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Using the Output of Detect Tools

[CIAO 3.4 Science Threads]


Last Update: 1 Dec 2006 - updated for CIAO 3.4: ChIPS version


All three Detect programs have a common ouput format, the _src file; see the Output of Detect: _src Files section of the Detect Overview thread for more information. This thread shows how the source list can be displayed, edited, and used in CIAO data analysis.

Related Links:

  • Introduction to Prism thread: many of the tasks featured here may also be accomplished with Prism's editing and viewing capabilities.

Proceed to the HTML or hardcopy (PDF: A4 | letter) version of the thread.


Getting Started

This thread uses products created in the Running celldetect thread. The filtered event files and output source lists are available in detectout.tar.gz (8 MB tarred & gzipped; 14 MB unpacked).

Displaying the Source List

The sources can easily be displayed overlaid on an image:

unix%  ds9 s3_evt2.fits &

Load the region file from the ds9 menu "Regions" -> "Load Regions..." -> s3_src.reg. Alternatively, the FITS filename and extension could be used (s3_src.fits[SRCLIST]).

There are two things to note here:

  1. FITS files must end in .fits for ds9 to recognize them.
  2. [SRCLIST] indicates which block of the file the region information is stored in. This extension name is the same for all three detect tools.

Either command will produce Figure 1 [Link to Image 1: Source list overlaid on image].

Examining the Source List

The contents of the source list can be viewed with dmlist:

unix% dmlist s3_src.fits blocks
Dataset: s3_src.fits
     Block Name                          Type         Dimensions
Block    1: PRIMARY                        Null        
Block    2: SRCLIST                        Table        31 cols x 17       rows

There are 17 sources (one per row) in the file. To see information about the individual sources:

unix% dmlist "s3_src.fits[cols RA,DEC,POS]" data
Data for Table Block SRCLIST
ROW    RA                   DEC                  POS(X,Y)                                
     1       212.8640866629        52.1921374567 (     3961.1449275362,     4035.1449275362)
     2       212.8475950457        52.2255944051 (     4035.1639344262,     4279.9295081967)
     3       212.8362572403        52.2022148086 (     4085.9756097561,     4108.8536585366)
    15       212.7874215851        52.2793561164 (     4304.6153846154,     4673.3692307692)
    16       212.7676912429        52.2989312197 (     4392.8109756098,     4816.6707317073)
    17       212.8529855660        52.3233207794 (     4011.1911764706,     4995.0073529412)

Here the RA, Dec, and sky position of each source is given. Any of the columns in the file can be used in the DM filter.

Manipulating the Source List

It is easy to delete unwanted sources from or rearrange the order of the ASCII output (region file) of the detect tools via a text editor. Using the Data Model tools, it is just as straightforward to manipulate the FITS source file as well.

Edit the List of Sources

Once the source list is overlaid on the image, you may see some sources that you want to exclude from the analysis. Currently, ds9 does not number the sources in the field of view. However, double-clicking on a source region brings up the region info box, which lists the region "ID". In Figure 2 [Link to Image 2: Finding the ID of a source region], the source on the left side of the field of view was chosen -- the ID is 14. This number corresponds to the row the region occupies in the FITS file.

NOTE: this technique only works with the first region file loaded into ds9. After that, the imager starts counting up. For example, if you load region_a.fits that has 10 sources, then region_b.fits that has 6, the regions of the second file will be counted from 11 onward. One may, of course, always examine the region file visually to determine which rows to delete.

To create a new region file that doesn't have row 14 in it, dmcopy is used:

unix% dmcopy "s3_src.fits[#row=1:13,15:17]" s3_1gone_src.fits

unix% dmlist s3_1gone_src.fits blocks
Dataset: s3_1gone_src.fits
     Block Name                          Type         Dimensions
Block    1: PRIMARY                        Null        
Block    2: SRCLIST                        Table        31 cols x 16       rows

The dmlist command shows that there are only 16 rows in the file now. This new file may be displayed in ds9 [Link to Image 3: Confirming a removed source] to ensure that the correct source was removed.

