A Note on Processing Versions
[CIAO 3.4 Science Threads]
OverviewLast Update: 1 Dec 2006 - updated for CIAO 3.4 and CALDB 3.3.0: screen output of caldb_version.fits Synopsis: The CIAO Science Threads are designed to work with Chandra data that has been created using recent calibration data. In the past we have referred to this as "reprocessed" data, since early datasets have had to be reprocessed using the new calibration files; it now refers to any observation which passes the pipeline version check. |
Checking the pipeline version
Sample ObsIDs used: 1843 (ACIS-I, G21.5-0.9); 578 (ACIS-S, 3C 295)
File types needed: evt2
The version naming convention changed after version R4CU5UPD14 to the "DS" system, starting with DS 6.0.0. Any data with a processing version of DS 6.0.0 or higher is more recent than R4CU5UPD14.
The processing version information is stored in the ASCDSVER keyword:
unix% dmkeypar acisf01843N001_evt2.fits ASCDSVER echo+ R4CU5UPD8.2
For a more recent dataset:
unix% dmkeypar acisf00578N002_evt2.fits ASCDSVER echo+ 6.1.0
Checking the CALDB version
It is also useful to check the version of the CALDB used in processing, since the threads reference the CALDBVER header keyword when discussing processing changes:
unix% dmkeypar acisf01843N001_evt2.fits CALDBVER echo+ 1.4 unix% dmkeypar acisf00578N002_evt2.fits CALDBVER echo+ 2.6
The CALDBVER header keyword is not updated by the CIAO tools. The value always reflects the version of the CALDB applied in standard data processing (SDP).
To find out which version of the CALDB you are running on your local system, look in the caldb_version.fits file:
unix% dmlist "$CALDB/docs/chandra/caldb_version/caldb_version.fits[cols caldb_ver,ciao_ver]" data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data for Table Block CALDBVER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROW CALDB_VER CIAO_VER 1 1.000 CIAO1.1 2 1.1 CIAO1.1.1 . . (output omitted) . 51 3.2.3 CIAO3.3.0.1 52 3.2.4 CIAO3.3.0.1 53 3.3.0 CIAO3.4
This file is automatically updated each time the CALDB is upgraded on your system, so the final row always indicates the current version.
22 Dec 2004 | updated for CIAO 3.2/CALDB 3.0.0 |
01 Dec 2005 | updated for CIAO 3.3/CALDB 3.2.0: screen output of caldb_version.fits |
01 Dec 2006 | updated for CIAO 3.4 and CALDB 3.3.0: screen output of caldb_version.fits |