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Last modified: 11 December 2007
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Science Threads for CIAO 3.4


Beginners should start here. The Introductory threads provide an overview of the main components (GUI applications, plotting) and concepts (the Data Model, filtering) in the CIAO data analysis software.

Data Preparation

When Chandra data goes through Standard Data Processing (SDP), the most recently available calibration is applied to it. Since this calibration is continuously being improved, one should check whether there are currently newer files available. Similarly, some science decisions are made during SDP; every user has the option to reprocess the data with different parameters.

Timing Analysis

In order to perform absolute timing analysis on a dataset, a barycenter correction must first be applied to the data. One may then create lightcurves and phase-binned spectra to look for variability in the source. These threads also provide information on working with data taken in the ACIS continuous clocking (CC) mode.


The Imaging threads cover a wide range of topics that include source detection, creating exposure maps and normalized images, and calculating image statistics. How to create color images for publication is addressed, as well as merging data from multiple observations.

Imaging Spectroscopy

After extracting source and background PI or PHA spectra from an imaging observation, the appropriate response files (ARF, RMF) are created so that the data may be modeled and fit. In the case of multiple or extended sources, weighted ARF and RMF are built for the spectral analysis.

Grating Spectroscopy

If new calibration has been applied to the event file, the grating spectrum should be re-extracted as well. It is then possible to build grating response files (gARF, gRMF) in order to model and fit the data in Sherpa.


A list of threads that use S-Lang, the CIAO Scripting Language, to automate a variety of tasks.

Data Used in Threads

How to Download Chandra Data from the Archive
Sorted by OBSID
OBSID Object Instrument Threads
3 Trapezium Cluster HETG/ACIS-S Multiple ACIS Spectra

29 Alpha Cen LETG/HRC-S Multiple HRC Spectra

133 PSR B0540-69 ACIS-I Barycenter Correction, Phase-binned Spectrum

139 BL Lacertae ACIS-I Improving Astrometry (with 461)

144 G21.5-0.9 HRC-I HRC-I Degap, HRC Exposure Map, Bad Pixel File (with 1557, 1843)

170 Crab Pulsar ACIS-S/HETG CC-mode Times of Arrival

315 NGC 4038/
NGC 4039
ACIS-S Image Diffuse Emission

441 Chandra Deep Field South ACIS-I Reprojecting Aspect (with 581)

459 3C 273 HETG/ACIS-S Extract Spectra & Make RMFs/ARFs, Examine PHA2 (with 460, 1198, 1800), HETG/ACIS-S Grating Spectra & gARFs, Add Grating Orders, Add Grating Spectra (with 2463), Show FEF Regions, Afterglow Correction, Coadding Spectra (with 2463), PHA Background, ACIS gRMFs

460 3C 273 LETG/HRC-S LETG/HRC-S Grating Spectra & gARFs, Examine PHA2 (with 459, 1198, 1800), HRC-S gRMFs

461 3C 273 HRC-I Improving Astrometry (with 139)

578 3C 295 ACIS-S Detecting Sources, Weighted ARFs & RMFs, Coordinates for src2 Files

581 Chandra Deep Field South ACIS-I Reprojecting Aspect (with 441)

650 GK Persei ACIS-S Create Source and Background Files

884 0235+164 ACIS-S Clean ACIS Background

1010 Capella HETG/ACIS-S Measure Grating Dispersion Distance, Order-Sorting Image

1198 3C 273 LETG/ACIS-S LETG/ACIS-S Grating Spectra & gARFs, Examine PHA2 (with 459, 460, 1800)

1447 Cas A ACIS-I Extended Source Spectra

1451 II Peg HETG/ACIS-S Color Spectrum

1463 Jupiter ACIS-S Reprojecting Coordinates

1522 Trapezium Cluster ACIS-I Using celldetect (with 578)

1557 G21.5-0.9 HRC-S HRC-S Degap, Bad Pixel File (with 144, 1843), HRC AMP_SF Correction

1703 PKS 2149-306 LETG/ACIS-S Correct Zero-order Source Position

1712 3C 273 ACIS-S Filtering Lightcurves, Destreak, Using ds9, Using Region Files, ACIS Background (with 1838), Readout Streak

1800 PKS 2155-304 LETG/HRC-I Examine PHA2 (with 459, 460, 1198)

1801 PKS 2155-304 LETG/HRC-I LETG/HRC-I Grating Spectra & gARFs

1838 G21.5-0.9 ACIS-S ACIS Data Preparation, Match Binning, True Color Image, Estimating Counts, ACIS Exposure Maps, Statistics of Images, Spectral Weights, Radial Profile, Create a PSF

1842 G21.5-0.9 ACIS-I Merging Data (with 1843), ACIS Exposure Maps (with 1843)

1843 G21.5-0.9 ACIS-I Introduction, General Data Preparation, Merging Data (with 1842), ACIS Exposure Maps (with 1842), Bad Pixel File (with 144, 1557)

2463 3C 273 HETG/ACIS-S Add Grating Spectra (with 459), Coadding Spectra (with 459)

4924 Mrk 590 ACIS-S Processing ACA Monitor Window Data

Sorted by Thread
File Thread

Intro to ChIPS


Using celldetect


Using vtpdetect


Using wavdetect


Using the Output of Detect Tools

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Last modified: 11 December 2007

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