This filter was fairly simple. It is possible to make more complicated filters with the DM syntax. If you wanted to exclude rows (sources) 8, 12, and 14 from the original file:

unix% dmcopy "s3_src.fits[#row=1:7,9:11,13,15:17]" s3_3gone_src.fits

Figure 4 [Link to Image 4: Confirming three deleted sources] shows the new source list, indicating where the deleted objects used to be.

Sort on a Particular Column

The tool dmsort makes it possible to sort on any column in the FITS file. To order the rows by NET_COUNTS:

unix% dmlist "s3_src.fits[cols net_counts]" data
Data for Table Block SRCLIST
     1                 60.0
     2              544.750
     3             48.81250
    15                 47.0
    16       112.9583358765
    17              80.8750

unix% dmsort s3_src.fits s3_sorted_src.fits keys=net_counts copyall=yes

unix% dmlist "s3_sorted_src.fits[cols net_counts]" data
Data for Table Block SRCLIST
     1        22.7142848969
     2        25.1428565979
     3        33.1428565979
    15       112.9583358765
    16       190.2857208252
    17              544.750

The default behavior of dmsort is to organize the results in ascending order. To sort NET_COUNTS in descending order, add a dash ("-") before the column name:

unix% dmsort s3_src.fits s3_descend_src.fits keys=-net_counts copyall=yes

unix% dmlist "s3_descend_src.fits[cols net_counts]" data
Data for Table Block SRCLIST
     1              544.750
     2       190.2857208252
     3       112.9583358765
    15        33.1428565979
    16        25.1428565979
    17        22.7142848969

It is also possible to have several sort priorities (i.e. sort by NET_COUNTS, then NET_COUNTS_ERR); see ahelp dmsort for more information on how to sort files.

Filtering the Source List

If you are interested in only using a certain range of data in your analysis, use the DM filtering syntax to create a new source list with only those items.

To keep the sources that have 40 or more net counts:

unix% dmcopy "s3_src.fits[net_counts=40:]" s3_40cts_src.fits
unix% dmlist "s3_40cts_src.fits[cols net_counts]" data
Data for Table Block SRCLIST

     1                 60.0
     2              544.750
     3             48.81250
     4             79.43750
     5             104.6250
     6             44.93750
     7       190.2857208252
     8        54.1428565979
     9                 47.0
    10       112.9583358765
    11              80.8750

or those with NET_COUNTS between 25 and 80:

unix% dmcopy "s3_src.fits[net_counts=25:80]" s3_25-80cts_src.fits
unix% dmlist "s3_25-80cts_src.fits[cols net_counts]" data
Data for Table Block SRCLIST
     1                 60.0
     2             48.81250
     3             79.43750
     4             44.93750
     5        39.4285697937
     6        25.1428565979
     7        33.1428565979
     8        54.1428565979
     9        37.2857131958
    10        38.4772720337
    11                 47.0

See ahelp dmfiltering for other variations on the filtering syntax.

Converting Coordinates to Sexagesimal

Often it is desirable to have the list of sources in sexagesimal format, i.e. (RA,Dec) = (hms,dms). There are two ways that this may be done - in ds9 or with S-Lang.

  • In ds9: load the event file and display the source list on top of it. From the "Region" menu, set "File Format -> CIAO" and "File Coordinate System -> WCS and Equatorial J2000". Finally, "Save Regions" as s3_src_ds9.reg.

    The output (an ASCII region file) still contains the shape definitions, but the coordinates are now given as sexagesimal:

    unix% more s3_src_ds9.reg
    # Region file format: CIAO version 1.0

    The benefit of this method is that the file may be redisplayed in ds9, as it retains the CIAO region format.

  • With S-Lang: use a small slang script, deg2sexag.sl, to convert the FITS source list. Download the script and load it into ChIPS with the evalfile command:

