Last modified: 17 December 2019

Contextual List of Ahelp Files

Context Topic Summary
axes add_axis Creates an axis or axes.
bind_axes Link two axes so that changes in the range, scale or other attributes in one will be automatically copied to the other.
current_axis Set the specified axis as current.
delete_axis Delete the specified axis.
display_axis Display the specified axis.
display_major_ticks Displays the major tickmarks for the specified axis or axes.
display_minor_ticks Displays the minor tickmarks for the specified axis or axes.
get_axis Retrieves the attribute value(s) of the axis.
get_xaxis Retrieves the attribute value(s) of the X axis.
get_yaxis Retrieves the attribute value(s) of the y-axis.
hide_axis Hide the specified axis.
hide_major_ticks Hides the major tickmarks of the axis or axes.
hide_minor_ticks Hides the minor tickmarks of the axis or axes.
info_bound_axes Returns a string containing a listing of bound axes.
lin_scale Changes the plot axis to use a linear scale.
log_scale Changes the plot axis to use a logarithmic scale.
move_axis Moves the axis to a new location.
reverse_axes Reverses the direction of one or more axes.
set_arbitrary_tick_positions Change the position and labels for the major tickmarks on an axis
set_axis Modifies the attributes of an existing axis.
set_xaxis Modifies the attributes of an existing x axis.
set_yaxis Modifies the attributes of an existing y axis.
shuffle_axis Shuffles the rendering order of the axis within the depth.
unbind_axes Removes the binding between a pair of axes.

chips chipsgui The ChIPS GUI
chipsrc The .chips.rc file provides user-configuration options for ChIPS
chips Introduction to ChIPS, the CIAO plotting package
make_figure Create a basic plot of a curve, contour, image, or histogram (includes axis labels and a plot title).
show_gui Launch the ChIPS graphic user interface (GUI)

concepts aspectratio A discussion of the aspect ratio support in ChIPS.
attributes Attributes are used to configure object properties such as color, font, and line style.
chipsid The ChipsId structure is used to specify the currency state and coordinate system.
chipsopt The ChIPS Dictionary is a glossary of frequently-used terms and attribute value listings.
colors Use of colors in ChIPS.
coordsys ChIPS coordinate systems: pixel, window normalized, frame normalized, plot normalized, and data.
currency Currency is the notion of which objects in a ChIPS visualization are currently being used (e.g. having their attributes changed).
depthcontrol Depth contols the rendering order and appearance when objects overlap.
entitycreation Managing the creation of all levels of the object hierarchy.
preferences Specify the default attribute values and settings for ChIPS to use.
setget Methods of obtaining and modifying the attributes of object.

contours add_contour Creates a contour plot from an image or (x,y,z) values.
current_contour Set the specified contour as current.
delete_contour Delete the specified contour.
display_contour Display the specified contour.
get_contour Retrieves the attribute value(s) of the contour.
hide_contour Hide the specified contour.
set_contour Modifies the attributes of an existing contour.
shuffle_contour Shuffles the rendering order of the contour within the depth.

contrib add_fov_region Display a Chandra FOV (field-of-view) file as a region.
chips_contrib Contributed CIAO routines for ChIPS.
chips_decorators Python decorators for ChIPS
chips_helix Load the Cube Helix colormap into ChIPS
chips_images Image routines for ChIPS (CIAO contributed package)
chips_pyplot A basic matplotlib/pyplot-like interface to ChIPS
chips_regions Region routines for ChIPS (CIAO contributed package)
chips_scatter Create multiple scatter plots (CIAO contributed package)
chips_utils Utility routines for ChIPS (CIAO contributed package)
scatterlimits Change the limits of one variable in a scatter plot.
scatterplots Create, or add to, a set of scatter plots.
scatterscale Change the scaling of one or more variables in a scatter plot.

coordinates convert_coordinate Converts a point from one ChIPS coordinate system to another.
get_pick Return the coordinates of one or more mouse or key presses.
info_coordinate Returns a string containing a listing of available data coordinate systems.
pick Display the coordinates of one or more mouse or key presses.

curves add_curve Creates a curve (a set of two-dimensional points optionally marked by points or connected by lines)
current_curve Set the specified curve as current.
delete_curve Delete the specified curve.
display_curve Display the specified curve.
get_curve Retrieves the attribute value(s) of the curve.
hide_curve Hide the specified curve.
set_curve Modifies the attributes of an existing curve.
shuffle_curve Shuffles the rendering order of the curve within the depth.

