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Last modified: March 2007

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/regions.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
AHELP for CIAO 3.4 regions Context: tools


regions.sl - Display the FEF regions covered by a source


The RMF used to analyze a source depends on what part of the chip the source falls on. As described in the mkrmf help page ("ahelp mkrmf"), the RMF is calculated using information stored in a FEF file. Since the information in the FEFs changes over the chip - the exact regions over which a particular FEF is valid depend on the chip and the focal-plane temperature - it is sometimes useful to see how the source photons are distributed with respect to this grid (this is particularly true for extended sources).

The regions.sl script provides a S-Lang function (display_fef_regions()) which requires an event file containing the source photons; it will accept the DM virtual-file syntax for filtering on-the-fly. The input file should only contain photons falling on a single ACIS chip, so it will be necessary to include a filter such as "ccd_id=<number>" if the source region covers more than one chip. It should also contain a TIME column, as the first entry is used to find out the focal plane temperature at the time of the observation.

The script is run from within ChIPS ("ahelp chips"), as shown in the example, or Sherpa ("ahelp sherpa"). To load the script:

chips> () = evalfile( "regions.sl" )

This step is only necessary once per ChIPS or Sherpa session.

This script is used in the Displaying the FEF Regions Covered by a Source thread.


chips> display_fef_regions(
"acisf00459N002_evt2.fits[sky=region(3c273.reg)]" )

The script creates a plot showing the distribution of source photons for the given region of ObsID 459. The results are also printed to the screen:

# Reading points from acisf00459N002_evt2.fits[sky=region(3c273.reg)]
# Chip is ACIS-7
# Focal Plane temperature = -110 C
# Number of photons in region = 736
#         Region           Num    Fraction
#    chipx     chipy     photons
   0257:0288 0353:0384       344  0.4674
   0289:0320 0353:0384       187  0.2541
   0257:0288 0385:0416       151  0.2052
   0289:0320 0385:0416        52  0.0707
   0257:0288 0321:0352         1  0.0014
   0289:0320 0321:0352         1  0.0014

The output shows that almost half of the source photons fell in the region CHIPX=257:288, CHIPY=353:384.


This script is not an official part of the CIAO release but is made available as "contributed" software via the CIAO scripts page. Please see the installation instructions page for help on installing the package.


See the bugs page for this script on the CIAO website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: March 2007

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