    unix% chips
    Welcome to ChIPS, version CIAO 3.4
    Copyright (C) 1999-2003, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
    chips> evalfile("deg2sexag.sl")
    chips> sources=readfile("s3_src.fits") 
    chips> (ra,dec)=deg2sexag(sources.RA,sources.DEC)
    chips> writeascii(stdout,sources.COMPONENT,ra,dec,sources.X,sources.Y)
    1       14:11:27.38     +52:11:31.69    3961.14 4035.14
    2       14:11:23.42     +52:13:32.14    4035.16 4279.93
    3       14:11:20.70     +52:12:07.97    4085.98 4108.85
    4       14:11:20.53     +52:12:10.08    4089.18 4113.13
    5       14:11:20.39     +52:12:11.51    4091.84 4116.04
    6       14:11:13.63     +52:13:41.46    4217.98 4298.88
    7       14:11:30.85     +52:14:24.19    3896.6  4385.79
    8       14:11:29.12     +52:13:33.00    3928.69 4281.72
    9       14:11:20.69     +52:14:11.96    4086.27 4360.86
    10      14:11:19.46     +52:14:00.94    4109.08 4338.45
    11      14:10:59.52     +52:11:53.84    4481.75 4080.36
    12      14:10:57.36     +52:11:31.25    4522.16 4034.49
    13      14:11:14.50     +52:16:11.60    4201.7  4604.05
    14      14:11:29.15     +52:16:43.48    3928.33 4668.88
    15      14:11:08.98     +52:16:45.68    4304.62 4673.37
    16      14:11:04.25     +52:17:56.15    4392.81 4816.67
    17      14:11:24.72     +52:19:23.95    4011.19 4995.01
    chips> writeascii("s3_src_sexag.reg",sources.COMPONENT,ra,dec)
    chips> exit

    The output (s3_src_sexag.reg) is an ASCII source file which contains the positions in the new format:

    unix% more s3_src_sexag.reg 
    1       14:11:27.38     +52:11:31.69
    2       14:11:23.42     +52:13:32.14
    3       14:11:20.70     +52:12:07.97
    15      14:11:08.98     +52:16:45.68
    16      14:11:04.25     +52:17:56.15
    17      14:11:24.72     +52:19:23.95

    This output cannot be loaded into ds9 as it no longer contains the shape definitions. It would, however, be more straightforward to incorporate this output into a latex table than the ds9 output.

    For ease in using this frequently, it may be added to the /home/username/.varmmrc resource file. See ahelp configure for information on using resource files.

Using the Source List in Analysis

Before beginning any analysis with the source list, be aware that the scaling of the size of each region is controlled by the ellsigma parameter in each of the detect tools. From the help files:

ellsigma is a multiplicative factor applied to sigma ... to scale the major and minor 
axes of the ellipses for each source. ellsigma affects both the outfile and the ASCII 
region file (regfile). This feature is included so that the graphics overlay will be 
more visible and under the user's control.

Carefully consider a reasonable value for ellsigma before using these regions for analyses.

Creating Individual Spectra

It is possible to create a spectrum from any of the regions in the source list without having to divide up the file. To extract a PI spectrum of the second source [Link to Image 5: Source 2, used to create the spectrum] in the file and bin it by a factor of 5:

unix% punlearn dmextract
unix% dmextract "s3_evt2.fits[sky=region(s3_src.fits[#row=2])][bin pi=::5]" \

The contents of the parameter file may be checked using plist dmextract. The resultant spectrum can be plotted in ChIPS:

unix% chips

Welcome to ChIPS, version CIAO 3.4
Copyright (C) 1999-2003, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

chips> curve "spectrum_2.fits[cols channel,counts]"
chips> curve simpleline; symbol none
chips> limits x 0 100
chips> xlabel "channel"; xlabel size 1.5
chips> ylabel "counts"; ylabel size 1.5
chips> exit

Figure 6 [Link to Image 6: Plot of the spectrum in chips] shows the plot. This data may also be fit in Sherpa, once the proper response files have been created; see the Step-by-Step Guide to Creating ACIS Spectra for Pointlike Sources and Independent Background Responses threads for more information.

Creating Multiple Spectra

To create an individual spectrum for each of the sources, use the lgrid(1:n:steps) stack syntax, where n is the number of sources in the file.

For s3_src.fits, which has 17 sources in it:

unix% dmextract "s3_evt2.fits[sky=region(s3_src.fits[component=lgrid(1:17:1)])][bin pi=::5]" \

The output file is a type II PHA file that has one spectrum per row:

unix% dmlist multi_spectra_phaII.fits blocks
Dataset: multi_spectra_phaII.fits
     Block Name                          Type         Dimensions
Block    1: PRIMARY                        Null        
Block    2: SPECTRUM                       Table         7 cols x 17       rows
Block    3: GTI7                           Table         2 cols x 1        rows

For more information on working with this type of file, see the Displaying the Spectrum section of the Examining Grating Spectra and Regions: PHA2 files thread (the information in that section applies to imaging files as well).

