Brief Chandra Observatory Bibliography
We have compiled a list of basic references and URLs intended to be
a starting point for understanding the instrument and data.
It is deliberately limited to a few references for each topic
and not intended to be comprehensive, just a good start.
Several articles about many aspects of the Chandra
mission and CIAO - Chandra's data analysis software - have appeared in the Chandra newsletters .
Chandra Overview:
Proposers' Observatory Guide (POG)
Call for Proposals (CfP)
"Chandra's First Decade of Discovery"
Swartz, D.A.; Wolk, S.J.; Fruscione, A., Proceedings of the
National Academy of Science, Vol.107, Iss. 16, p.7127-7134 (2010)
paper of a special issue of PNAS dedicated to Chandra's First Decade of Discovery
"The first decade of science with Chandra and
Santos-Lleo, M.; Schartel, N.; Tananbaum, H.;
Tucker, W.; Weisskopf, M.C.
Nature, Vol.462, Iss.7276, pp. 997-1004 (2009).
"The Chandra X-ray observatory: Five years of observations"
Weisskopf, M. C., Space Research Today, Vol. 162, p. 5-18 (2005)
"An Overview of the Performance and Scientific Results from
the Chandra X-Ray Observatory"
Weisskopf, M. C., Brinkman, B.
Canizares, C.; Garmire, G., Murray, S., Van Speybroeck, L. P.
PASP, Vol. 114, p.1 (2002)
High Resolution Mirror Assembly (HRMA)
The HRMA Calibration Page
HRMA chapter
of the POG
"The HRMA User's Guide"
Gaetz, T.J., Jerius, Diab
"Calibration of Chandra's Near On-Axis
Jerius, D.H.; Gaetz, T.J.; Karovska, M.,
Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 5165, p. 433-444 (2004)
"The Absolute Effective Area of the Chandra High Resolution
Mirror Assembly" Schwartz, D.A. et al., Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4012,
p. 28-40 (2000)
The Chandra Aspect Page
Pointing and Aspect chapter
of the POG
"The AXAF (Chandra) Guide and Acquisition Star Catalog V1.5 (AGASC 1.5)"
Schmidt, D., and Green, P.,
Series, Vol. 295, p.81 (2003)
"Initial performance of the aspect system on the Chandra
Observatory: postfacto aspect reconstruction"
Aldcroft, T.L., Karovska, M., Cresitello-Dittmar, M.L.,
Cameron, R.A., Markevitch, M.L. Proc. SPIE Vol. 4012, p. 650-657 (2000)
"Initial performance of the attitude control and
aspect determination sub-systems on the
Chandra Observatory"
Cameron, R.A., Aldcroft, T.L., Podgorski, W.A.,
Freeman, M.D., Shirer, J.J., Proc. SPIE Vol. 4012, p. 658-668 (2000)
High Resolution Camera (HRC)
Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS)
The ACIS Calibration Page
ACIS chapter
of the POG
The ACIS Instrument Team Page at MIT
The ACIS Instrument Team Page at
"Innovations in the Analysis of Chandra-ACIS Observations"
Broos, P.S.; Townsley, L.K.; Feigelson, E.D.;
Getman, K.V.; Bauer, F.E.; Garmire, G.P., ApJ
Vol.714, Iss.2, p.1582-1605 (2010).
"Chandra ACIS Subpixel Event Repositioning: Further Refinements and
Comparison between Backside- and Frontside-illuminated X-Ray
Li, J.; Kastner, J.H.; Prigozhin, G.Y.;
Schulz, N.S.; Feigelson, E.D.; Getman, K.V., ApJ, Vol. 610,
Iss. 2, p. 1204-1212 (2004)
charge transfer inefficiency correction model for the
Chandra Advanced Imaging Spectrometer"
Grant, C.E.; Bautz, M.W.; Kissel, S. E.; LaMarr,
B., Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 5501, p.177-188 (2004)
"Composition of the
Chandra ACIS contaminanant"
Marshall, H.L.; Tennant, A.; Grant, C.E.; Hitchcock, A.P.;
O'Dell, S.L.; Plucinsky, P.P., Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol.5165, pp. 497-508 (2004)
"Advanced CCD imaging spectrometer
(ACIS) instrument on the Chandra X-ray Observatory"
Garmire, G.P.; Bautz, M.W.; Ford, P.G.; Nousek, J.A.; Ricker,
G.R.,Jr., Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 4851, pp. 28-44 (2003)
CCD calibration for the AXAF CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS)
Bautz, M.W. et al, Proc. SPIE Vol. 3444, p. 210-224 (1998).
High-Energy Transmission Grating (HETG)
The HETG Calibration Page
HETG chapter
of the POG
The HETG Instrument Team Page
"The Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating: Design, Fabrication, Ground Calibration and Five Years in Flight"
Canizares, C.R et al, PASP, Vol. 117, Iss. 836, p. 1144-1171 (2005)
Calibration of the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating
Marshall, H. L., Dewey, D., and Ishibashi, K.,
Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 5165, p. 457-468 (2004)
"High-Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer for the
Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF)"
Markert, T.H., Canizares, C.R., Dewey, D.,
McGuirk, M., Pak, C.S., Schattenburg, M. L., Proc. SPIE Vol. 2280,
p. 168-180 (1994)
Low-Energy Transmission Grating (LETG)
The LETG Calibration Page
LETG chapter
of the POG
The LETG Instrument Team Page
"LETGS: Instrument status and science highlights"
Mendez, M., Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 4851, p. 57-68 (2003)
"Description and performance of the low-energy
transmission grating spectrometer on board Chandra"
Brinkman, B.C. et al., Proc. SPIE Vol. 4012, p. 81-90 (2000)
Light Measurements of Capella with the Low-Energy Transmission
Grating Spectrometer aboard the Chandra X-Ray
Observatory" Brinkman, A. C. et al., ApJ, Vol. 530, p. L111-L114
Performance and Calibration of the Chandra High Resolution Camera
Spectroscopic Readout (HRC-S)"
Kraft, R.P. et al., Proc. SPIE Vol. 4012, p. 493-517 (2000)
Energy Effective Area of the Chandra Low Energy Transmission Grating
Spectrometer" Pease, D.O. et al., Proc. SPIE Vol. 4012,
p. 700-711 (2000)
Ground Calibration at XRCF
Chandra Data Analysis: Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations (CIAO)
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