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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006
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Using a PSF Image as the Convolution Kernel


In this thread, we fit 2-D image data using a Point-Spread-Function (PSF) image as the convolution kernel.


Getting Started

Please follow the "Sherpa Threads: Getting Started" thread.

Reading & Filtering Image Data

In this thread, we fit 2-D image data from the FITS datafile center_box_0.25pix.fits. This is the image created from an event file by binning over a region to 0.25 ACIS pixel size with dmcopy; for example:

unix% dmcopy "event.fits[sky=region(center_box.reg)][bin x=::0.25,y=::0.25]" \

This dataset is input into Sherpa with the DATA command:

sherpa> DATA center_box_0.25pix.fits

Now the dataset may be displayed:

sherpa> IMAGE DATA 

The input data image looks like this [Link to Image 1: Input image data].

There are several ways of filtering image data within Sherpa. Here, we illustrate two ways. Note that interactive filtering directly from ds9 (method 1 below) can be used during the session, while the command-line filters (method 2 below) can be used in scripts.

  1. Use ds9 regions to filter the data. After the data have been displayed, go to the Region box in ds9 and choose a designed region shape. In this example we use the box shape. When the box is displayed, the size of the box can be changed with the cursor or within the Region Info box which is displayed from the Region box with the Get Info... button. After the desired region size is set, the region can be used to filter the data as follows:
    sherpa> IGNORE ALL
    sherpa> NOTICE IMAGE
    Note that the NOTICE IMAGE command will notice all the pixels that are included in the current region displayed in ds9.
    sherpa> SHOW 
    Optimization Method: Levenberg-Marquardt
    Statistic:           Chi-Squared Gehrels
    Input data files:
    Data 1: center_box_0.25pix.fits fits.
    Total Size: 24843 bins (or pixels)
    Dimensions: 2
    Size: 169 x 147
    Coordinate setting: logical
    Total counts (or values): 1831
    Current filters for dataset 1:
    ignore source 1 all
    NOTICE source 1 FILTER "BOX(88.16875,75.8625,70.416667,68.508334)" 
    Noticed filter size: 4899 bins 
    Sum of data within filter: 1788
  2. The same filter can be set on the command-line with the region definition. Note that Sherpa requires the Image coordinates (not the Physical coordinates) to be used in the region definitions:
    sherpa> IGNORE ALL
    sherpa> NOTICE FILTER "BOX(88.16875,75.8625,70.416667,68.508334)"

We can now display the filter region:


The filter region looks like this [Link to Image 2: Input image filter region].

In this case, the following command will display the filtered data:

sherpa> IMAGE DATA

The filtered data looks like this [Link to Image 3: Filtered image data].

Defining the Instrument Model with a PSF Image

The instrument model FPSF, which takes an image of the PSF, is established and named psf0:

Model parameter prompting is off
sherpa> FPSF[psf0]
sherpa> psf0.file=psf_f1_norm_0.25pix.fits
sherpa> SHOW psf0
    Param   Type      Value        Min        Max                 Units
    -----   ----      -----        ---        ---                 -----
 1   file string: "psf_f1_norm_0.25pix.fits"
 2  xsize frozen         32          1       1024                      
 3  ysize frozen         32          1       1024                      
 4   xoff frozen          0       -512        512                      
 5   yoff frozen          0       -512        512                      
 6    fft frozen          1          0          1                      

sherpa> INSTRUMENT = psf0

Note that the PSF is automatically renormalized to 1. Renormalization is done by summing over all image pixels, regardless of the setting of xsize and ysize.

The PSF image file was created using the CIAO tool mkpsf (see the CIAO Create a PSF thread. Note that in recent CIAO versions the best PSF image can be created with The Chandra Ray Tracer (ChaRT)). The file center_box_0.25pix.fits was used as input to mkpsf in order to match the binning of the resulting PSF image file (psf_f1_norm_0.25pix.fits). Sherpa requires that the binning of the PSF image file match the binning of the input data image.

To view the PSF image [Link to Image 4: PSF image], load it into ds9 (from outside Sherpa).

FPSF model parameters

  • xsize & ysize:

    The PSF image provided via the file parameter may be much larger than the FPSF size (in number of pixels), and therefore larger than needed. In order to speed the convolution process, a sub-image kernel (xsize by ysize) is specified. In this example, the input PSF image file has 255x255 pixels, but the portion that will be used for the convolution is only the center 32x32 pixels sub-image.

    In some cases a larger sub-image will be needed: when the source is located off-axis, or when including the PSF wings is important for the analysis.

    To see the sub-image of the PSF image file that will be used for the convolution:

    sherpa> IMAGE psf0
    NOTE: PSF fraction for (xsize,ysize): FRAC = 0.976061

    This sub-image contains only a part of the input file defined by the size and offset parameters. Note that the sub-image will be empty if the PSF centroid is located outside the sub-image. When the image command is issued Sherpa prints out the information about the PSF fraction included in the sub-image. Updating xsize and ysize parameters increases the PSF fraction to about 99%.

    sherpa> psf0.ysize=72
    sherpa> psf0.xsize=72
    sherpa> image psf0
    NOTE: PSF fraction for (xsize,ysize): FRAC = 0.991294

    The FPSF sub-images look like this [Link to Image 5: PSF sub-image for convolution]. The left panel shows the default size sub-image of 32x32 pixel. The right panel shows an expanded to 72x72 pixels sub-image. Notice that the larger sub-image contains a significant amount of the PSF wings structure.

  • xoff & yoff:

    The FPSF (kernel) centroid must always be at the center of the extracted sub-image. The parameters xoff and yoff move the center of the extracted sub-image away from the center of the original file image. Here, xoff = yoff = 0 and so the kernel sub-image is extracted from the center of the original file image.