depth collapse_depths Merges an array of depths into a single new depth.
display_depth Display the objects at the specified depth
get_default_depth Retrieves the default depth of the frame.
hide_depth Hide the objects at the specified depth.
info_depth Returns a string containing a listing of objects at the specified depth.
reindex_depth Moves all items from one depth to a new depth.
set_default_depth Sets the default depth of the frame.

errors clear_errors Clears the ChIPS server error list.
get_errors Retrieves errors from the ChIPS server error list.
get_error_count Retrieves the number of instances of the specified ChIPS error type.
get_error_types Retrieves the types of ChIPS errors collected.
get_error_verbosity Returns the ChIPS error report "verbosity" setting presently in effect.
set_error_verbosity Controls the amount of error information returned by ChIPS.

frames add_frame Creates a frame.
arrange_frames Reorder the frames in a window.
blink_frames Blink between two frames; stop blink mode.
current_frame Set the specified frame as current.
delete_frame Delete the specified frame.
display_frame Display the specified frame.
get_frame Retrieves the attribute value(s) of the frame.
hide_frame Hide the specified frame.
move_frame Moves the frame to a new location.
next_frame Cycles forward and backward through the frames in a window.
reposition_frame Repositions the frame within the window.
set_frame Modifies the attributes of an existing frame.
tile Arranges frames into a grid.
view_placed_frame Sets the window display to placed frame mode.
view_single_frame Sets the window display to single frame mode.

histograms add_histogram Creates a histogram-style figure.
current_histogram Set the specified histogram as current.
delete_histogram Delete the specified histogram.
display_histogram Display the specified histogram.
get_histogram Retrieves the attribute value(s) of the histogram.
hide_histogram Hide the specified histogram.
set_histogram Modifies the attributes of an existing histogram.
shuffle_histogram Shuffles the rendering order of the histogram within the depth.

images add_colorbar Create a colorbar for an image
add_image Adds an image to the current window.
current_colorbar Set the specified colorbar as current.
current_image Set the specified image as current.
delete_colorbar Delete the specified colorbar.
delete_image Delete the specified image.
display_colorbar Display the specified colorbar.
display_image Display the specified image.
get_colorbar Retrieves the attribute value(s) of the colorbar.
get_image Retrieves the attribute value(s) of the image.
hide_colorbar Hide the specified colorbar.
hide_image Hide the specified image.
load_colormap Create a colormap for images from arrays or a file.
move_colorbar Moves the colorbar to a new location.
print_image Prints the image to a file or the printer.
remove_image_channel Add or delete a channel from the image.
set_colorbar Modifies the attributes of an existing colorbar.
set_image Modifies the attributes of an existing image.
shuffle_colorbar Shuffles the rendering order of the colorbar within the depth.
shuffle_image Shuffles the rendering order of the image within the depth.

labels add_label Creates a label.
current_label Set the specified label as current.
delete_label Delete the specified label.
display_label Display the specified label.
get_label Retrieves the attribute value(s) of the label.
hide_label Hide the specified label.
move_label Moves the label to a new location.
set_label Modifies the attributes of an existing label.
shuffle_label Shuffles the rendering order of the label within the depth.

limits get_plot_range Retrieves the range of the current axes or axis of the current plot.
limits Changes the limits of one or more axes of the current plot.
panto Change the location of the center of the plot.
pick_limits Interactively change the limits of a plot using the mouse.
zoom Zoom into or out of a plot by a fixed amount.

lines add_hline Creates a horizontal line.
add_line Creates a line connecting two or more points.
add_vline Creates a vertical line.
current_line Set the specified line as current.
delete_line Delete the specified line.
display_line Display the specified line.
get_line Retrieves the attribute value(s) of the line.
hide_line Hide the specified line.
move_line Moves the line to a new location.
set_line Modifies the attributes of an existing line.
shuffle_line Shuffles the rendering order of the line within the depth.

