XSPEC model functions.
Sherpa in CIAO 4.17 includes the "additive", "multiplicative", and "convolution" models of XSPEC version 12.14.0k, and are available by adding the prefix "xs" before the XSPEC model name (in lower case). As examples: in Sherpa the XSPEC phabs model is called "xsphabs", the vapec model is "xcvapec", and the cflux model is "xscflux".
XSPEC table models
The additive (atable), multiplicative (mtable), and exponential (etable) XSPEC table models are supported by the load_xstable_model command. Models that provide redshift and escale parameters are supported, but those models with multiple spectra per set of parameters (where the NXFLTEXP keyword is set to a value greater than 1) are not.
Important note:
XSPEC models based on physical processes (e.g. line models such as raymond or absorption models such as wabs) assume that the dataspace is defined in keV. On the other hand, Sherpa models are always calculated based on the input data scale. Thus when XSPEC models are combined with Sherpa models, the user should be careful to ensure that both components have the same dataspace units; otherwise, calculated model amplitudes may be incorrect.
These models also expect that the x-values will always be energy bins. When the analysis setting is using non-energy bins and an XSPEC model is defined, Sherpa converts the bins to energy before sending them to the XSPEC model. After the XSPEC model finishes, Sherpa converts back to the original units. Sherpa also scales the model values appropriately (e.g., if counts/keV came out of the XSPEC model and Sherpa is working with wavelength, then Sherpa scales the output of the XSPEC model to counts/Angstrom).
Unavailable XSPEC models
The "smaug", "polconst", "pollin", and "polpow" models, and the mixing-model components of XSPEC 12.14.0k are NOT included in CIAO.
Available XSPEC models
The available XSPEC models are listed below. Refer to the ahelp page for each model (e.g. "ahelp xsabsori") or the XSPEC User's Guidefor more information. Note that the ahelp files describe the version of the XSPEC model included in CIAO, while the XSPEC User's Guide may reference a newer version with different options. If the first column is labelled NEW then the model is new to CIAO 4.17.
Additive XSPEC models
New | Model name | Description |
xsagauss | gaussian line profile in wavelength space. | |
xsagnsed | AGN SED model | |
xsagnslim | AGN super-Eddington accretion model | |
xsapec | APEC emission spectrum. | |
xsbapec | velocity broadened APEC thermal plasma model. | |
xsbbody | blackbody spectrum. | |
xsbbodyrad | blackbody spectrum, area normalized. | |
NEW | xsbcempow | plasma emission, multi-temperature using a power-law emission measure |
NEW | xsbcheb6 | differential emission measure using 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
NEW | xsbcie | Emission spectrum from a plasma in Collisional-ionization equilibrium. |
NEW | xsbcoolflow | cooling flow, mekal. |
NEW | xsbcph | Cooling + heating model for cool core clusters. |
NEW | xsbequil | collisional plasma, ionization equilibrium, |
NEW | xsbexpcheb6 | differential emission measure using exponential of a 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
xsbexrav | reflected e-folded broken power law, neutral medium. | |
xsbexriv | reflected e-folded broken power law, ionized medium. | |
NEW | xsbgadem | plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure. |
NEW | xsbgnei | collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution. |
xsbkn2pow | broken power law with two breaks. | |
xsbknpower | broken power law. | |
xsbmc | Comptonization by relativistic matter. | |
NEW | xsbnei | collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature. |
NEW | xsbnpshock | shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures. |
NEW | xsbpshock | plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature. |
xsbremss | thermal bremsstrahlung. | |
xsbrnei | velocity-broadened non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. | |
NEW | xsbsedov | sedov model, separate ion/electron temperature. |
NEW | xsbsnapec | The XSPEC snapec model: galaxy cluster spectrum using SN yields. |
xsbtapec | velocity broadened APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. | |
xsbvapec | velocity broadened APEC thermal plasma model. | |
