This page is for the obsolete CIAO 4.16 release. Please see the CIAO home page for the latest release.
Why is the column moved to the end of the table when I try to update it in place?
Columns that existed in the input file that are modified in the output file are treated like new columns by dmtcalc and new columns are added by default at the end of the file. For example:
unix% dmlist input.fits cols ... 10 energy eV Real4 0: 1000000.0 nominal energy of event (eV) 11 pi chan Int4 1:1024 pulse invariant energy of event 12 fltgrade Int2 0:255 event grade, flight system 13 grade Int2 0:7 binned event grade 14 status[4] Bit(4) event status bits ... unix% dmtcalc infile="input.fits" outfile="output.fits" expression="energy=((float)pha)*0.1" unix% dmlist output.fits cols ... 10 pi chan Int4 1:1024 pulse invariant energy of event 11 fltgrade Int2 0:255 event grade, flight system 12 grade Int2 0:7 binned event grade 13 status[4] Bit(4) event status bits 14 ENERGY Real8 -Inf:+Inf User defined column ...
The name of the energy column in the output file is in upper case (no matter what its case is in the input file) since its values have been changed.
If you would like to reorder the columns after running the tool, dmcopy the file with a list of columns in the desired order (note that this method will only copy the specified columns):
unix% dmcopy "output.fits[cols time,pha,energy,pi]" reordered.fits unix% dmlist reordered.fits cols -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Columns for Table Block EVENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ColNo Name Unit Type Range 1 time s Real8 84244214.7546979934: 84253882.0425609946 S/C TT corresponding to mid-exposure 2 pha adu Int4 0:36855 total pulse height of event 3 ENERGY Real8 -Inf:+Inf User defined column 4 pi chan Int4 1:1024 pulse invariant energy of event
Note that FITS files and the software that reads them generally do not care about the order of the columns.