Creating a Composite Spectrum

It is also possible to extract a composite spectrum of all the (faint) sources in a field for a single spectral analysis. This may be useful in the case where the sources might be of similar characteristics, but there are not enough counts in any given source to do individual spectra.

Here we have deleted the sources associated with 3C295 (IDs 3-5):

unix% dmcopy "s3_src.fits[#row=1:2,6:]" s3_nocore_src.fits

Now we can use dmextract to accept all the regions together and create a spectrum:

unix% dmextract "s3_evt2.fits[sky=region(s3_nocore_src.fits)][bin pi=::5]" \

Again, the resultant spectrum can be plotted in ChIPS:

unix% chips

Welcome to ChIPS, version CIAO 3.4
Copyright (C) 1999-2003, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

chips> curve "spectrum_faint.fits[cols channel,counts]"
chips> curve simpleline; symbol none
chips> limits x 0 100
chips> xlabel "channel"; xlabel size 1.5
chips> ylabel "counts"; ylabel size 1.5
chips> exit

Figure 7 [Link to Image 7: Composite spectrum of 14 sources] shows the plot. As mentioned before, this data may also be fit in Sherpa, once the proper response files have been created; see the Step-by-Step Guide to Creating ACIS Spectra for Pointlike Sources and Independent Background Responses threads for more information.

Removing Unwanted Point Sources

Often it is desirable to remove point sources from an image for both cosmetic and scientific reasons. For example, if you are analyzing an extended source, an unfortunately located point source may affect the count rates in the object.

Suppose that we want to remove all the point sources from our field of view, except for the three in the core (sources 3-5). First, create a source list that excludes these three regions:

unix% dmcopy "s3_src.fits[#row=1:2,6:17]" s3_holes_src.fits

Now filter the event file with those regions:

unix% dmcopy "s3_evt2.fits[exclude sky=region(s3_holes_src.fits)]" s3_holes_evt2.fits

unix% ds9 s3_holes_evt2.fits &

The resulting image, Figure 8 [Link to Image 8: Event file with sources removed], has holes where the sources used to be. The Obtain and Fit a Radial Profile thread illustrates another case in which you might use this syntax (see the Removing Contaminating Point Sources section).

A more sophisticated means of removing point sources is to use dmfilth. This tool removes the point source and then fills in the hole where the source was. See ahelp dmfilth for more information and the Identify and Remove Point Sources section of the Create an Image of Diffuse Emission thread for an example.

Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param/dmextract.par

# DMEXTRACT -- extract columns or counts from an event list
        infile = s3_evt2.fits[sky=region(s3_src.fits[#row=2])][bin pi=::5] Input event file 
       outfile = spectrum_2.fits  Enter output file name
          (bkg = )                Background region file or fixed background (counts/pixel/s) subtraction
        (error = gaussian)        Method for error determination(poisson|gaussian|<variance file>)
     (bkgerror = gaussian)        Method for background error determination(poisson|gaussian|<variance file>)
      (bkgnorm = 1.0)             Background normalization
          (exp = )                Exposure map image file
       (bkgexp = )                Background exposure map image file
      (sys_err = 0)               Fixed systematic error value for SYS_ERR keyword
          (opt = pha1)            Output file type: pha1 
     (defaults = ${ASCDS_CALIB}/cxo.mdb -> /soft/ciao/data/cxo.mdb) Instrument defaults file
         (wmap = )                WMAP filter/binning (e.g. det=8 or default)
      (clobber = no)              OK to overwrite existing output file(s)?
      (verbose = 0)               Verbosity level
         (mode = ql)              


03 Jan 2005 reviewed for CIAO 3.2: no changes
19 Dec 2005 updated for CIAO 3.3: default value of dmextract error and bkgerror parameters is "gaussian", screen output updated accordingly; updated files in detect data tarfile
01 Dec 2006 updated for CIAO 3.4: ChIPS version

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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006

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