NEW | xsbvcempow | plasma emission, multi-temperature using a power-law emission measure. |
NEW | xsbvcheb6 | differential emission measure using 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
NEW | xsbvcie | Emission spectrum from a plasma in Collisional-ionization equilibrium. |
NEW | xsbvcoolflow | cooling flow, mekal. |
NEW | xsbvcph | Cooling + heating model for cool core clusters. |
NEW | xsbvequil | collisional plasma, ionization equilibrium, |
NEW | xsbvexpcheb6 | differential emission measure using exponential of a 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
NEW | xsbvgadem | plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure. |
NEW | xsbvgnei | collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution. |
NEW | xsbvnei | collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature. |
NEW | xsbvnpshock | shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures. |
NEW | xsbvpshock | plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature. |
xsbvrnei | velocity-broadened non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. | |
NEW | xsbvsedov | sedov model, separate ion/electron temperature. |
xsbvtapec | velocity broadened APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. | |
xsbvvapec | velocity broadened APEC thermal plasma model. | |
NEW | xsbvvcie | Emission spectrum from a plasma in Collisional-ionization equilibrium. |
NEW | xsbvvgadem | plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure. |
NEW | xsbvvgnei | collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution. |
NEW | xsbvvnei | collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature. |
NEW | xsbvvnpshock | shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures. |
NEW | xsbvvpshock | plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature. |
xsbvvrnei | velocity-broadened non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. | |
NEW | xsbvvsedov | sedov model, separate ion/electron temperature. |
xsbvvtapec | velocity broadened APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. | |
NEW | xsbvvwdem | plasma emission, multi-temperature with power-law distribution of emission measure. |
NEW | xsbvwdem | plasma emission, multi-temperature with power-law distribution of emission measure. |
xsbwcycl | Becker-Wolff self-consistent cyclotron line model. | |
NEW | xsbwdem | plasma emission, multi-temperature with power-law distribution of emission measure. |
xsc6mekl | differential emission measure using Chebyshev representations with multi-temperature mekal. | |
xsc6pmekl | differential emission measure using Chebyshev representations with multi-temperature mekal. | |
xsc6pvmkl | differential emission measure using Chebyshev representations with multi-temperature mekal. | |
xsc6vmekl | differential emission measure using Chebyshev representations with multi-temperature mekal. | |
xscarbatm | Nonmagnetic carbon atmosphere of a neutron star. | |
xscemekl | plasma emission, multi-temperature using mekal. | |
NEW | xscempow | plasma emission, multi-temperature using a power-law emission measure. |
xscevmkl | plasma emission, multi-temperature using mekal. | |
xscflow | cooling flow. | |
NEW | xscheb6 | differential emission measure using 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
NEW | xscie | Emission spectrum from a plasma in Collisional-ionization equilibrium. |
xscompbb | Comptonization, black body. | |
xscompls | Comptonization, Lamb & Sanford. | |
xscompmag | Thermal and bulk Comptonization for cylindrical accretion onto the polar cap of a magnetized neutron star. | |
xscompps | Comptonization, Poutanen & Svenson. | |
xscompst | Comptonization, Sunyaev & Titarchuk. | |
xscomptb | Thermal and bulk Comptonization of a seed blackbody-like spectrum. | |
xscompth | Paolo Coppi's hybrid (thermal/non-thermal) hot plasma emission models. | |
xscomptt | Comptonization, Titarchuk. | |
NEW | xscoolflow | cooling flow, mekal. |
xscph | Cooling + heating model for cool core clusters | |
xscplinear | a non-physical piecewise-linear model for low count background spectra. | |
xscutoffpl | power law, high energy exponential cutoff. | |
xsdisk | accretion disk, black body. | |
xsdiskbb | accretion disk, multi-black body components. | |
xsdiskir | Irradiated inner and outer disk. | |