  • fft:

    This parameter controls whether the convolution will be performed using Fast Fourier Transforms (fft=1) or the sliding cell technique (fft=0). For convolution with a large kernel, the best choice is FFT (the default).

Defining a Multi-Component Source Model Expression

Now we will define a source model expression, using a two-dimensional Gaussian function called GAUSS2D, and a constant called CONST2D:

sherpa> SOURCE = CONST2D[cc1] + GAUSS2D[g2]
sherpa> g2 INTEGRATE ON

Source 1: (cc1 + g2)
const2d[cc1]  (integrate: on)
    Param   Type      Value        Min        Max                 Units
    -----   ----      -----        ---        ---                 -----
 1     c0 thawed       27.5          0         55                      
gauss2d[g2]  (integrate: on)
    Param   Type      Value        Min        Max                 Units
    -----   ----      -----        ---        ---                 -----
 1   fwhm thawed     5.9377 5.9377e-02   593.7728                      
 2   xpos thawed       88.5       52.5      123.5                      
 3   ypos thawed       76.5       41.5      110.5                      
 4  ellip frozen          0          0      0.999                      
 5  theta frozen          0          0     6.2832                      
 6   ampl thawed         55       0.55       5500                      

The model component cc1 is interpreted as the constant background contribution to the data.

Modifying Statistic Setting

Since the data being fit has low counts, we wish to change the statistic to CASH:


Note that truncation is turned on when the Cash statistic is used. This setting prevents negative model-predicted data values from affecting the convergence process.

Further details about the Cash statistic method are available by typing:

sherpa> ahelp cash


The data is first fit assuming a constant background (i.e. cc1 is frozen):

sherpa> cc1.c0=1
sherpa> FREEZE cc1.c0
sherpa> FIT
NOTE: PSF fraction for (xsize,ysize): FRAC = 0.991294
WARNING: the Levenberg-Marquardt optimization method works
         less robustly when the Cash or cstat statistic is used.
         Consider using the Powell or Simplex method instead.
 LVMQT: V2.0
 LVMQT: initial statistic value = 4813.17
 LVMQT: final statistic value = 4146.76 at iteration 43
            g2.fwhm  2.71486     
            g2.xpos  88.6616     
            g2.ypos  77.2268     
            g2.ampl  175.802     

Levenberg-Marquardt optimization method is the default Sherpa method, but it is not robust with our choice of statistics. We update the optimization method to Powell which is slower, but more robust and appropriate in this case and refit:

sherpa>  method  powell 
sherpa>  FIT
 powll: v1.2
 powll:  initial statistic value =     4.14676E+03
 powll:     converged to minimum =     4.14676E+03 at iteration =      2
 powll:    final statistic value =     4.14676E+03
            g2.fwhm  2.71384     
            g2.xpos  88.6616     
            g2.ypos  77.2268     
            g2.ampl  175.813     

The fit is run again with the background component thawed.

sherpa> THAW cc1.c0

sherpa> FIT 
 powll: v1.2
 powll:  initial statistic value =     4.14676E+03
 powll:     converged to minimum =    -4.45758E+03 at iteration =     12
 powll:    final statistic value =    -4.45758E+03
           cc1.c0  0.00276129     
            g2.fwhm  3.67578     
            g2.xpos  88.5798     
            g2.ypos  77.2409     
            g2.ampl  115.973     

Examining Fit Results

The fit results may be examined with:

sherpa> IMAGE FIT

This command displays the data, best fit model, and residuals in three ds9 frames, as shown in this image [Link to Image 6: Data, best-fit model, and residuals].

The IMAGE FIT command displays a montage of the data, current model, and residuals that can be used to see how well the model describes the data. This can be hard to interpret. We can make use of the plot_rprofr() function provided by the sherpa_plotfns.sl script. See also Fitting FITS Images thread for more details.

sherpa> () = evalfile("sherpa_plotfns.sl");

sherpa> plot_rprofr(0,80,5)
sherpa> d 1 log y

This plots a radial profile of the data and model (points and solid line respectively in the image like this [Link to Image 7: Radial profile of the best fit model].) in the top plot and a radial profile of the residual image in the bottom plot. The arguments in the function call refer to the minimum (0) and maximum (80) radii of the profile and the third value (5) is the bin width (the coordinate system matches that set by the COORD command). The center is found from the source component which contains parameters called xpos and ypos (here it is the g2 model). The radial profile indicates quite good fit parameters in this case.

To further examine the residuals using surface and/or contour plots:


The resulting surface plot looks like this [Link to Image 8: Surface plot of the residuals].

sherpa> cplot residuals
  ==> Error bars computed using Chi Gehrels.
Contour Levels: 12.7666 9.57494 6.38328 3.19163 -2.6213e-05 
Min: -12.2408, Max: 12.7666, Ave: -2.6213e-05

The resulting contour plot looks like this [Link to Image 9: Contour plot of the residuals].

The residual data (in counts) may be written to an external file:

sherpa> WRITE RESIDUALS 2dpsf_resid_cnts.fits FITS
Creating new filter for 2D visualization...done.
Write X-Axes: (Bin,Bin)  Y-Axis: Counts

This file may then be used in further analysis, such as smoothing the residuals with aconvolve.


This thread is complete, so we can exit the Sherpa session:

sherpa> EXIT


14 Dec 2004 reviewed for CIAO 3.2: no changes
21 Dec 2005 reviewed for CIAO 3.3: minor changes to fit results
29 Jun 2006 added () = evalfile("sherpa_plotfns.sl"); command in Examining Fit Results section
01 Dec 2006 reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes

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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006

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