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Last modified: March 2007

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/tg_osort_img.html
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AHELP for CIAO 3.4 tg_osort_img Context: tools


Create an image that shows the density of events in different orders


tg_osort_img evt1a.fits outroot


The order sorting image created by tg_osort_img allows the user to visualize how the chip energy of an event compares to the energy determined from the distance to the source and the assigned order.

Output files have the designated rootname. Two plots in FITS format are produced for each grating arm: all the events in the arm and the events assigned to orders 1, 2, and 3.

This script is used in the Create an Order-Sorting Image thread.


tg_osort_img acisf01010_000N001_evt1a.fits 1010

Create order-sorting images for ObsID 1010. The output files will have a root of "1010". Four files are produced, two for each of the HEG and MEG grating arms.

The script produces the following screen output:

Imported ISIS module version 1.3.0
% Reading  acisf01010_000N001_evt1a.fits
% # events  =  1375572
% Osipfile =  NULL
% Processing file acisf01010_000N001_evt1a.fits
% Grating HETG


This script is not an official part of the CIAO release but is made available as "contributed" software via the CIAO scripts page. Please see the installation instructions page for help on installing the package.


See the bugs page for this script on the CIAO website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: March 2007

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