xsdiskline | accretion disk line emission, relativistic. | |
xsdiskm | accretion disk with gas pressure viscosity. | |
xsdisko | accretion disk, inner, radiation pressure viscosity. | |
xsdiskpbb | accretion disk, power-law dependence for T(r). | |
xsdiskpn | accretion disk, black hole, black body. | |
NEW | xseebremss | electron-electron bremsstrahlung spectrum. |
xseplogpar | log-parabolic blazar model with nu-Fnu normalization. | |
xseqpair | Paolo Coppi's hybrid (thermal/non-thermal) hot plasma emission models. | |
xseqtherm | Paolo Coppi's hybrid (thermal/non-thermal) hot plasma emission models. | |
xsequil | collisional plasma, ionization equilibrium. | |
NEW | xsexpcheb6 | differential emission measure using exponential of a 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
xsexpdec | exponential decay. | |
xsezdiskbb | multiple blackbody disk model with zero-torque inner boundary. | |
xsgadem | plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure. | |
xsgaussian | gaussian line profile. | |
xsgnei | collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution. | |
xsgrad | accretion disk, Schwarzschild black hole. | |
xsgrbcomp | Comptonization for GRB prompt emission. | |
xsgrbjet | Two-phase Comptonization model of soft thermal seed photons for GRB prompt emission | |
xsgrbm | gamma-ray burst continuum. | |
xshatm | Nonmagnetic hydrogen atmosphere of a neutron star. | |
xsjet | Leptonic relativistic jet model. | |
xskerrbb | multi-temperature blackbody model for thin accretion disk around a Kerr black hole. | |
xskerrd | optically thick accretion disk around a Kerr black hole. | |
xskerrdisk | accretion disk line emission with BH spin as free parameter. | |
xskyrline | relativistic line from axisymmetric accretion disk | |
xslaor | accretion disk, black hole emission line. | |
xslaor2 | accretion disk with broken-power law emissivity profile, black hole emission line. | |
xslogpar | log-parabolic blazar model. | |
xslorentz | lorentz line profile. | |
xsmeka | emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Gronenschild). | |
xsmekal | emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Kaastra-Liedahl). | |
xsmkcflow | cooling flow, mekal. | |
xsnei | collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature. | |
xsnlapec | continuum-only APEC emission spectrum. | |
xsnpshock | shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures. | |
xsnsa | neutron star atmosphere. | |
xsnsagrav | NS H atmosphere model for different g. | |
xsnsatmos | NS Hydrogen Atmosphere model with electron conduction and self-irradiation. | |
xsnsmax | Neutron Star Magnetic Atmosphere. | |
xsnsmaxg | neutron star with a magnetic atmosphere. | |
xsnsx | neutron star with a non-magnetic atmosphere. | |
xsnteea | non-thermal pair plasma. | |
xsnthcomp | Thermally comptonized continuum. | |
xsoptxagn | Colour temperature corrected disc and energetically coupled Comptonisation model for AGN. | |
xsoptxagnf | Colour temperature corrected disc and energetically coupled Comptonisation model for AGN. | |
xspegpwrlw | power law, pegged normalization. | |
xspexmon | neutral Compton reflection with self-consistent Fe and Ni lines. | |
xspexrav | reflected powerlaw, neutral medium. | |
xspexriv | reflected powerlaw, neutral medium. | |
xsplcabs | powerlaw observed through dense, cold matter. | |
xsposm | positronium continuum. | |
xspowerlaw | power law photon spectrum. | |
xspshock | plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature. | |
xsqsosed | AGN SED model | |
xsraymond | emission, hot diffuse gas, Raymond-Smith. | |
xsredge | emission, recombination edge. | |
xsrefsch | reflected power law from ionized accretion disk. | |
xsrnei | non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. | |
xssedov | sedov model, separate ion/electron temperature. | |
xssirf | self-irradiated funnel. | |
xsslimbh | Stationary slim accretion disk. | |
xssnapec | galaxy cluster spectrum using SN yields. | |
xssrcut | synchrotron spectrum, cutoff power law. | |
xssresc | synchrotron spectrum, cut off by particle escape. | |
xsssa | Strangeon star atmosphere. | |
xsstep | step function convolved with gaussian. | |
xstapec | APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. | |
xsvapec | APEC emission spectrum. | |
xsvbremss | thermal bremsstrahlung. | |
