20 Years of Chandra
Science Symposium
December 3-6, 2019
Boston Park Plaza Hotel
Boston, MA
This meeting will celebrate the twenty years of the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The meeting will cover all areas of active research in X-ray astronomy, but will emphasize the science that is enabled by the high angular resolution and spectral resolution provided by Chandra. Results from other high energy missions, theoretical results, multi-wavelength results, and archival studies that relate to the science topics are encouraged. There will be a session that examines how the questions raised by the recent observations may be addressed by future missions. There will also be sessions that examine the history of X-ray astronomy, with an emphasis on Riccardo Giacconi's role in this history, and the launch and deployment of Chandra as described by the STS-93 crew.
Conference Poster
Conference Poster
Please contact us at chandra20symposium@cfa.harvard.edu with any questions.