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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/jointmode.html
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AHELP for CIAO 3.4 jointmode Context: sherpa


Joint-mode models define the function argument, on which a model expression is evaluated, to be a particular data axis.


A joint-mode model, <jointmode_model>, may appear as an element of a
model expression, <modelExpr>, and is constructed using one of the
following syntax options:




where <axis> must be enclosed in curly braces, { }, and where <axis> is
a data column name. Note that <axis> defines the particular data axis
on which the model expression is to be evaluated.


Create 2-D joint-mode models that define data axes as the arguments for model components:

sherpa> DATA example_img.fits FITSIMAGE
sherpa> LORENTZ[SpatialModelAxis0](98:5:200, 70:50:90, 1:1:200)
sherpa> POWLAW1D[SpecModelAxis1]
sherpa> SRC 1 = SpatialModelAxis0{x1}*SpecModelAxis1{x2}

The command LORENTZ[SpatialModelAxis0](98:5:200, 70:50:90, 1:1:200) assigns the name SpatialModelAxis0 to the Sherpa model component LORENTZ, and assigns various parameters values and ranges. Similarly, a second model component is established and assigned a name. The final command assigns the model expression SpatialModelAxis0{x1}*SpecModelAxis1{x2}, to the source model for dataset number 1. This source model expression is an algebraic combination of joint-mode models, where these joint-mode models each define a specific data axis as the argument for a model component. So with this source model expression, the joint-mode model SpatialModelAxis0{x1} will fit model SpatialModelAxis0 to Axis 0 (x1) of the data, and the joint-mode model SpecModelAxis1{x2} will jointly fit model SpecModelAxis1 to Axis 1 (x2) of the data, etc.


See the Sherpa bug pages online for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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