NEW | xsvcempow | plasma emission, multi-temperature using a power-law emission measure. |
NEW | xsvcheb6 | differential emission measure using 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
NEW | xsvcie | Emission spectrum from a plasma in Collisional-ionization equilibrium. |
NEW | xsvcoolflow | cooling flow, mekal. |
xsvcph | Cooling + heating model for cool core clusters | |
xsvequil | collisional plasma, ionization equilibrium. | |
NEW | xsvexpcheb6 | differential emission measure using exponential of a 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
xsvgadem | plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure. | |
xsvgnei | collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution. | |
xsvmcflow | cooling flow, mekal. | |
xsvmeka | emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Gronenschild). | |
xsvmekal | emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Kaastra-Liedahl). | |
xsvnei | collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature. | |
xsvnpshock | shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures. | |
xsvoigt | Voigt line profile. | |
xsvpshock | plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature. | |
xsvraymond | emission, hot diffuse gas, Raymond-Smith. | |
xsvrnei | non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. | |
xsvsedov | sedov model, separate ion/electron temperature. | |
xsvtapec | APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. | |
xsvvapec | APEC emission spectrum. | |
NEW | xsvvcie | Emission spectrum from a plasma in Collisional-ionization equilibrium. |
NEW | xsvvgadem | plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure. |
xsvvgnei | collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution. | |
xsvvnei | collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature. | |
xsvvnpshock | shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures. | |
xsvvpshock | plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature. | |
xsvvrnei | non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. | |
xsvvsedov | sedov model, separate ion/electron temperature. | |
xsvvtapec | APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. | |
xsvvwdem | plasma emission, multi-temperature with power-law distribution of emission measure. | |
xsvwdem | plasma emission, multi-temperature with power-law distribution of emission measure. | |
xswdem | plasma emission, multi-temperature with power-law distribution of emission measure. | |
xszagauss | gaussian line profile in wavelength space. | |
xszbbody | blackbody spectrum. | |
xszbknpower | broken power law. | |
xszbremss | thermal bremsstrahlung. | |
xszcutoffpl | power law, high energy exponential cutoff. | |
xszgauss | gaussian line profile. | |
xszkerrbb | multi-temperature blackbody model for thin accretion disk around a Kerr black hole. | |
xszlogpar | log-parabolic blazar model. | |
xszpowerlw | redshifted power law photon spectrum. |
Multiplicative XSPEC models
Model name | Description |
xsabsori | ionized absorber. |
xsacisabs | Chandra ACIS q.e. decay. |
xscabs | Optically-thin Compton scattering. |
xsconstant | energy-independent factor. |
xscyclabs | absorption line, cyclotron. |
xsdust | dust scattering. |
xsedge | absorption edge. |
xsexpabs | exponential roll-off at low E. |
xsexpfac | exponential modification. |
xsgabs | gaussian absorption line. |
xsheilin | Voigt absorption profiles for He I series. |
xshighecut | high-energy cutoff. |
xshrefl | reflection model. |
xsismabs | A high resolution ISM absorption model with variable columns for individual ions. |
xsismdust | Extinction due to a power-law distribution of dust grains. |
xslog10con | Constant in base 10 log units. |
xslogconst | Constant in log units. |
xslyman | Voigt absorption profiles for H I or He II Lyman series. |
xsnotch | absorption line, notch. |
xsolivineabs | Absorption due to olivine. |
xspcfabs | partial covering fraction absorption. |
xsphabs | photoelectric absorption. |
xsplabs | power law absorption. |
xspwab | power-law distribution of neutral absorbers. |
xsredden | interstellar extinction. |
xssmedge | smeared edge. |
xsspexpcut | super-exponential cutoff absorption. |
xsspline | spline modification. |
xssss_ice | Einstein SSS ice absorption. |
xsswind1 | absorption by partially ionized material with large velocity shear. |
