Create a New Level=2 Event File
[CIAO 3.4 Science Threads]
OverviewLast Update: 1 Dec 2006 - updated for CIAO 3.4: CIAO version in errors and warnings Synopsis: The structure of this thread is presented as a series of questions and answers, the latter of which are links that take you further down the analysis tree. Following this thread from the top down will not produce correct results. In order to avoid compiling too much information into one place, only basic explanations are included with the steps given here. Whenever possible, links are provided to other CIAO threads which contain more detailed information. Purpose: To generate a new level=2 event file for all possible grating/detector combinations. Read this thread if: you would like to create a new level=2 event file for ANY Chandra observation. Related Links:
- Get Started
- ACIS or HRC?
- ACIS Observations
- HRC Observations
- Parameter files:
- History
Get Started
Since this thread is meant to represent the most generic case, it is not written with a specific ObsID. Files are referred to by the detector and type -- acisf01843_000N001_evt1.fits becomes acis_evt1.fits, hrcf01557_000N001_std_flt1.fits becomes hrc_std_flt1.fits, and so on.
Furthermore, it is assumed that all relevant files are in the same working directory.
Proceed to the next section to begin.
Question 1: which detector was used for your observation? (It does not matter yet whether or not a transmission grating was also used.)
ACIS Observations
Data Preparation
If you have not already done so, it is recommended that you remove the acis_detect_afterglow correction and create a new bad pixel file, if necessary. For more information, see the ACIS Data Preparation Analysis Guide.
Creating a New Level=1 File
Running acis_process_events with the level=1 event file as the input will produce a new level=1 event file that has the latest CALDB applied. This means that the newest gain map will be picked up. In addition, you are applying the pixel and PHA randomization and the ACIS CTI correction; all of these are part of standard data processing (SDP) and are "on" by default in acis_process_events.
The time-dependent gain correction is also turned on by default, so it will be included in the processing. The time-dependent gain and CTI corrections are only applicable to -120 C data, but it does not hurt to leave them on for other temperatures; acis_process_events will simply issue a warning in that case.
See the following threads for more information:
- Apply an ACIS Gain Map
- Apply the Time-Dependent ACIS Gain Correction
- Apply the ACIS CTI Correction
- Remove Pixel Randomization
- Apply/Remove PHA Randomization
- Clean ACIS Background in VFAINT Mode (not applied in this example)
Create a new bad pixel file
If you created a new bad pixel file by running the Create a New ACIS Bad Pixel File: Identify ACIS Hot Pixels and Cosmic Ray Afterglows thread, use that file in this analysis. Otherwise, use the bpix1.fits file from the Archive.
Determine the eventdef
The eventdef parameter specifies the names and data types of the columns in the output event data file. Four predefined strings are included in the parameter file for acis_process_events:
READMODE | DATAMODE | event mode | eventdef string |
TIMED | (V)FAINT | timed exposure (very) faint | stdlev1 |
TIMED | GRADED | timed exposure graded | grdlev1 |
CONTINUOUS | CC(33)_FAINT | continuous clocking (3x3) faint | cclev1 |
CONTINUOUS | CC(33)_GRADED | continuous clocking (3x3) graded | ccgrdlev1 |
If you are unsure of the event mode of your observation, the information can be found in the READMODE and DATAMODE values stored in the file header:
unix% dmkeypar acis_evt1.fits READMODE echo+ TIMED unix% dmkeypar acis_evt1.fits DATAMODE echo+ FAINT
This is a timed exposure faint observation, so the proper eventdef parameter is "stdlev1." The full parameter syntax of each eventdef string may be found in plist acis_process_events.
Set the parameters
unix% punlearn acis_process_events unix% pset acis_process_events infile=acis_evt1.fits unix% pset acis_process_events outfile=acis_new_evt1.fits unix% pset acis_process_events badpixfile=acis_new_bpix1.fits unix% pset acis_process_events acaofffile=pcad_asol1.fits unix% pset acis_process_events eventdef=")stdlev1"
It is important to note several things here:
In some cases there will be more than one pcad_asol1.fits file for an observation. All the files must be input to the acaofffile parameter in chronological order (the time is in the filename, so "ls" lists them in order), either as a comma-separated list or as a stack (see ahelp stack for more information).
If you are working with a VFAINT observation and wish to include the background cleaning, add:
unix% pset acis_process_events check_vf_pha=yes
Execute the tool
unix% acis_process_events Input event file or stack (acis_evt1.fits): Output event file name (acis_new_evt1.fits): aspect offset file ( NONE | none | <filename>) (pcad_asol1.fits):
You may see a warning about the number of event islands that contain one or more bad pixels:
# acis_process_events (CIAO 3.4): The following error occurred 26941 times: dsAFEBADPCNTERR -- WARNING: Event island contains 1 or more bad pixels.
