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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/simul-pow-2.html
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AHELP for CIAO 3.4 simul-pow-2 Context: sherpa


A combination of SIMUL-ANN-2 with POWELL.


simul-pow-2  [nloop] [tchn] [nanne] [nsamp] [iseed] [tiny]


This method packages together SIMUL-ANN-2 and the POWELL routine; at the end of each of the cooling sequences, or annealing cycles, the POWELL method is invoked. The rate of cooling in each anneal loop may be much faster than in simulated annealing alone. Probably one of the best choices where one `best' answer is to be found, but at the expense of a lot of computer time.

Note that the parameters of SIMUL-POW-2 are those of SIMUL-POW-2 itself (which have the same meaning as in routine SIMUL-ANN-2), plus those of POWELL.


name type def min max
nloop integer 256 16 4096
tchn real 0.95 0.1 0.9999
nanne integer 16 1 256
nsamp integer 128 16 1024
iseed integer 14391 -1.e+20 1.e+20
tiny real 1.e-12 1.e-20 1.e-6

Detailed Parameter Descriptions

Parameter=nloop (integer default=256 min=16 max=4096)

Maximum number of temperatures.

Parameter=tchn (real default=0.95 min=0.1 max=0.9999)

Factor for temperature reduction.

Parameter=nanne (integer default=16 min=1 max=256)

Number of anneals.

Parameter=nsamp (integer default=128 min=16 max=1024)

Number of movements at each temperature.

Parameter=iseed (integer default=14391 min=-1.e+20 max=1.e+20)

Seed for random number generator.

Parameter=tiny (real default=1.e-12 min=1.e-20 max=1.e-6)

Smallest temperature allowed.


See the Sherpa bug pages online for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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