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Last modified: 10 October 2007

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/mkacisrmf.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter

Bugs: mkacisrmf

A list of bugs fixed in CIAO 3.4 is available.


  1. Lower limit on the energy bounds is 0.243 keV

  2. The energy grid of the ARF and RMF files must be the same for use in XSpec. (25 Aug 2006)

  3. ERROR: Max egridspec energy=10 above max FEF energy=9.886


  1. Issue with the WMAP when the source is at a chip edge

  2. The tool may fail with messages of this form:
    # mkacisrmf (CIAO 3.4): WARNING: 2 CALDB files found. Using the first
    # mkacisrmf (CIAO 3.4): ERROR: do not find extension related to 'RESP_TWEAK'.

  3. mkacisrmf generates incorrect RMF for non-standard channel grid (16 Aug 2006)

  4. The tool will overwrite files even if clobber=no (01 Dec 2006)


  1. Lower limit on the energy bounds is 0.243 keV

    mkacisrmf checks the energy bounds among the user's input grid, response file and gain file and then picks the output grid that fits all of them. Since the current calibration file does not extend below 0.243 keV, it is not possible for mkacisrmf to create an RMF with bounds lower than that energy.

  2. The energy grid of the ARF and RMF files must be the same for use in XSpec. (25 Aug 2006)

    Sherpa allows you to use different energy grids for your ARF and RMF files, but XSpec does not. Note that XSpec will still run if the grids do not match, but it issues a warning and sets all values in the ARF to unity (1).

    1. Create the RMF first

      Since mkacisrmf can change the requested grid to match the calibration data, create the RMF first and then use it to define the energy grid when creating the ARF. This will work for both mkarf and mkwarf:

      unix% pset mkarf \
            engrid="grid(sources_ciao.wrmf[cols ENERG_LO,ENERG_HI])"
      unix% pset mkwarf \
            egridspec="grid(sources_ciao.wrmf[cols ENERG_LO,ENERG_HI])"
    2. Match an existing ARF

      If the specextract, psextract or acisspec scripts were used, you already have an ARF file for the data. Rather than remake both the RMF and ARF, get the grid information from the history in the ARF file:

      unix% dmhistory acis_src1.warf tool=all
      # dmhistory (CIAO 3.4): WARNING: Found "pixlib" library parameters
      # dmhistory (CIAO 3.4): WARNING: Found "ardlib" library parameters
      mkwarf infile="acis_src1.[WMAP]" outfile="acis_src1.warf" weightfile="acis_src1.wfef" 
      spectrumfile="" egridspec="0.3:9.5:0.01" threshold="0" feffile="CALDB" 
      mskfile="" mirror="HRMA" detsubsysmod="" ardlibpar="ardlib" geompar="geom" 
      clobber="no" verbose="2"  

      Your file may have been created with mkarf instead of mkwarf; the dmhistory tool=all will show the tool used in either case.

      Use the egridspec value (or engrid in the mkarf case) as input for the energy parameter in mkacisrmf:

      unix% pset mkacisrmf energy="0.3:9.5:0.01"

    The mkacisrmf analysis thread has information on creating the RMF file.

  3. ERROR: Max egridspec energy=10 above max FEF energy=9.886

    mkwarf is required to compute and write a "weightfile" output file which contains FEF regions for use by mkrmf. If the energy range in the input RMF is greater than that in the FEF files, you get an error like:

    ERROR: Max egridspec energy=10 above max FEF energy=9.886

    Although the comparison to the FEF files is unnecessary in this case, there is currently no way to turn it off (e.g. set the weightfile to "NONE").


    In order to avoid the error, it is necessary to define an energy range for mkacisrmf that falls within the boundaries of the FEF files, i.e. approximately 0.28 - 9.8 keV. See the Creating an RMF to match an extracted spectrum section of the mkacisrmf analysis thread for an example command.


  1. Issue with the WMAP when the source is at a chip edge

    If the observation has large dy & dz offsets in the aspect solution file and they are quite variable during the observation, the tool will fail with a CALDB error. The large (and varying) offsets cause the mapping from DET to CHIP coordinates to fail and the tool cannot determine which response calibration file to use in creating the RMF.

  2. The tool may fail with messages of this form:
    # mkacisrmf (CIAO 3.4): WARNING: 2 CALDB files found. Using the first
    # mkacisrmf (CIAO 3.4): ERROR: do not find extension related to 'RESP_TWEAK'.

