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Last modified: 21 September 2006
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Frequently Asked Questions

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page is a place where users can find answers to the most common Sherpa questions. The CXC Helpdesk also has a searchable database, where users can look through all public Helpdesk questions.


Recording Output

  1. Is there a way to capture all the screen output from Sherpa?

Case Sensitivity

  1. Why are some Sherpa commands case-sensitive, while others aren't?

S-Lang commands

  1. How can I control whether Sherpa or S-Lang interprets a command?

Models & Parameters

Linking Multiple Model Parameters

  1. When fitting two spectra simultaneously, is there a way to vary one model, but keep the ratio of normalizations between different models the same?

Parameter Ranges

  1. How do I change parameter minimum and maximum range limits?

Parameter Estimation

  1. How do I restore the default values of the parameters used to configure each Sherpa parameter-estimation method?


Sherpa vs. XSPEC

  1. Why do my fit results from Sherpa and XSPEC differ by so much?
  2. How is error handling done in Sherpa as opposed to XSPEC?


  1. Why doesn't Sherpa fit my PHA spectra?

Model Parameters

  1. Why didn't the value of my thawed parameters change in the fit?
    How is this different than just freezing that parameter?



  1. Why doesn't Sherpa plot in energy scale, even if I enter "PLOTX 2 ENERGY"?
  2. How do I make a log-log plot?
    How do I return to linear axes?

Error Calculation


  1. How can I determine the uncertainty in a flux measurement?


  1. What does this warning mean?
    WARNING: upper projection bound not found for (parameter name)

User Models


  1. My user model worked in CIAO 2.3. Why won't it work in CIAO 3?
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 21 September 2006

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