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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/levenberg-marquardt.html
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AHELP for CIAO 3.4 levenberg-marquardt Context: sherpa


The Levenberg-Marquardt optimization method.


levenberg-marquardt  [iters] [eps] [smplx] [smplxep] [smplxit]


An abbreviated equivalent is LEV-MAR.

The LEVENBERG-MARQUARDT method is a single-shot method which attempts to find the local fit-statistic minimum nearest to the starting point. Its principal advantage is that it uses information about the first and second derivatives of the fit-statistic as a function of the thawed parameter values to guess the location of the fit-statistic minimum. Thus this method works well (and fast) if the statistic surface is well-behaved. Its principal disadvantages are that it will not work as well with pathological statistic surfaces, and there is no guarantee it will find the global fit-statistic minimum.

The code for this method is derived from the implementation in Bevington (1992).

The eps parameter controls when the optimization will cease; for LEVENBERG-MARQUARDT, this will occur when

| S_i - S_(i-1) | < eps ,

where S_(i-1) and S_i are the observed statistic values for the (i-1)th and ith iteration, respectively.

The smplx parameter controls whether the LEVENBERG-MARQUARDT fit is refined with a SIMPLEX fit. SIMPLEX refinement can be useful for complicated fitting problems where straight LEVENBERG-MARQUARDT does not provide a quick solution. Switchover from LEVENBERG-MARQUARDT to SIMPLEX occurs when delta(S), the change in statistic value from one iteration to the next, is less than LEVENBERG-MARQUARDT.smplxep, for LEVENBERG-MARQUARDT.smplxit iterations in a row. For example, the default is for switchover to occur when delta chi^2 < 1 1 for 3 iterations in a row.


name type def min max
iters integer 2000 1 10000
eps real 1.e-3 1.e-9 1
smplx real 1 0 1
smplxep real 1 0.0001 1000
smplxit real 3 1 20

Detailed Parameter Descriptions

Parameter=iters (integer default=2000 min=1 max=10000)

Maximum number of iterations.

Parameter=eps (real default=1.e-3 min=1.e-9 max=1)

Criterion to stop fit.

Parameter=smplx (real default=1 min=0 max=1)

Refine fit with simplex (0=no)

Parameter=smplxep (real default=1 min=0.0001 max=1000)

Switch-to-simplex eps factor

Parameter=smplxit (real default=3 min=1 max=20)

Switch-to-simplex iters factor


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Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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