    This occurs when the WMAP file is empty (i.e. all values are zero). You can open the WMAP in ds9 to view it:

    unix% ds9 src_pi.fits

    where src_pi.fits contains a WMAP block:

    unix% dmlist src_pi.fits blocks
    Dataset: mkacisrmf_bgfile_src1.pi
         Block Name                          Type         Dimensions
    Block    1: WMAP                           Image      Int2(1024x1024)
    Block    2: SPECTRUM                       Table         4 cols x 1024     rows
    Block    3: GTI3                           Table         2 cols x 3        rows
    Block    4: GTI6                           Table         2 cols x 1        rows
    Block    5: GTI7                           Table         2 cols x 1        rows
    Block    6: GTI2                           Table         2 cols x 3        rows
    Block    7: GTI1                           Table         2 cols x 1        rows
    Block    8: GTI0                           Table         2 cols x 2        rows
  3. mkacisrmf generates incorrect RMF for non-standard channel grid (16 Aug 2006)

    e.g. channel="69:128:1". An example of a standard channel grid is channel="1:4096:1".

  4. The tool will overwrite files even if clobber=no (01 Dec 2006)

    Setting clobber=no does not prevent the tool from overwriting existing files.

Bugs fixed in CIAO 3.4

The following is a list of bugs that were fixed in the CIAO 3.4 software release.

  1. # mkacisrmf (CIAO 3.4): ERROR: Not matched ccd_id of wamp header to the pixlib calculated one. (07 Jul 2006)

    Note: This bug fix also resolves the problems seen when working with ACIS "Blank-Sky" Background Files obtained from the ACIS Calibration page. These files have a single ONTIME keyword in the file header, rather than one for each chip that was used in the observation.

    This error occurs when there are places in the WMAP that map to a different CCD than the one you are using (i.e. the one the source is on). mkacisrmf needs ONTIME header keyword information that isn't available in the WMAP. This error is usually paired with the "do not find extension related to 'RESP_TWEAK'." message; the workaround given below will resolve both errors.

    The data is mapping to a different chip because the SIM drift during an observation cannot be taken into account by mkacisrmf currently. Since this correction is not applied, the drift combined with the resolution of the WMAP leads to detector positions mapping to inaccurate chip coordinates.

    The following CIAO commands may be used to determine which chips mkacisrmf is trying to process for the WMAP. The minimum and maximum detector coordinates are obtained with dmstat, then dmcoords is used to determine on what chip they fall. We introduce the same SIM drift seen in mkacisrmf by not providing the aspect solution to dmcoords. The region file is the one that was used in creating the spectrum and WMAP. The syntax used here works in the tcsh shell; users of other shells may need to change the set or loop syntax to match their environment.

    unix% dmstat "acis_evt2.fits[sky=region(source.reg)][cols det]" sig- med- > /dev/null
    unix% set min = `pget dmstat out_min | tr "," " "` 
    unix% set max = `pget dmstat out_max | tr "," " "`
    unix% foreach xx ( $min[1] $max[1] )
    foreach?   foreach yy ( $min[2] $max[2] )
    foreach?     dmcoords acis_evt2.fits op=det detx=$xx dety=$yy verb=0
    foreach?     pget dmcoords chip_id
    foreach?   end
    foreach? end

    We know that the source of interest is on ccd_id=3 (given by the source.reg region file). However, some positions map to ccd_id=1. This tells us that mkacisrmf needs the ONTIME header keyword for ccd_id=1 in order to run correctly.


    Use dmhedit to add the ONTIME keyword to the WMAP file. The ONTIME header keywords are numbered to match the ccd_id, so ONTIME1 must be added for ccd_id=1 (ONTIME2 is ccd_id=2, and so on). Use the same ONTIME value that exists in the header:

    unix% dmlist "source.pi[wmap]" header |grep ONTIME
    0078 ONTIME                   40129.3360019030 [s]       Real8        Sum of GTIs
    0079 ONTIME3                  40129.3360019030 [s]       Real8        Sum of GTIs
    unix% dmhedit infile="source.pi[wmap]" filelist="" op=add key=ONTIME1 value=40129.3360019030 unit=s

    This assumes that the WMAP is an extension in the spectrum file; your WMAP may be a separate image file.

    Note that the RMF will contain data from the other CCD (ccd_id=1), even though we know only ccd_id=3 data are in the file. This is the only workaround, as there is currently no way to correct for the SIM drift in mkacisrmf.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 10 October 2007

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