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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/sherpa.regunc.html
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AHELP for CIAO 3.4 sherpa.regunc Context: sherpa


Configure REGION-UNCERTAINTY in Sherpa.




The Sherpa configuration variable (also called "state object") sherpa.regunc contains settings of REGION-UNCERTAINTY for creating a contour plot of confidence regions using the UNCERTAINTY algorithm in Sherpa. See ahelp REGION-UNCERTAINTY for more details.

The sherpa.regunc fields are listed in the table:

Field Description
expfac A multiplicative factor that expands the grid limits estimated by the UNCERTAINTY algorithm, if the grid limits are determined automatically (see arange, and below).
arange If 1, the grid limits are to be determined automatically. If 0, the grid limits are specified (see min and max).
min An array of length two giving the grid minima for each plot axis. These are always linear quantities, regardless of the setting of log (see below). The array is ignored if arange = 1.
max An array of length two giving the grid maxima for each plot axis. These are always linear quantities, regardless of the setting of log (see below). The array is ignored if arange = 1.
log An array of length two specifying whether to use linear (0) or logarithmic (1) spacing of grid points along each plot axis.
nloop An array of length two specifying the number of grid points along each plot axis.
sigma An array of arbitrary length specifying the number of sigma for each contour. The length of the array specifies the number of contours.

Field values may be set using directly.

If the field does not contain an array, e.g.,

sherpa> sherpa.regunc.arange = 0

and if it does contain an array, e.g.,

sherpa> sherpa.regunc.nloop = [25,20]

To restore the default settings of the structure at any time, use the Sherpa/S-Lang module function restore_regunc.

Example 1

Set the grid limits for each parameter, e.g. limits of the plot axis.

sherpa> sherpa.regunc.arange = 0
sherpa> sherpa.regunc.min=[0.1,1.5]
sherpa> sherpa.regunc.max=[1,2.5]

Example 2

List the current and default values of the regunc structure, and restore the default values:

sherpa> sherpa.regunc.arange = 0
sherpa> sherpa.regunc.log = [1,1]
sherpa> sherpa.regunc.sigma = [1,3,5]
sherpa> list_regunc

Parameter   Current         Default                        Description
expfac            3               3          Expansion factor for grid
arange            0               1              Auto-range: 0(n)/1(y)
min           [0,0]           [0,0]          Minimum values, each axis
max           [0,0]           [0,0]          Maximum values, each axis
log           [1,1]           [0,0]  Log-spacing: 0(n)/1(y), each axis
nloop       [40,40]         [40,40]   Number of grid points, each axis
sigma       [1,3,5]         [1,2,3]      Number of sigma, each contour

sherpa> restore_regunc

sherpa> list_regunc

Parameter   Current         Default                        Description
expfac            3               3          Expansion factor for grid
arange            1               1              Auto-range: 0(n)/1(y)
min           [0,0]           [0,0]          Minimum values, each axis
max           [0,0]           [0,0]          Maximum values, each axis
log           [0,0]           [0,0]  Log-spacing: 0(n)/1(y), each axis
nloop       [40,40]         [40,40]   Number of grid points, each axis
sigma       [1,2,3]         [1,2,3]      Number of sigma, each contour

Example 3

Set alias su for sherpa.regunc and use on the command line.

sherpa> variable su = sherpa.regunc
sherpa> su.arange = 0
sherpa> su.sigma = [2,4,6]


See the Sherpa bug pages online for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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