Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common CIAO questions. For common warnings and error messages, refer to the bugs pages.
- How do I install CIAO?
- How do I upgrade CIAO?
- What is the conda package manager?
- Which should I choose to install CIAO: conda or ciao-install?
- What is a "standard" CIAO installation?
- How do I know what version of CIAO is installed?
- Which CALDB version is installed on my system?
- How do I stop Conda from changing the prompt?
- How do I get conda to install into a different directory (eg not my $HOME dir)?
- How do I remove old cached versions of packages?
- What Python version and packages are provided with CIAO 4.16?
- Can I use jupyter notebooks or install Python modules like Astropy, matplotlib, and Scipy with CIAO 4.16?
Data Products
- Why are the data files divided into primary and secondary directories?
- When was my observation performed?
When was the file created?
What version of data processing was used? - What does the CREATOR header keyword mean?
- What is the sky range of each detector?
- What was the aimpoint of the observation?
- What is the difference between the RA and DEC NOM, TARG, and PNT header keywords?
- What is the focal plane temperature for my observation?
- Why are there sometimes multiple asol1.fits files for
my observation?
How do I treat these in my analysis? - What is the CYCLE keyword?
Should I be concerned if it's missing from my data?
Parameter Files
Why does a tool not execute when I get the
following error?
pget: parameter not found...
parammatch : can't find parameter PARAMNAME in reference list parameter error?
- Why should I delete my parameter files after upgrading CIAO?
- How do I run multiple instances of a CIAO tool without clobbering the parameter file?
- The tool is failing because ")sval" has somehow shown up in the parameter value.
Data Model
How do I change the MEM option when I get this
# DMCOPY (CIAO): WARNING: Creating large image: 999 MB. Current max set at 500 MB. Increase maximum using [opt mem=n] or increase blocking to reduce size.
- How can I define a region around a single chip?
- Why should I filter on sky coordinates rather than the CCD_ID column?
- How do I copy a block from one file to another?
What does this Data Model error mean?
# DMCOPY (CIAO): DM Parse error: cannot mix EXCLUDE and FILTER
- What happened to my FITS structural keywords?
- Why does using an exclude filter take so long?
What does this warning mean?
WARNING: Zero length polygon line segment at (x,y) (index = z)
Why am I getting an ARDLIB error about a bad pixel
file from a different ObsID?
***ARDLIB error: Unable to find data file acisf01842_000N002_bpix1.fits[BADPIX7]
What does this ARDLIB warning mean?
***ARDLIB warning: Filename some_file.fits does not specify an extension. Assuming the first "interesting" extension.
- How can I tell CIAO to use a different HRMA effective area file?
Computer Environment
User Interface
- Why can I only see a subsection of the event file? Where are the rest of the data?
- Can I use a newer version of ds9 than the one packaged with CIAO?
- How do I build polygon regions in ds9?
- How do I rotate a region in ds9?
- How do I display a source list on my data?
- Why hasn't the CALDBVER keyword been updated after I run this tool?
- Why is my level 2 event file larger than the one from the pipeline?
- How do I extract many spectra with one command?
Why do I get a parse error with this region file?
# Region file format: CIAO version 1.0 -rotbox(4055.375,4165.5674,4.6747966,4.4715447,63.400002) annulus(4059.5601,4163.4399,2.0325203,7.113821)
- Why does dmextract convert arcseconds to arcminutes when I use pset?
Why do I get an error message that the size of the PSF image or Exposure
map does not match the infile?
# wrecon (CIAO): ERROR: psf image size (3874, 3988) does not match input image size (8192, 8192)