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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/pset.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
AHELP for CIAO 3.4 pset Context: tools


Set parameter values on the command line


pset toolname [ [ param1[=vaue1] param2 ...] | [value1] ... ]


pset is used to set parameters. The parameters can be specified on the command line in the order they appear in the parameter file or by using the parameter=value pair. If no parameters or values are specified, the tool will prompt for all the parameter (hidden and queried) in the specified parameter file.

In addition to setting parameter values, one can also change the behavior of the tool by setting the parameter attributes. The available attributes are listed below, and they are set using the name parameter.attribute (as shown in example 4 below).

Parameter Attributes

p_mode Changes whether a parameter is prompted for or not.
p_value Changes the parameter value. Same as if no ".attribute" is specified
p_min Reset the parameter minimum allowed value
p_max Reset the parameter maximum allowed value
p_prompt Change the parameter prompt

Resetting the min and max values of a parameter file should be done with EXTREME caution. Changing the mode of the parameter may cause unexpected results -- specifically, changing hidden parameters to automatic/querried will change the command line behavior if the parameter=value syntax is not used. The parameter prompt is safe to change to suit the user's tastes.

Example 1

(1) pset dmlist

This will prompt the user for all the parameter in the dmlist.par file.

Example 2

(2) pset dmlist my_file

This will set the first non-hidden parameter in the dmlist.par file, which happens to be "infile", to be set to "my_file".

Example 3

(3) pset /tmp/dmlist.par infile=my_file outfile=""

This sets the infile parameter in /tmp/dmlist.par to be "my_file" and sets the outfile parameter to be blank.

Example 4

(4) pset dmlist infile.p_prompt="Your most excellent Chandra
observation file"

This replaces the prompt of the infile parameter of dmlist with the specified string. Whenever this parameter is prompted for again, it will display the message above.


name type ftype reqd
parameter_file string input yes

Detailed Parameter Descriptions

Parameter=parameter_file (string required filetype=input)

Name of the parameter

Name of the parameter (optionally with path) to the parameter file.


See the bugs page for this tool on the CIAO website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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