[Last Change: 15 Feb 2012 (rev 6)]

rect Source Extent Function

rect() is a simplified SAOTrace source extent interface function which simulates a rectangular source with a uniform flux distribution.

It takes a single argument, a table, with the following recognized named entries:

name type description default
position position specification source position on optical axis
spectrum spectrum specification source spectrum  
width angular distance (units required) width of rectangle  
height angular distance (units required) height of rectangle  
rotate angle (default unit degrees) rotation angle of the rectangle about its center 0 degrees

For example,
rect{ position = { theta = { 10, 'arcseconds' }, phi = 22 },
      height = { 2, "arcseconds" },
      width  = { 3, "arcseconds" },
      rotate = 45,
      spectrum = { { type = "flat", emin = 0.2, emax = 10.0 } }

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