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Last modified: 11 December 2007

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/sherpa3.4/releasenotes/index.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter

Sherpa Release Notes

[New] (29 Jan 2007) CIAO 3.4 for Mac OS X 10.4 on Intel has been patched to

  • The CIAO patch makes it possible to run all tools and applications (e.g. Sherpa and ChIPS) in CIAO 3.4 under Mac OS X 10.4 on Intel. Intel Mac users do not need to install the CIAO 3.4.1 patch; the CIAO patch file is a direct upgrade to CIAO 3.4.

    The CIAO software for Intel runs under Apple's Rosetta software, which is included in Mac OS X for Intel machines.

    There are some performance test results of running CIAO on Intel Mac under Rosetta in the CIAO release notes.

Sherpa: using exposure maps when fitting image data

  • The Sherpa fexpmap2d command does not work under Mac OS X 10.4 on PowerPC or Intel.

    To load an exposure map for use in image fitting, use the gridmodel model in its place:

      source = <source expression> * thename

    This is equivalent to the fexpmap2d syntax:

      source = <source expression>
      instrument = thename

Sherpa: user models

  • The Sherpa user-model package (sherpa_user.tar.gz) has been updated to support the CIAO release. The OS X Makefiles have been changed to allow building on Intel Mac systems.

There was no development done on Sherpa for CIAO 3.4. The CIAO release notes contain a complete listing of changes made in this release.

Release notes for previous versions of CIAO and Sherpa are available from the CIAO Version History.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 11 December 2007

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