Aldcroft, Tom - Yaxx - Automated X-ray Data Processing and Spectral Extraction
Gaetz, Terrance - Chandra ACIS Survey of M33 (ChASeM33): Supernova Remnants
Ghosh, Kajal - Optical identifications of Chandra and XMM-Newton sources
Kim, Dong-Woo - X-ray Luminosity Evolution in Normal Elliptical Galaxies with c-COSMOS
Tuellmann, Ralph - Chandra ACIS survey of M33: The Chandra view of NGC604
Tom Aldcroft (SAO)
Yaxx is a software package that can greatly facilitate batch processing of X-ray data. It includes automated spectral extraction, fitting, and report generation. The primary emphasis is on having an easily used tool that can be run without requiring an extensive learning curve. However, for those with the motivation, yaxx is highly configurable and can be customized to support complex analysis. Yaxx has been used extensively with Chandra data and a thread for XMM processing is also available. A modular software design allows for multi-mission support and user customization of the data processing flow. Recent work has focused on thread development, including a comprehensive Chandra analysis thread that starts from ACIS level-1 products and finishes with a flux-calibrated source list. Yaxx is not only intended for X-ray data - it provides a way to easily generate pipelines to automate general data processing tasks, with an infrastructure that provides robust logging, reporting, and error handling.
Terrance Gaetz (SAO) , K.S. Long (STScI), W.P. Blair (JHU), P. Ghavamian (JHU), J.P. Hughes (Rutgers), P.F. Winkler (Middlebury College), D.J. Helfand (Columbia), R.P. Kirshner (Harvard), T. Pannuti (Morehead State), P.P. Plucinski (SAO), M. Sasaki (SAO), R. Tuellmann (SAO), and the CHASEM33 Team
In our deep Chandra X-ray survey of M33, we have obtained images of seven overlapping fields covering the central regions of M33 using the ACIS-I detector. The survey region includes most of the nearly one hundred supernova remnants (SNRs) which had been previously identified by using a combination of optical and radio imaging and spectroscopy. This survey finds ChASeM33 sources coincident (within 10 arcsec) with 31 of the 100 known supernova remnants in M33. A number of the ChASeM33 sources are spatially resolved, showing X-ray emission clearly extending beyond the size of the PSF. This includes several known SNRs and also some newly identified X-ray SNR candidates. We will report on the most interesting cases, and compare the optical and X-ray data for a number of these. Support for this work was provided by NASA through Chandra Award Number G06-7073A and contract NAS8-03060.
Kajal Ghosh (USRA, NASA/MSFC/NSSTC) , Carlos M Gutierrez de la Cruz (IAC, Spain), Sergei Fabrika (SAO, Russia),
We have initiated a program to identify the optical counterparts of Chandra and XMM-Newton sources, using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey database and our optical follow-up observations. We have detected Ultra-Luminous X-ray sources, which are brighter than E+41 ergs/s in merging/interacting galaxies at redshifts up to 0.2. In addition, we have detected a varieties of objects: (i) optically faint, X-ray bright sources, (ii) X-ray bright, optically normal galaxies, (iii) different types of Active Galactic Nuclei (lost low luminosity AGNs, radio-loud and radio-quiet, narrow- and broad-line AGNs, Ultrasoft broad-emission-line quasars, X-ray weak AGNs, X-ray luminous BAL-QSOs, highly ionized BAL-QSOs, state transitions of AGNs), (iv) new groups and clusters of galaxies and (v) new gravitational lenses/Einstein Rings. Here we will present these results to demonstrate that exciting science can be carried out using the results of the proposed survey.
Dong-Woo Kim (cfa) , G. Fabbiano (cfa), M. Elvis (cfa), T. Aldcroft (cfa), H. Brunner (mpg), M. Brusa (mpg), N. Cappelluti (mpg), F. Civano (bo), A. Comastri (bo), A. Finoguenov (mpg), F. Fiore (inaf), A. Fruscione (cfa), R. Gilli (bo), T. Miyaji (cmu), S. Puccetti (asdc), C. Vignali (inaf), G. Zamorani (inaf), C. M. Carollo (ETH-Zurich), S. Lilly (ETH-Zurich), C. Scarlata (ETH-Zurich), P. Oesch (ETH-Zurich), M. Sargent (ETH-Zurich), R. Feldmann (ETH-Zurich)
We investigate the X-ray luminosity of a well-defined sample of early type galaxies as a function of redshift with Chandra COSMOS data (Elvis et al. 2006). We carefully select high-redshift elliptical galaxies, based on their morphology, optical color, and the Kormendy relation (Scarlata et al. 2007). By stacking X-ray data at the positions of elliptical galaxies after excluding possible AGNs, we find that the average LX / LB increases by a factor of 2 to z=0.4 (or lookback time of 5 Gyr), at a 3 sigma confidence level. This increase is slightly steeper than that expected from the previously determined (1+z)2.7, but still consistent within the error. We also discuss the X-ray luminosity and its evolution in S0, E+A, optically (less-) luminous galaxy samples.
Ralph Tuellmann (SAO) , T. J. Gaetz (SAO), P. P. Plucinsky (SAO), W. P. Blair (JHU), D. Breitschwerdt (Vienna University, Austria), M. A. de Avillez (University of Evora, Portugal), P. Ghavamian (JHU), K. S. Long (STSCI), T. Pannuti (SSC, Morehead State University)
In the framework of the Chandra ACIS Survey of M33 (ChASeM33, Plucinsky et al. 2008), we present new results of the first detailed X-ray analysis of the giant HII-region NGC604. Our deep (300ks) high resolution (2") ACIS-I X-ray images show highly structured emission covering 700f the full extent of NGC604. The bubbles and cavities in NGC604 are filled with hot X-ray emitting gas, as evidenced by a morphological comparison of X-ray, FUV, optical, and FIR emission. X-ray spectra, extracted from the images, provide the first reliable constraints on electron densities, filling factors, gas temperatures, and ionized gas masses for the main bubbles and cavities. It is generally believed that NGC604 is a wind blown bubble powered by 200 OB/WR-stars in its center. The observed X-ray luminosity of 1.1x10E36 erg/s is most likely caused by a shocked stellar wind and is consistent with the above assumption. Moreover, the derived X-ray gas mass of 1500 can be readily explained by heavy mass loss from the central stars. Finally, we investigated the evolution of NGC604 for the case that the first generation of massive stars ended their lifes within a short period of time as SNe. A comparison with current superbubble models implies that NGC604 will be the origin of a superbubble, breaking out into the halo. Currently, M33 does not fulfill the empirical criteria to also form a multi-phase gaseous halo. However, the expected energy input should push M33 over the threshold to form such structures which are well known for late-type edge-on spirals with enhanced star formation. This work was supported by NASA Chandra award number GO6-7073A.