
Co-Authors: Jeremy Hare, Hui Yang (NASA GSFC, The George Washington University)
Co-Authors: Jeremy Drake, Steve Saar (CfA, CfA)
X-ray Missions & Instruments
We produce HiPS data of JAXA's projects, MAXI, Hitomi, Suzaku, ASCA (X-rays) and Akari and BICE (infrared). Also, we create HiPS images of Swift BAT and constellations (in different representations), and HiPS catalogs ofMAXI, Swift BAT and Swift XRT. These HiPS data are available at which are accessible by Aladin Desktop or Aladin Lite. Also, we create time-series of MAXI HiPS data, so that users can display yearly, monthly, weekly and daily all sky MAXI images.
Two HiPS images can be displayed being overlaid each other, while you can control transparency of the top image. Over the images, supplemental information are drawn such as instrument field of views ("foot-prints"), constellation boundaries, and source catalogs. The displayed foot-prints are linked to each pointing information, where direct links to the archival data are available. Currently foot-prints of the following satellitesare available; Hitomi, Suzaku, ASCA, Akari, XMM, Chandra, NuSTAR and NICER.Observation information of XMM, Chandra (depending on observation mode), NuSTAR and NICER are daily updated.In this manner, users can get to know, at a glance, which parts of the sky are observed by which satellites, and graphically choose particular archival data.
In addition, JUDO2 has direct link to DARTS's UDON2 (2nd generation of Universe via DARTS ON-line) and MAXI on-demand analysis system (, with which users can quickly look at light-curves and spectra of particular sources or region of the sky. With MAXI on-demand system, fully calibrated spectral files and spectral responses are also available.
- Our charge exchange model (ACX) has been updated to ACX2, which is based on the CX cross section data from the Kronos project (Mullen+2016, 2017, Cumbee+2018)
- We have added a model for electron-electron bremsstrahlung emission, based on the work of Nozawa+(2009). This is relevant for modeling high temperature plasmas (T>108K)
- We have added a model of non-Maxwellian (Kappa) distributed electrons based on Hahn & Savin (2015)
In addition, we have enhanced PyAtomDB and the AtomDB website to now allow much greater access to the underlying atomic database. This includes replicating many of the features of the popular AtomDB app in our website. We show the new online access and spectral analysis tools available.
Co-Authors: Xiaohong Cui, Marcus Dupont, Randall Smith, Nancy Brickhouse (National Astronomical Observatory - Chinese Academy of Science, New York University, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)
Co-Authors: Paul P. Plucinsky, Terry Gaetz, Aya Bamba (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, The University of Tokyo)
We describe our analysis of nearly 100 LETG/HRC-S observations of bright sources (HZ 43 for long wavelengths, Mkn 421 and PKS 2155 for short, and three novae for intermediate wavelengths) to measure the temporal and spatial dependence of the HRC-S gain on scales of ∼80 pixels along the LETG dispersion axis (about 0.6 Å). We include corrections for the effects of spectral contamination by higher-order diffraction, and also utilize 30 short grating-less observations of HZ43 to map gain in areas where gain losses are especially large and/or grating spectra are faint.
Co-Authors: Peter W. Ratzlaff (SAO/CXC)
We irradiated parallel X-ray beam to our MIXIM system in a synchrotron facility and succeeded in obtaining the image of the source of which image width of sub-arcsecond (Hayashida+2018). In the latest experiments. we confirmed the energy band width of the MIXIM is about 10%, reasobale for continuum sources. Our current record for the image width is 0.09'' with z of 867cm and 0.55’’ with z of 46 cm. We recently succeeded in 2 dimensional images by stacking two gratings diagonally.
In addition to its simple configuration and superior resolution, another advantage of MIXIM is in its scalability. If we tune z and d accordingly, MIXIM with z of 10 m (e.g.parasites to typical X-ray observatory) can go 0.1’’. That with z of 100 m (e.g. formation flights) can go 0.01’’ resolution, comparable to ALMA. Ultimate goal would be z of millions km as for LISA gravitation wave observatory. In this case, micro-arcsecond X-ray images are expected, i.e., X-ray color image of black hole event horizon. Future prospects will be discussed with limitation and technical barrier of this methods in space.
Co-Authors: Richard Mushotzky (PI) and the AXIS Team (0.0)
Co-Authors: XRISM Collaboration (0.0)
XL-Calibur will have greatly improved sensitivity thanks to several upgrades. It will use the FFAST mirror, which has a larger effective area. The CZT detectors will be thinner, which reduces background while staying nearly as efficient. The last major improvement is to the anti-coincidence shielding, where we will shorten the anti-coincidence timing window, lower the active shield threshold, and add passive polyethylene shielding.
We plan on flying this upgraded instrument on two flights from Kurina, Sweden (in 2021 and 2022), and one from McMurdo (in 2024). During these three flights, XL-Calibur will be able to observe a variety of sources, such as the accreting pulsars GX 301-2 and Her X-1, the accreting stellar mass black hole Cyg X-1, the Crab nebula, and further sources to be chosen based on flux levels at the time of flight.
Co-Authors: Awaki Hisamitsu,Bose Richard,Braun Dana,de Geronimo Gianluigi,Dowkontt Paul,Enoto Teruaki,Errando Manel,Fukazawa Yasushi,Gadson Thomas,Guarino Victor,Gunji Shuichi,Hayashida Kiyoshi,Heatwole Scott,Ishida Manabu,Iyer Nirmal Kumar,Kislat Fabian,Kiss Mózsi ,Kitaguchi Takao ,Krawczynski Henric,Kushwah Rakhee ,Lanzi James,Li Shaorui,Lisalda Lindsey ,Maeda Yoshitomo,Matsumoto Hironori,Miyazawa Takuya,Mizuno Tsunefumi,Okajima Takashi,Pearce Mark,Peterson Zachary,Rauch Brian,Ryde Felix,Saito Yoshitaka,Stana Theodor-Adrian,Stuchlik David,Takahashi Hiromitsu,Takeda Tomoshi,Tamagawa Toru,Tamura Keisuke,Tsunemi Hiroshi,Uchida Nagomi,Uchiyama Keisuke,West Andrew,Yoshida Yuto (Ehime University,WUSTL,WUSTL,Stony Brook, DG Circuits,WUSTL,Kyoto University,WUSTL,Hiroshima University,Wallops Flight Facility,Guarino Engineering,Yamagata University,Osaka University,Wallops Flight Facility,ISAS,KTH, OKC,UNH,KTH, OKC,RIKEN,WUSTL, MCSS, & CQSs,KTH, OKC,Wallops Flight Facility,BNL,WUSTL,ISAS,Osaka University,OIST,Hiroshima University,GSFC,KTH, OKC,Wallops Flight Facility,WUSTL,KTH, OKC,ISAS,KTH, OKC,Wallops Flight Facility,Hiroshima University,Tokyo University of Science,RIKEN,Nagoya University,Osaka University,Hiroshima University,Tokyo University of Science,WUSTL,Tokyo University of Science)
Co-Authors: Henric Krawczynski (Washington University in St. Louis)