plots add_plot Creates a plot.
adjust_grid_gaps Modifies the spacing between plots created by split or grid_objects.
adjust_grid_xrelsizes Modifies the widths of all columns of plots created by split or grid_objects.
adjust_grid_xrelsize Modifies the widths of one column of plots created by split or grid_objects.
adjust_grid_yrelsizes Specify the height of all rows of plots created by split or grid_objects.
adjust_grid_yrelsize Modifies the height of one row of plots created by split or grid_objects.
clear_plot Delete the contents of the plotting area.
current_plot Set the specified plot as current.
delete_plot Delete the specified plot.
display_plot Display the specified plot.
get_plot Retrieves the attribute value(s) of the plot.
grid_objects Rearrange plots into a grid.
hide_plot Hide the specified plot.
move_plot Moves the plot to a new location.
reposition_plot Repositions the plot within the frame.
set_data_aspect_ratio Set or retrieve the aspect ratio information of the data.
set_plot_aspect_ratio Set or retrieve the aspect ratio information of the plot.
set_plot Modifies the attributes of an existing plot.
split Creates a grid of plot areas
strip_chart Creates a strip chart containing multiple plots.
swap_object_positions Swaps the locations of the specified plots within a grid or split.

points add_point Creates a point.
current_point Set the specified point as current.
delete_point Delete the specified point.
display_point Display the specified point.
get_point Retrieves the attribute value(s) of the point.
hide_point Hide the specified point.
move_point Moves the point to a new location.
set_point Modifies the attributes of an existing point.
shuffle_point Shuffles the rendering order of the point within the depth.

preference get_preferences Retrieves the preference value(s) for the specified object.
get_preference Retrieves the preference value(s) for the specified object.
load_preferences Loads ChIPS preferences from a file.
save_preferences Saves ChIPS preferences to a file.
set_preferences Sets the specified preferences.
set_preference_autoload Automatically loads the chips.rc file into preferences when the ChIPS server starts up.
set_preference Sets the specified preference.

regions add_region Creates a region.
current_region Set the specified region as current.
delete_region Delete the specified region.
display_region Display the specified region.
get_region Retrieves the attribute value(s) of the region.
hide_region Hide the specified region.
move_region Moves the region to a new location.
set_region Modifies the attributes of an existing region.
shuffle_region Shuffles the rendering order of the region within the depth.

saving load_state Restores a ChIPS session from a state file.
make_script Create a Python script that will re-create the current ChIPS session.
save_state Saves the ChIPS session into a state file.

server check_server_exists Determines if the specified server is currently running.
connect Attaches a ChIPS client to the specified server.
create_server Launches a new ChIPS server and connects the client to it.
disconnect Disconnects a client from a ChIPS server.
get_server_cwd Retrieve the working directory of the ChIPS server/GUI print dialog
get_server_id Retrieves the id of the ChIPS server to which the client is connected.
list_servers Displays a list of ChIPS servers.
lock Locks a chips server so that only commands from the locking client will be processed.
unlock Removes the lock on a server so that other clients may access it.

shuffle shuffle_backward Shuffles the object one step backward in the depth.
shuffle_back Shuffles the object to the back of the depth.
shuffle_forward Shuffles the object one step forward in the depth.
shuffle_front Shuffles the object to the front of the depth.
shuffle Shuffles the rendering order of the object within the depth.

undo redo Re-executes the last undone command or series of commands.
undo Undoes the last command or series of commands.

utilities clear Deletes all windows (and their contents).
erase Remove all frames (and their contents) from the window.
get_attribute Retrieves attribute value(s) for an object.
get_object_count Get the number of instances of the specified object type
highlight_object Blink the specified object in order to identify it in the plot.
info_current Returns a string containing a listing of the current objects.
info Returns a string containing a listing of ChIPS objects.
load_fill Loads a pattern file to use in filling regions or histograms.
load_font Loads a font file from disk for use with any ChIPS text element.
move Moves the specified object to a new location.
set_attribute Sets the attribute value(s) for the specified object.
set_cascading_property Sets all occurrences of the attribute within a specified hierarchy.
set_current Set the specified object as current.
valid_type Check that a value is a valid input for a ChIPS attribute (e.g. color or line style).

windows add_window Creates a window.
current_window Set the specified window as current.
deiconify_window Deiconifies the ChIPS window.
delete_window Delete the specified window.
get_window Retrieves the attribute value(s) of the window.
iconify_window Iconifies the ChIPS window.
print_window Prints the window to a file or the printer.
set_window Modifies the attributes of an existing window.