xstbabs | ISM grain absorption. |
xstbfeo | ISM grain absorption. |
xstbgas | ISM grain absorption. |
xstbgrain | ISM grain absorption. |
xstbpcf | ISM grain absorption. |
xstbrel | ISM grain absorption. |
xstbvarabs | ISM grain absorption. |
xsuvred | interstellar extinction, Seaton Law. |
xsvarabs | photoelectric absorption. |
xsvphabs | photoelectric absorption. |
xswabs | photoelectric absorption, Wisconsin cross-sections. |
xswndabs | photo-electric absorption, warm absorber. |
xsxion | reflected spectrum of photo-ionized accretion disk/ring. |
xsxscat | dust scattering. |
xszbabs | EUV ISM attenuation. |
xszdust | extinction by dust grains. |
xszedge | absorption edge. |
xszhighect | high-energy cutoff. |
xszigm | UV/Optical attenuation by the intergalactic medium. |
xszpcfabs | partial covering fraction absorption. |
xszphabs | photoelectric absorption. |
xszredden | redshifted version of redden. |
xszsmdust | extinction by dust grains in starburst galaxies. |
xsztbabs | ISM grain absorption. |
xszvarabs | photoelectric absorption. |
xszvfeabs | photoelectric absorption with free Fe edge energy. |
xszvphabs | photoelectric absorption. |
xszwabs | photoelectric absorption, Wisconsin cross-sections. |
xszwndabs | photo-electric absorption, warm absorber. |
xszxipab | power-law distribution of ionized absorbers. |
xszxipcf | partial covering absorption by partially ionized material. |
Convolution XSPEC models
Model name | Description |
xscflux | calculate flux |
xscglumin | calculate luminosity |
xsclumin | calculate luminosity |
xscpflux | calculate photon flux |
xsgsmooth | gaussian smoothing |
xsireflect | reflection from ionized material |
xskdblur | convolve with the laor model |
xskdblur2 | convolve with the laor2 model |
xskerrconv | accretion disk line shape with BH spin as free parameter |
xskyconv | convolution using a relativistic line from axisymmetric accretion disk |
xslsmooth | lorentzian smoothing |
xspartcov | partial covering |
xsrdblur | convolve with the diskline model shape |
xsreflect | reflection from neutral material |
xsrfxconv | angle-dependent reflection from an ionized disk |
xsrgsxsrc | convolve an RGS spectrum for extended emission. |
xssimpl | comptonization of a seed spectrum. |
xsthcomp | Thermally comptonized continuum. |
xsvashift | velocity shift an additive model. |
xsvmshift | velocity shift a multiplicative model. |
xsxilconv | angle-dependent reflection from an ionized disk |
xszashift | redshift an additive model. |
xszmshift | redshift a multiplicative model. |
Parameter names
Sherpa uses names, rather than numbers, to access parameter values (e.g. to set them, change whether a parameter is frozen, adjust the limits, or access the latest value). Prior to XSPEC version 12.9.0, the parameter names for the XSPEC models were not guaranteed to be valid Python symbols, and so Sherpa has converted the problematic names. The names used by Sherpa are given in the ahelp page for the model - e.g.ahelp xspowerlaw- and by printing the model component:
sherpa> set_source( * sherpa> print(gal) Param Type Value Min Max Units ----- ---- ----- --- --- ----- gal.nH thawed 1 0 1e+06 10^22 atoms / cm^2 sherpa> print(pl) Param Type Value Min Max Units ----- ---- ----- --- --- ----- pl.PhoIndex thawed 1 -3 10 pl.norm thawed 1 0 1e+24
Parameter limits
A small number of XSPEC models support parameter values outside the XSPEC hard-limit range, such as the fpl parameter of xsoptxagn, which can be set to a negative value. To support these models the hard-limits can be changed for an XSPEC parameter with the hard_min and hard_max arguments to the set method:
sherpa> create_model_component('xsoptxagn', 'cpt') sherpa> cpt.fpl.min 0.0 sherpa> cpt.fpl.set(hard_min=-1) sherpa> cpt.fpl.min -1.0
It is strongly suggested that the parameter is frozen when it is set outside the original limits.
Changing the chatter level of XSPEC models
The default chatter level for XSPEC models - i.e. how much information they will print to the screen when evaluated - is set to 10, matching the default XSPEC version. The chatter setting can be changed with set_xschatter - for example:
sherpa> set_xschatter(0) sherpa> plot_fit() sherpa> set_xschatter(10)
The current XSPEC chatter level is returned by the get_xschatter level.