It is explained in this FAQ and may be ignored.
The content of the parameter file may be checked using plist acis_process_events.
Question 2: is your observation imaging or grating data?
Imaging Observations
There are two filtering steps that need to be completed for all ACIS imaging observations:
Filter for bad grades (using ASCA grades) and for a "clean" status column (i.e. all bits set to 0):
unix% punlearn dmcopy unix% dmcopy "acis_new_evt1.fits[EVENTS][grade=0,2,3,4,6,status=0]" \ acis_flt_evt1.fits
The Good Time Intervals (GTIs) supplied by the pipeline now need to be applied. The GTIs are contained in the flt1.fits file. Simultaneously, unnecessary columns are eliminated from the output:
unix% punlearn dmcopy unix% dmcopy "acis_flt_evt1.fits[EVENTS][@acis_flt1.fits][cols -phas]" \ acis_evt2.fits
Be sure to include the @ symbol in the filter expression; the command will not be executed properly if it is omitted.
Finally, there is the option to run destreak, which can improve the quality of your data. This tool became part of SDP at software version DS 7.3.0. See the Destreak the ACIS-S4 Chip thread for more information.
The ccd_id parameter should always be set to 8 (the default) to ensure that the destreak algorithm will be applied to the ACIS-S4 chip only:
unix% punlearn destreak unix% pset destreak infile=acis_evt2.fits unix% pset destreak outfile=acis_dstrk_evt2.fits unix% destreak Input dataset/block specification (acis_evt2.fits): Output dataset/block specification (acis_dstrk_evt2.fits):
The contents of the parameter file may be checked using plist destreak.
The thread is now complete; acis_dstrk_evt2.fits is a level=2 event file with the latest calibration products applied.
Grating Observations
There are three CIAO threads that deal specifically with generating a level=2 event file for an ACIS grating observation. Please choose the appropriate one, depending on which transmission grating was used; note there is a separate thread for analysing multiple sources:
Single source:
Multiple sources:
- Obtain Grating Spectra for Multiple Sources - ACIS (applies to both HETG and LETG)
Once you leave this thread, you do not need to return to complete any further steps.
HRC Observations
Running hrc_process_events with the level=1 event file as the input will produce a new level=1 event file with the degap, AMP_SF, and tapringing corrections applied.
See the following threads for more information:
- HRC AMP_SF Correction and Reducing Tap-Ringing Distortions
- HRC-S Degap Correction
- HRC-I Degap Correction
The instrume parameter, which specifies the instrument with which the data was collected, first needs to be determined:
unix% dmkeypar hrc_A_evt1.fits detnam echo+ HRC-I unix% dmkeypar hrc_B_evt1.fits detnam echo+ HRC-S
The instrume value is hrc-i for file A and hrc-s for file B.
The header keyword RANGELEV must be present in order to apply the AMP_SF correction:
unix% dmkeypar hrc_evt1.fits RANGELEV echo+ # dmkeypar (CIAO 3.4): ERROR: Keyword 'RANGELEV' was not found in file 'hrc_evt1.fits'.
In this case, it is necessary to add the keyword; the value is determined by the DATE-OBS keyword:
unix% dmkeypar hrc_evt1.fits DATE-OBS echo+ 2001-03-09T03:02:44
Now choose the appropriate RANGELEV value from this table:
DATE-OBS | Detector | RANGELEV value |
before 1999-12-6 | HRC-I & HRC-S | 90 |
after 1999-12-6 | HRC-I | 115 |
after 1999-12-6 | HRC-S | 125 |
and add it to the header:
unix% dmhedit infile=hrc_evt1.fits filelist=none operation=add key=RANGELEV value=<value>
Now run the tool:
unix% punlearn hrc_process_events unix% pset hrc_process_events infile=hrc_evt1.fits unix% pset hrc_process_events outfile=hrc_new_evt1.fits unix% pset hrc_process_events badpixfile=hrc_bpix1.fits unix% pset hrc_process_events acaofffile=pcad_asol1.fits unix% pset hrc_process_events instrume=hrc-s unix% pset hrc_process_events do_amp_sf=yes unix% pset hrc_process_events badfile=NONE unix% hrc_process_events input level 0 event file/stack (hrc_evt1.fits): output level 1 file (hrc_new_evt1.fits): bad pixel file ( NONE | none | <filename>) (hrc_bpix1.fits): # hrc_process_events (CIAO 3.4): The following error occurred 2482 times: dsHPEEVENTSEQERR -- WARNING: Out of sequence events discovered in hrc_evt1.fits.
