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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/delete.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
AHELP for CIAO 3.4 delete Context: chips


Deletes plotting objects (drawing area, curves, lines and labels) from a plot.


chips> [D #] [C #] [LN #] [L #] DELETE
chips> DELETE [DRAWAREA] [#]

The first command deletes various plotting objects within a drawing
area. To remove the entire drawing area and its contents, use the
second command.


Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer number

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: C #
Description: curve number designation
Options: integer number

See the C command for more information about this argument.

Argument: LN #
Description: line number designation
Options: integer number
Argument: L #
Description: label number designation
Options: integer number

Note that if a non-existent plotting object is specified, ChIPS will act on the current plotting object.

The PACK command controls how plotting objects are renumbered after deletions are made.

Example 1

chips> SPLIT 2
chips> SPLIT GAP 0.05
chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleA.dat
chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleB.dat
chips> D 1 LABEL 2.0 60.0 "Drawing Area 1"
chips> D 1 LABEL 2.0 20.0 "Curve 1"
chips> D 1 LABEL 5.5 10.0 "Curve 2"
chips> D 2 CURVE data/exampleB.dat 
chips> D 2 LABEL 2.0 3.4 "Drawing Area 2"
chips> D 1 C 2 DELETE
Your new Current Curve number is: 1
chips> D 1 L 3 DELETE
Your new Current Label number is: 2
chips> D 2 DELETE
Your new Current Draw Area number is: 1

The drawing area is first divided into two parts. Three curves are plotted - two in drawing area 1 and one in drawing area 2 - and labeled. The command D 1 C 2 DELETE deletes the second curve that was plotted in drawing area number 1; the next DELETE command deletes the label for that curve. The final command removes drawing area number 2 enitrely.

Example 2

chips> CLEAR
chips> CURVE data/exampleA.dat
chips> LABEL 4.0 5.0 "Label 1"
chips> LABEL 2.0 40.0 "Label 2"
chips> LABEL 4.0 60.0 "Label 3"
chips> LABEL 3.0 20.0 "Label 4"
chips> L 2,4 DELETE
Your new Current Label number is: 2
chips> L 2:4 DELETE
Your new Current Label number is: 1

A single curve is plotted and four labels are created. The command L 2,4 DELETE deletes label numbers 2 and 4. By default, renumbering of plotting objects is turned on, so the remaining labels are renumbered as 1 and 2. Issuing L 2:4 DELETE deletes any labels numbered 2 through 4, i.e. "Label 3" is deleted.

Example 3

chips> CURVE data/exampleA.dat
chips> LABEL 4.0 5.0 "Label 1"
chips> LABEL 2.0 40.0 "Label 2"
chips> L 2 DEL
Your new Current Label number is: 1
chips> L 2 SIZE 4.0

A curve is plotted and two labels are created. The L 2 DEL command removes label number 2 (i.e. "Label 2"). Since there is no longer a label number 2 upon which to act, the L 2 SIZE 4.0 command is slightly misleading; this command will act on label number 1, as explained in the DESCRIPTION.


See the bugs page for ChIPS on the CIAO website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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