Third Announcement
October 2005
The final program has been posted on the symposium web site at Authors are invited to notify us of any errors, omissions or other problems. Updates to the program will be published on the web.
The abstracts book (in PDF format) is also online at Please notify us of any errors, omissions or other problems. Updates will be posted at the symposium.
- The poster panels can display posters up to 4 ft x 4 ft or 1.2 m x 1.2 m in size.
- Posters will stay up until lunch time on Friday Nov. 4.
- There will be two sessions of one-minute oral poster presentations during the first day of the symposium. NOTE: there are a few more spaces left for one-minute oral presentations. Please e-mail if you would like to be considered for those.
- Each day of the symposium there will be a long (45 min) break dedicated to poster viewing and Nov 2 (5:30pm-8pm) a two and a half hours session will be dedicated to poster viewing during cocktails.
- Poster location can be found in the abstract booklet (look for the page number in bold listed in the index) and also will be indicated on site.
- Invited talks last for 30 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion
- Contributed talks last for 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for discussion
- In order to avoid technical problems the day of the talk, we request all speakers to have their presentations ready to be loaded in one of our central laptops at least the day before the talk.
- Further instructions will be sent to oral presenters who are ready to upload their contribution before arriving at the symposium.
- There also will be an overhead projector for speakers who want to use transparencies and for technical emergencies: we strongly suggest that you bring a copy of your talk on viewgraphs.
- Conference proceedings will be only in online format.
- A special website will be created with links to abstracts, posters and electronic presentations. Text contribution will not be solicited.
- Following ADS rules, after three years of posting on a local web site, and after collecting copyright permissions from authors, the proceedings will be submitted to the ADS for permanent archiving.
- Further instructions will be sent at a later date.
- Registration and dinner begin at 6pm on Tuesday, November 1. Registration will be on-going during the symposium.
- CfA Memorabilia will be on sale during registration and the dinner on November 1 only.
A special session "Enhancing Chandra Images for Publication and Public Outreach" will occur during the lunch break (12:50pm - 1:50pm) on Wednesday Nov 2. More information can be found at
- The symposium dinner will be held at the Boston Museum of Science during the evening (6:30pm - 10pm) on Thursday November 3. The Museum of Science is withih easy walking distance from the symposium hotel.
- Included in this event is a private viewing of the museum's special exhibit Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination.
- During the evening different speakers will provide commemorative remarks.
- The symposium badge is the entry ticket for the symposium dinner. Please collect guest tickets in the Office on November 2 and 3.
- Wireless internet connection will be freely available in some selected locations in the hotel and symposium area, but not in the main auditorium.
- E-mail stations will also be available to participants
- Both wired and wireless access is also available free of charge from every guestroom.
See you soon in Cambridge!
Antonella Fruscione
and the SOC and LOC committees
Visa Information
August 2005
If you will need a letter of invitation in order to obtain a Visa to attend the symposium, please let us know as soon as possible by email ( Be sure to include your mailing address with the request; note that the address cannot be a P.O. box since the letters are sent via FedEx.
Abstract Deadline Extended
June 2005
The abstract deadline for the symposium has been extended to September 1, 2005. This is the same date as the registration deadline.
The astronomical community is strongly encouraged to propose oral and/or poster contributions for the symposium. Abstracts should be submitted on-line at
Second Announcement
May 2005
The Chandra X-Ray Center is pleased to announce that registration and abstract submissions are open for the Symposium "Six Years of Science with Chandra" to be held in Cambridge, MA (USA) on November 2 to 4, 2005.
NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory was launched six years ago on July 23, 1999 and has been making significant advancements in astrophysics ever since. This meeting will highlight science results from the past six years of operation with emphasis on recent results. Contributions covering recent results from the XMM-Newton Observatory are also encouraged.
This symposium is dedicated to the late Leon Van Speybroeck, the telescope scientist who led the team that designed the fine mirrors for Chandra.
The symposium will include invited talks plus oral and poster contributions. A list of invited speakers and the subject on which each will speak is available from the Invited Speakers page.
The astronomical community is strongly encouraged to propose oral and/or poster contributions for the symposium. Abstracts should be submitted on-line at
The DEADLINE for abstract submission is 15 JULY 2005.
Because there is a limited number of slots for oral presentations, all requests for talks will be reviewed by the SOC which will notify presenters by August as to whether or not an oral presentation will be possible. In the unfortunate event that we are unable to satisfy the request we encourage participants to present their results as a poster instead.
On-line registration is open at
Registration fees are $350 ($200 for students) by SEPTEMBER 1, 2005. Late registration fees are $435 ($250) afterwards. There will be a $50 processing fee for all cancellations prior to Friday, 9 September and no refunds thereafter.
The registration fees include the symposium dinner on Thursday November 3 at the Boston Museum of Science. Included in this event is a private viewing of the museum's special exhibit "Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination."
Chandra Calibration Workshop
Monday, 31 October to Tuesday, 1 November
The Chandra Calibration Workshop (CCW) is taking place at the Royal Sonesta Hotel on the two days prior to this symposium (31 October - 1 November). The purpose of this workshop is to share the Chandra calibration teams' knowledge of the detectors and mirrors with the community while encouraging participation and feedback in the process of calibrating the satellite. This year, there will be a special session on "Incorporating Calibration Uncertainties into Data Analysis" on Tuesday afternoon (November 1).
There is no registration fee for this workshop, but you must register to attend. Visit the CCW website for more information.
Reduced-rate rooms are available at the meeting site, the Royal Sonesta Hotel Boston. The room rate is $189/night plus 12.45% hotel taxes. This rate is available for the evenings of 29 October through 6 November, allowing guests to spend either weekend in Cambridge as well. In order to take advantage of the symposium rate, reservations must be made by 1 OCTOBER 2005. For more information see the Travel and Lodging page.
Six Years of Science Symposium
Chandra X-ray Center
60 Garden Street, MS-02
Cambridge, MA 02140
The most current information on the symposium can be found on the web site at In particular, news and announcements will be posted at
We hope to see you soon in Cambridge!
Antonella Fruscione
and the SOC and LOC committees
Initial Announcement
February 2005
The third in a series, this meeting will highlight science results from the past two years of operation of the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The meeting will be held 2 - 4 November 2005 at the Royal Sonesta Hotel Boston in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Mark your calendar to save the date! Information on symposium registration, the program schedule, and hotel reservations will be available in the coming months.