In some cases there will be more than one asol1.fits file for an observation. All the files must be input to the acaofffile parameter, either as a list or as a stack (see ahelp stack for more information).
The warning may be ignored; it is explained in this FAQ.
The contents of the parameter file may be checked using plist hrc_process_events.
Question 2: is your observation HRC-S imaging, HRC-I imaging, or grating data?
HRC-S Imaging Observations
There are two filtering steps that need to be completed for HRC-S imaging observations:
Apply the status filter that is specific to HRC-S observations; a value of 0 demands that the bit be flagged as "good", a value of x indicates that either status (0/1) is acceptable. The pha filter removes about 25% of the background with no X-ray losses; see this FAQ:
unix% punlearn dmcopy unix% dmcopy \ "hrc_new_evt1.fits[pha=0:254,status=xxxxxx00xxxx0xxx0000x000x00000xx]" \ hrc_flt_evt1.fits
The Good Time Intervals (GTIs) supplied by the pipeline now need to be applied. Simultaneously, unnecessary columns are eliminated from the output:
unix% punlearn dmcopy unix% dmcopy \ "hrc_flt_evt1.fits[EVENTS][@hrc_std_flt1.fits][cols -crsu,-crsv,-amp_sf,-av1,-av2,-av3,-au1,-au2,-au3,-raw,-sumamps]" \ hrc_evt2.fits
Be sure to include the @ symbol in the filter expression; the command will not be executed properly if it is omitted.
The thread is now complete; hrc_evt2.fits is a level=2 event file with the latest calibration products applied.
HRC-I Imaging Observations
There are two filtering steps that need to be completed for HRC-I imaging observations:
Apply the status filter that is specific to HRC-I observations; a value of 0 demands that the bit be flagged as "good", a value of x indicates that either status (0/1) is acceptable:
unix% punlearn dmcopy unix% dmcopy \ "hrc_new_evt1.fits[status=xxxxxx00xxxx0xxx00000000x0000000]" \ hrc_flt_evt1.fits
The Good Time Intervals (GTIs) supplied by the pipeline now need to be applied. Simultaneously, unnecessary columns are eliminated from the output:
unix% punlearn dmcopy unix% dmcopy \ "hrc_flt_evt1.fits[EVENTS][@hrc_std_flt1.fits][cols -crsu,-crsv,-amp_sf,-av1,-av2,-av3,-au1,-au2,-au3,-raw,-sumamps]" \ hrc_evt2.fits
Be sure to include the @ symbol in the filter expression; the command will not be executed properly if it is omitted.
The thread is now complete; hrc_evt2.fits is a level=2 event file with the latest calibration products applied.
Grating Observations
There are two CIAO threads that deal specifically with generating a level=2 event file for an HRC grating observation. Please choose the appropriate one, depending on which detector was used; note there is a separate thread for analysing multiple sources:
Single source:
Multiple sources:
- Obtain Grating Spectra for Multiple Sources - HRC (applies to both HRC-S and HRC-I)
Once you leave this thread, you do not need to return to complete any further steps.
Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param/acis_process_events.par #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # acis_process_events.par- Parameter file for acis_process_events program # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- infile = acis_evt1.fits Input event file or stack outfile = acis_new_evt1.fits Output event file name acaofffile = pcad_asol1.fits aspect offset file ( NONE | none | <filename>) (apply_cti = yes) Apply CTI adjustment? (apply_tgain = yes) Apply time-dependent gain adjustment? (alignmentfile = )acaofffile -> pcad_asol1.fits) sim/fam alignment file ( NONE | none | <filename>) (obsfile = NONE) obs.par file for output file keywords ( NONE | none | <filename>) (geompar = geom) Parameter file for Pixlib Geometry files (logfile = stdout) debug log file ( STDOUT | stdout | <filename>) (gradefile = CALDB) grade mapping file ( NONE | none | CALDB | <filename>) (gainfile = CALDB) acis gain file ( NONE | none | CALDB | <filename>) (badpixfile = acis_new_bpix1.fits) acis bad pixel file ( NONE | none | <filename>) (threshfile = CALDB) split threshold file ( NONE | none | CALDB | <filename>) (ctifile = CALDB) acis CTI file ( NONE | none | CALDB | <filename>) (tgainfile = CALDB) gain adjustment file ( NONE | none | CALDB | <filename>) (eventdef = )stdlev1 -> {d:time,s:ccd_id,s:node_id,i:expno,s:chip,s:tdet,f:det,f:sky,s:phas,l:pha,l:pha_ro, f:energy,l:pi,s:fltgrade,s:grade,x:status}) output format definition (doevtgrade = yes) Determine event flight grade? (check_vf_pha = no) Check very faint pixels? (calc_cc_times = no) Estimate the times of arrival for CC-mode observation? (trail = 0.027) Trail fraction (spthresh = 13) Default split threshold level (overridden by values in threshfile) (time_offset = 0) Offset to add to event time field to synch w/ fam data (docentroid = no) Determine pixel centroid for coord. conversion? (calculate_pi = yes) perform pha->pi conversion? (requires gain file) (pi_bin_width = 14.6) Width of Pi bin in eV (pi_num_bins = 1024) Number of values to bin energy into (max_cti_iter = 15) Maximum iterations for the CTI adjustment of each event (cti_converge = 0.1) The convergence criterion for each CTI-adjusted pixel in adu (tstart = TSTART) header key containing start/default time value (tstop = TSTOP) header key containing time of last event (clobber = no) Overwrite output event file if it already exists? (verbose = 0) level of debug detail (0=none, 5=most) (stop = sky) end transformations at [chip,tdet,det,tan,sky,none] (instrume = acis) axaf instrument- used for instrument parameter file (rand_seed = 1) random seed (for pixlib), 0 = use time dependent seed (rand_pha = yes) Randomize the pha value used in gain calculations (rand_pix_size = 0.5) pixel randomization width (-size..+size) 0=no randomization (stdlev1 = {d:time,s:ccd_id,s:node_id,i:expno,s:chip,s:tdet,f:det,f:sky,s:phas,l:pha,l:pha_ro,f:energy, l:pi,s:fltgrade,s:grade,x:status}) TE faint modes event definition string (grdlev1 = {d:time,s:ccd_id,s:node_id,i:expno,s:chip,s:tdet,f:det,f:sky,l:pha,l:pha_ro,s:corn_pha,f:energy, l:pi,s:fltgrade,s:grade,x:status}) TE graded event format definition string (cclev1 = {d:time,s:ccd_id,s:node_id,i:expno,s:chip,s:tdet,f:det,f:sky,f:sky_1d,s:phas,l:pha,l:pha_ro, f:energy,l:pi, s:fltgrade,s:grade,x:status}) CC faint event format definition string (ccgrdlev1 = {d:time,s:ccd_id,s:node_id,i:expno,s:chip,s:tdet,f:det,f:sky,f:sky_1d,l:pha,l:pha_ro,s:corn_pha, f:energy,l:pi,s:fltgrade,s:grade,x:status}) cc graded event format definition string (mode = ql) |
Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param/destreak.par infile = acis_evt2.fits Input dataset/block specification outfile = acis_dstrk_evt2.fits Output dataset/block specification (max = ) streak threshold syntax: m OR m:m:m:m (max_rowloss_fraction = 5.0e-5) Maximum fraction of avg streaks/node/frame (num_sigma = 1.0) Sigma value for determining streak threshold (filter = yes) Discard tagged events (mask = [status=0,grade=0,2:4,6]) Filter to select candidate streak events (ccd_id = 8) CCD ID to filter (ccd_col = ccd_id) CCD ID column name (node_col = node_id) Node ID column name ('none' for single node) (exptime = -1) frame time (s) (reads EXPTIME if no pos. value given) (countfile = ) filename for event row-count distribution (fracfile = ) filename for cumulative streak contam function (timefile = ) filename for exposure time lost per row (verbose = 0) Debug Level(0-5) (clobber = no) Clobber existing file (mode = ql) |
Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param/hrc_process_events.par # # Parameters for the hrc_process_events task # infile = hrc_evt1.fits input level 0 event file/stack outfile = hrc_new_evt1.fits output level 1 file badpixfile = hrc_bpix1.fits bad pixel file ( NONE | none | <filename>) acaofffile = pcad_asol1.fits aspect offset file ( NONE | none | <filename>) (geompar = geom) Parameter file for Pixlib Geometry files (alignmentfile = )acaofffile -> pcad_asol1.fits) sim/fam alignment file ( NONE | none | <filename>) (obsfile = hrc_obs.par) obs.par file for output file keywords ( NONE | none | <filename>) (gainfile = CALDB) gain correction image file ( NONE | none | <filename>) (ADCfile = NONE) ADC correction table file ( NONE | none | <filename>) (degapfile = CALDB) degap factors (NONE | none | COEFF | <filename>) (hypfile = CALDB) Hyperbolic test coefficients file ( NONE | none | <filename>) (ampsfcorfile = CALDB) caldb file for amp_sf_correction( NONE | none | <filename>) (tapfile = CALDB) tap ring test coefficients file ( NONE | none | <filename>) (ampsatfile = CALDB) ADC saturation test file ( NONE | none | <filename>) (evtflatfile = CALDB) Event flatness test file ( NONE | none | <filename>) (badfile = NONE) output level 1 bad event file (logfile = stdout) debug log file (STDOUT | stdout | <filename>) (eventdef = )stdlev1 -> {d:time,s:crsv,s:crsu,s:amp_sf,s:av1,s:av2,s:av3,s:au1,s:au2,s:au3, l:raw,s:chip,l:tdet,f:det,f:sky,s:pha,s:pi,s:sumamps,s:chip_id,x:status}) output format definition (badeventdef = )badlev1 -> {d:time,s:crsu,s:crsv,s:au1,s:au2,s:au3,s:av1,s:av2,s:av3,s:pha}) output format definition (grid_ratio = 0.5) charge ratio (pha_ratio = 0.5) pha ratio (wire_charge = 0) turn on center wire test (-1=off,0=on) (cfu1 = 1.0) u axis 1st order cor. factor (cfu2 = 0) u axis 2nd order cor. factor (cfv1 = 1.0) v axis 1st order cor. factor (cfv2 = 0) v axis 2nd order cor. factor (time_offset = 0) Offset to add to event time field to synch w/ fam data (amp_gain = 75.0) amp gain (instrume = hrc-s) hrc instrument- used for parameter file (do_amp_sf_cor = yes) perform amp_sf correction (y/n) ? (do_ratio = yes) perform ratio validity checks (tstart = TSTART) header key containing default time value (HSI) (tstop = TSTOP) header key containing time of last event (clobber = no) Overwrite output event file if it already exists? (verbose = 0) level of debug detail (0=none, 5=most) (rand_seed = 1) random seed (for pixlib), 0 = use time dependent seed (rand_pix_size = 0.0) pixel randomization width (-size..+size), 0.0 = no randomization (start = coarse) start transformations at [coarse,chip,tdet] (stop = sky) end transformations at [none,chip,tdet,det,sky] (badlev1 = {d:time,s:crsu,s:crsv,s:au1,s:au2,s:au3,s:av1,s:av2,s:av3,s:pha}) event format definition string (hsilev1 = {d:time,s:crsu,s:crsv,s:au1,s:au2,s:au3,s:av1,s:av2,s:av3,s:chipx,s:chipy,s:tdetx,s:tdety,s:x, s:y,l:fpz,s:pha,s:vstat,s:estat}) event format definition string (stdlev1 = {d:time,s:crsv,s:crsu,s:amp_sf,s:av1,s:av2,s:av3,s:au1,s:au2,s:au3,l:raw,s:chip,l:tdet,f:det, f:sky,s:pha,s:pi,s:sumamps,s:chip_id,x:status}) event format definition string (simlev1 = {l:tick,i:scifr,i:mjf,s:mnf,s:evtctr,s:crsu,s:crsv,s:au1,s:au2,s:au3,s:av1,s:av2,s:av3, s:tdetx,s:tdety,s:pha,s:vstat,s:estat}) sim event definition string (fltlev1 = {d:time,s:crsv,s:crsu,s:amp_sf,s:av1,s:av2,s:av3,s:au1,s:au2,s:au3,s:chipx,s:chipy,l:tdetx, l:tdety,s:detx,s:dety,s:x,s:y,s:pha,s:sumamps,s:chip_id,l:status}) event format definition string (mode = ql) |
22 Dec 2004 | updated for CIAO 3.2: minor changes to parameter files; use ACIS bad pixel file (badpixfile parameter) |
12 Jan 2005 | grating sections now include links to multiple-source analysis threads |
01 Feb 2005 | added note about "Event island contains 1 or more bad pixels" warning to acis_process_events section |
20 Jun 2005 | CIAO 3.2.2 patch: minor acis_process_events parameter change (default value of threshfile is CALDB instead of NONE) |
12 Dec 2005 | updated for CIAO 3.3: the CTI and time-dependent gain corrections may be applied to CC-mode data (see the Continuous Clocking Mode why topic for details); parameter file updates for destreak |
01 Dec 2006 | updated for CIAO 3.4: CIAO version in errors and warnings |