![[Sherpa logo]](imgs/sherpa_logo.gif)
CIAO's modeling and fitting package
Sherpa is the CIAO modeling and fitting application. It enables the user to construct complex models from simple definitions and fit those models to data, using a variety of statistics and optimization methods (see the Gallery of Examples).
Sherpa version for CIAO 4.17 was released on December 17, 2024. Sherpa in CIAO runs under Python 3.11 (whether installed using the conda package manager or with ciao-install). The full list of the Sherpa updates compared to 4.16.0 is given in the 4.17.0 and 4.16.1 release notes on GitHub. The major updates were made to plotting, adding the 50 new models in XSPEC 12.14.0, improvements to including linked parameters in fits and the guess routine, fixes for support for 1D data with asymmetric errors, updates for the experimental bokeh plotting backend, and bug fixes.
More information on this release can be found on the Sherpa updates page.
fit 1-D data sets (simultaneously or individually), including:
spectra, surface brightness profiles, light curves, general ASCII arrays;fit 2-D images/surfaces in the Poisson/Gaussian regime;
visualize the data with Matplotlib and DS9;
access the internal data arrays;
build complex model expressions;
import and use your own models;
choose appropriate statistics for modeling Poisson or Gaussian data;
import new statistics, with priors if required by analysis;
visualize a parameter space with simulations or using 1-D/2-D cuts of
the parameter space;calculate confidence levels on the best-fit model parameters;
choose a robust optimization method for the fit: Levenberg-Marquardt,
Nelder-Mead Simplex or Monte Carlo/Differential Evolution;perform Bayesian analysis with Poisson Likelihood and priors, using
Metropolis or Metropolis-Hastings algorithm in the MCMC (Markov-Chain Monte Carlo);and use Python to create complex analysis and modeling functions,
build the batch mode analysis or extend the provided functionality
to meet the required needs.
The Sherpa infrastructure greatly enhances the default Sherpa functions, and provides users with an environment for developing complex and sophisticated analysis.
Sherpa is designed for use in a variety of modes: as a user-interactive application and in batch mode. Sherpa is an importable module for the Python the scripting language. In addition, users may write their own Python scripts for use in Sherpa.
The About Sherpa page outlines key features of the software, and the Latest Updates page describes new functionality and recent changes. See also the Siemiginowska et al. (2024) paper for detailed information about Sherpa's capabilities.
If you have ideas about how to enhance or improve Sherpa, please contribute ideas (and code) to the Sherpa GitHub repository.
Please send feedback and questions on Sherpa to the CXC Helpdesk or the Sherpa Issues list on GitHub.
Citing Sherpa in a Publication
The sherpa.citation method will return infromation from the latest release on Zenodo:
sherpa> sherpa.citation('latest')
If you are writing a paper and would like to cite Sherpa, we recommend the following papers and presentations. The specific version of CIAO and CALDB (if applicable) used for the analysis should be mentioned as well.
Sherpa: An Open-source Python Fitting Package
\bibitem[Siemiginowska et al.(2024)]{2024ApJS..274...43S} Siemiginowska, A., Burke, D., G{\"u}nther, H.~M., et al.\ 2024, \apjs, 274, 43. doi:10.3847/1538-4365/ad7bab
- Sherpa: a mission-independent data analysis application (ADS)
\bibitem[Freeman et al.(2001)]{2001SPIE.4477...76F} Freeman, P., Doe, S., \& Siemiginowska, A.\ 2001, \procspie, 4477, 76
- Developing Sherpa with Python (ADS)
\bibitem[Doe et al.(2007)]{2007ASPC..376..543D} Doe, S., et al.\ 2007, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVI, 376, 543
A reference for the Python interface to Sherpa.
- Sherpa: 1D/2D modeling and fitting in Python (SciPy 2009)
- Fitting and Estimating Parameter Confidence Limits with Sherpa (SciPy 2011)
Further guidelines are available from the Acknowledgment of Use of Chandra Resources.