This page is for the obsolete CIAO 4.16 release. Please see the CIAO home page for the latest release.
How do I extract many spectra with one command?
There are three different stack inputs that may be used to obtain multiple spectra in a single command: rgrid, pgrid, and lgrid.
Grid Type | Syntax |
Rectangular | rgrid(xmin:xmax:dx,ymin:ymax:dy) |
Polar | pgrid(xcen,ycen,rmin:rmax:dr,thetamin:thetamax:dtheta) |
Linear | lgrid(lmin:lmax:dl) |
For example, to extract spectra for each of 100 sources in my_src.fits:
unix% dmextract \ infile="acis_evt2.fits[sky=region(my_src.fits[component=lgrid(1:100:1)])][bin pi]" \ outfile=my_pha2.fits
More information is available from ahelp stack; see the Creating Multiple Spectra section of the Using the Output of Detect Tools thread for another example.