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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006
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Overview: Detecting Sources in Imaging Observations

[CIAO 3.4 Science Threads]


Last Update: 1 Dec 2006 - reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes


An overview and comparison of the three Detect tools: celldetect, vtpdetect, and wavdetect. A complete description of these algorithms and their uses is available from the Detect manual.

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The CIAO Detect Package

The detection of significant features in 2-D images is at the heart of much of astronomy, as well as of other areas of science. X-ray astronomy poses some special challenges (e.g. large sparse arrays, Poisson statistics) that mandate specially developed methods for source detection. Moreover, the extremely small beam area of the Chandra mission can resolve tight clusters of sources. However, the small beam also means that more diffuse sources will also be resolved, making them more difficult to detect.

The CIAO Detect package includes three different source detection programs which identify statistically significant brightness enhancements, deriving from both unresolved (point) and resolved (extended) x-ray sources:

Comparison of the Detect Tools

In general, wavdetect and vtpdetect offer more capability for complex fields with both point and extended sources, but place a significantly heavier demand on computer resources. For wavdetect, it is recommended that you restrict the image space as much as possible; see Section 1.5 - Data Manipulation (DM) Filtering - of the Detect manual for information on how to do so.

Method Strengths Weaknesses
  • Long heritage (EINSTEIN, Rosat); well understood.
  • Good for faint point sources, outside crowded fields.
  • Requires fine tuning of parameters for extended sources.
  • Divides extended sources into multiple point sources.
  • Has difficulty separating closely spaced point sources.
  • Finds faint, low surface brightness features.
  • Extended sources found as single source in visually "correct" way, regardless of their actual shape.
  • Detection process is scale-free.
  • Combines closely spaced point sources.
  • Combines diffuse emission with embedded point sources.
  • Slow for more than about ~105 photons.
  • Separates closely spaced point sources.
  • Finds extended sources so long as wavelet scales are chosen appropriately.
  • Slower than celldetect.

Comparison of Detect Methods

A. Factors Affecting Performance And Runtimes

  • celldetect

    The primary factor that influences the runtime of celldetect is the size of the dataset. Two secondary factors are the number of cell sizes to examine and the actual number of detected sources.

  • wavdetect

    The three most important factors that affect the runtime of wavdetect are:

    1. the size of the dataset
    2. the number and size of wavelet scales
    3. the number of background cleaning iterations.

    The first two factors influence both wtransform and wrecon, the third only affects wtransform .

    For large wavelet sizes, the dataset needs to be padded. This causes the size of the data to be artificially augmented.

    wavdetect also uses a lot of computer memory. At present, 1024 x 1024 pixels should be considered the practical limit for the size of the input dataset on most machines.

  • vtpdetect

    The runtime of vtpdetect does not depend on the spatial size of the dataset, but depends on many other factors and is rather unpredictable. The most important factors are the number of unique photon locations and the overall number of events.

    vtpdetect will run quickly if the number of photons is low and there is a high contrast between background and sources. In the opposite scenario (i.e. when one has a large number of photons and a large number of faint sources), the vtpdetect run can be very long, since fitting background becomes an arduous task. In these situations, our tests have shown that vtpdetect becomes very slow if the observation contains more than ~105 photons.

B. Sample Runtimes

To give the reader a rough idea on the performance, we ran all three tools on various subsets of two simulated HRC-I observations. One simulation contained a set of sources on top of a flat background, the other contained only a flat background, but for a 10 times longer exposure, i.e. containing roughly 10 times more background events.

The following table shows the runtimes on a Sun Ultra 1 with a 167 MHz processor and 124 MB of RAM. The same runs on a Sun SPARCstation 5 with 70 MHz CPU and 64 MB of RAM were ~3 times slower. The runtimes of celldetect and wavdetect are not affected by the increase in the number of events; the major factor is instead the size of the dataset. In the case of vtpdetect, however, the number of events is the primary factor. The tool slows down considerably if the number of events is large.

Some things to keep in mind about the runs reported in the table:

  • only one wavelet scale was analyzed for wavdetect
  • only one background iteration was performed for both wavdetect and vtpdetect

On account of these two items, actual runtimes will normally be longer than indicated. Also:

  • to a first approximation, the time required for execution of wrecon and vtpdetect increases linearly with the number of iterations.
  • each additional scale in wavdetect increases the runtime by roughly the same amount of time.
  • The ``recursive blocking scheme" was used in celldetect runs for 32k x 32k data.
Size (pixels) Nevt Approximate run time (min:sec)
celldetect wavdetect vtpdetect
Short exposure, bkg+sources
512 x 512 400 0:25 3:45 (3:00+0:45) 0:03
1024 x 1024 1300 0:50 11:40 (9:30+2:10) 0:05
2048 x 2048 3800 2:00 -- 0:16
32768 x 32768 1.1e105 8:50 -- 9:40
Long exposure, bkg only
512 x 512 1800 0:25 3:35 (2:55+0:40) 0:15
1024 x 1024 7300 0:50 11:30 (9:30+2:00) 0:50
2048 x 2048 28000 2:00 -- 1:40
32768 x 32768 1.1e106 8:50 -- --

C. Comparative Results For The Chandra Deep Field South

As described in section 2.4 of the Detect manual, we chose to use ObsID 2405 (part of Chandra Deep Field South) as a test field because it contributes 10% of the total exposure time of the Deep Field South. From running detect on the full exposure, we know the locations of all real sources which could be detected from the short exposure.

For this comparison, we have run the tools with their default parameter values. For celldetect, we used a S/N threshold of 3, an encircled energy of 0.9, and the PSF library of 2001 April. For wavdetect, we used scales of 1,2,4,8, & 16 and sigthresh = E-6. We found 71 detections for the block=2 image and 26 for the inner 1024 x 1024 area at block=1; of these, only 4 were unique. For vtpdetect, we used scale = 1 and a maximum probability of being a false source (limit) equal to E-5 and E-6. The results are shown in the following table.

Tool # of
# of Edge
# of Spurious
# of Valid
celldetect 36 1 1 34 3%
wavdetect 75 19 0 56 0%
vtpdetect (E-5) 61 0 6 55 10%
vtpdetect (E-6) 48 0 2 46 4%

The distinction between "spurious" and "edge" is somewhat subjective. In the case of wavdetect , the edge detections were close to, but not actually on, the edge. The percent spurious assumes that these detections don't count; i.e. if we had used an exposure map, they probably would not have been detected. By adjusting various parameters, each tool could be made to perform better or worse; the values presented here are indicative of the norm.

Running The CIAO Detect Tools

Separate threads have been created for each of the CIAO Detect tools. Each thread illustrates running the tool, selecting appropriate parameter values, etc.:

Output of Detect: _src Files

All three Detect programs have a common output format, a _src file. (The CXC archive also contains such files from standard data processing. They are labelled in the style acis*_src2.fits where the "2" indicates that they were built during Level 2 processing.)

For each source these FITS files contain the RA, Dec of each source (with uncertainties), the net source counts and background (with uncertainties), signal-to-noise ratio, the region descriptor for the source and a number of parameters that depend on the detect method employed. The Detect manual gives a complete list of the file columns and their meanings in the "Data Product Description" sections.

The Using the Output of Detect Tools thread illustrates how to use the source list in CIAO data analysis.


14 Dec 2004 reviewed for CIAO 3.2: no changes
03 Jun 2005 updated links for CIAO 3.2 version of Detect manual
12 Dec 2005 reviewed for CIAO 3.3: no changes
01 Dec 2006 reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes

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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006

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