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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/sherpa.plot.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
AHELP for CIAO 3.4 sherpa.plot Context: sherpa


Configure appearance of Sherpa plots.




The Sherpa configuration variable (also called "state object") sherpa.plot controls appearance of most (not all) of the plots generated with the CPLOT, LPLOT, OPLOT and SPLOT commands.

(The exceptions are those plots generated by the commands LPLOT BACK; LPLOT DATA; LPLOT BACKFIT; LPLOT BFIT; LPLOT FIT; LPLOT BDELCHI; LPLOT BRATIO; LPLOT BRESIDUALS; LPLOT DELCHI; LPLOT RATIO; LPLOT RESIDUALS. For these commands, other configuration variables control the plots appearance.)

The following table lists each field of sherpa.plot, with a description and the default value:

Field Name Description Default
x_errorbars Add x-axis error bars to data points (0 = false, 1 = true) 0
y_errorbars Add y-axis error bars to data points (0 = false, 1 = true) 0
errs_style Style of error bars bar
errs_type Direction of Error bars: up, down (or both) both
x_log Log scale for x-axis (0 = false, 1 = true) 0
y_log Log scale for y-axis (0 = false, 1 = true) 0
curvestyle Style of curve (e.g., histogram) step
curvecolor Curve color default
symbolstyle Style of symbols (e.g., triangle, square) none
symbolcolor Symbol color default
symbolsize Symbol size 2
xlabel_size Size of x label 1.5
ylabel_size Size of y label 1.5
zlabel_size Size of z label 1.5
title_size Size of title 1.5
tickvals_size Size of tick values 1.5
prefunc User S-Lang function executed before the data is plotted NULL
postfunc User S-Lang function executed after the data is plotted NULL

Possible error bar styles: standard, bar.

Possible error bar types: both, none, up, down, dn.

Possible colors: black, blue, cyan, default, green, magenta, red, white, yellow.

Possible curve styles: histo, noline, simpleline, step.

Possible symbol styles: bigpoint, block, circle, cross, diamond, downtri, none, point, soliddiamond, soliddowntri, soliduptri, square, uptri.

The fields sherpa.plot.prefunc and sherpa.plot.postfunc refer to optional user functions that can be applied to plots before and after the plot is created. Please see the ahelp file sherpa-plot-hooks for more information.

Example 1

The sherpa.plot settings can be changed at the command line. When assigning a string to a field, the string should be quoted as shown in the second command:

sherpa> sherpa.plot.x_log = 1
sherpa> sherpa.plot.curvecolor = "green"

Example 2

Create an alias sp to sherpa.plot and use it.

sherpa> variable sp = sherpa.plot
sherpa> sp.x_log = 1
sherpa> sp.curvecolor = "green"

Example 3

Use print to obtain the information about the current settings of sherpa.plot:

sherpa> print(sherpa.plot)
x_errorbars      =  0
y_errorbars      =  0
errs_style       =  bar
errs_type        =  both
x_log            =  0
y_log            =  0
curvestyle       =  step
curvecolor       =  default
symbolstyle      =  none
symbolcolor      =  default
symbolsize       =  2
xlabel_size      =  1.5
ylabel_size      =  1.5
zlabel_size      =  1.5
title_size       =  1.5
tickvals_size    =  1.5
prefunc          =  NULL
postfunc         =  NULL


See the Sherpa bug pages online for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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