The Python docstrings for these functions provide more information, and can be read with the help() function:
sherpa> help(set_xschatter) sherpa> help(get_xschatter)
Accessing the XSPEC state
Several routines are provided to change (or report) the XSPEC state (i.e. settings that may influence the model calculations). These include (please use the Python help command for more information on these functions):
The get_xsabund(), set_xsabund(), get_xsabundances(), set_xsabundances(), and show_xsabund() routines.
Cross section
The get_xsxsect() and set_xsxsect() routines.
The get_xscosmo() and set_xscosmo() routines.
Using the SET command
The XSPEC SET command is handled by the set_xsxset() routine, and once a value is set it can be retrieved with get_xsxset().
Manager and model paths
The sherpa.astro.xspec module contains the get_xspath_manager() and get_xspath_model() to return the current paths to the XSPEC directories, and set_xspath_manager() to change the path.
All XSPEC settings
The sherpa.astro.xspec module contains the get_xsstate() and set_xsstate() routines which can be used to find and set all of the above values.
Checking the XSPEC module version
The XSPEC module contains the get_xsversion routine, which returns a string containing the XSPEC patch level used in Sherpa. As an example:
sherpa> from sherpa.astro import xspec sherpa> xspec.get_xsversion() '12.14.0k'
Changes in CIAO 4.17
XSPEC model updates
The XSPEC models have been updated to release 12.14.0k in CIAO 4.17, from version 12.13.1e in CIAO 4.16. There are 50 new additive models, although a number of them are essentially just renamed versions of existing models (see the XSPEC model documentation for more details):
- xsbcempow, xsbcheb6, xsbcie, xsbcoolflow, xsbcph, xsbequil, xsbexpcheb6, xsbgadem, xsbgnei, xsbnei, xsbnpshock, xsbpshock, xsbsedov, xsbsnapec, xsbvcempow, xsbvcheb6, xsbvcie, xsbvcoolflow, xsbvcph, xsbvequil, xsbvexpcheb6, xsbvgadem, xsbvgnei, xsbvnei, xsbvnpshock, xsbvpshock, xsbvsedov, xsbvvcie, xsbvvgadem, xsbvvgnei, xsbvvnei, xsbvvnpshock, xsbvvpshock, xsbvvsedov, xsbvvwdem, xsbvwdem, xsbwdem, xscempow, xscheb6, xscie, xscoolflow, xseebremss, xsexpcheb6, xsvcempow, xsvcheb6, xsvcie, xsvcoolflow, xsvexpcheb6, xsvvcie, xsvvgadem.
Changes to default parameter values
The default parameter values of a number of models have been adjusted to match changes made in XSPEC 12.14.0. Of particular note are models which now use a default redshift if 0.1 rather than 0, and models with a switch parameter which now default to 2 rather than 1 (indicating the use of APEC for interpolation rather than mekal). The switch parameter may also now have an upper limit of 3, indicating the use of SPEX data for the interpolation, rather than 2. Several models have seen some parameters marked as frozen or thawed to match XSPEC 12.14.0. Please see the individual model ahelp pages for more information.
Parameter name changes
A number of models now use the XSPEC capitalization for the redshift parameter (that is, 'redshift' or 'Redshift', depending on the model). Since Sherpa's parameter interface is case insensitive this does not change the behaviour of Sherpa scripts, but screen or file output will use the new capitalization.
Abundance settings
The show_xsabund(), get_xsabundances() and set_xsabundances() commands have been added in this release. They allow users to get, set, or see all the abundances in one go - rather than the existing get_xsabund() and set_xsabund() commands, which support a pre-set table or access by an individual element.
For a list of known bugs and issues with the XSPEC models, please visit theXSPEC bugs page.
To check the XSPEC version used by Sherpa, use the get_xsversion routine from the xspec module:
sherpa> from sherpa.astro import xspec sherpa> xspec.get_xsversion() '12.14.0k'
See Also
- models
- list_model_components, list_models, models, tablemodel